Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1474: Game and Check and Balance

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From Oriental Village to Elemental Capital, depending on Xiaotiantian's flying ability, this time is about a day.

Seeing Sandro's mental perception ability fully open, predict in advance and flexibly avoid various risks.

Xu Zhi felt that the child could not be recovered for the time being.

As for Sandro's coquettish position, it was difficult to locate here, and then flew directly to the destination to find Little Phoenix Film.

At least it will be possible for Sandro to settle down and find the other party.

Of course, Xiaotian didn't want to find a child.

The big-hearted Phoenix lord figured out where his child was, and he was content, and flew to help other Phoenix lords.

If she is lucky, she may still catch a mantis lord who is not so lucky.

The Nether Raiders turned into a battle for ruins in the capital of elements, and Somra and Hexis looked at each other.

Relying on the eyes of the sage and the window of the sage, the two found the weakest place in the space.

But in the face of a large number of mantis lords, and there are higher-order mantis monarchs, even if the two restore their original strength, they will be palpitated.

It's a lot of trouble, but they can at least borrow from the Phoenix team.

"Now the problem has shifted, we are not unable to lower the boundary, but we lack the ability to lower the boundary," Hexis said.

"Can I really study the magic of the death department like a lich?"

Somra thought about it, and his magic idea has formed the inherent idea of ​​violently fighting magic. This line is not good.

Even with the guidance of Hexis, he is hardly a master of death magic.

The only magic weapon in death magic that has great lethal power is the fifth-order magic of the hand of death, which cannot be learned until the master stage.

If you don’t become a master, death magic will be empty in the elemental world.

The adaptability of natural magic in the elemental world is even worse.

Without the ability to summon, this magic faction based on summoning is almost abolished.

It is the embarrassment of the powerful immortal such as Hexis in the elemental world. Now he has to learn the scroll of dragon power provided by San Theo, hoping to play some auxiliary functions.

Whether it is to assist Xu Zhi, or to assist members of the Phoenix family, this magic is a very powerful killer.

And myself.

Somra looked at Xu Zhi.

His second owner is already trying his best.

Not only did his strength skyrocket, he almost had Tanan’s momentum that year, but the materials and treasures he got from the lower realm were so numerous that he continued to recover his early strength.

This is assisted by the miraculous role of Tanan's abandoned body, but it cannot be separated from Xu Zhi's domination.

He could no longer force Xu Zhi to work harder.

After all, the other party needs to practice in another world.

There are not many big druids who can summon Xu Zhi now. He is difficult to travel to the realm for ten days and a half months, and it is difficult to find a suitable inheritance of chaotic magic in just a few hours.

"Perhaps, we can borrow Sandro's power," Somrath said. "Andro should not want to be in such a place, and can cooperate once if the interests are the same."

"But this old lich is unpredictable. In case of relying on the artifact to fight back, then we have to take the bad luck. This may have to be guarded."

"There needs to be something to check and balance him, so that he has to cast a taboo, but not worry about the fall after the conspiracy to win."

As long as the praying mantis did not multiply to become unmanageable, nor developed a high-level civilization, and relied more on biological instincts to move, Somra believed that wisdom would eventually occupy the highlands.

The only thing they have to do is to unite, to unite all the powerful who can work.

As long as the trade-offs take place several times, these terrible insects will eventually be contained.

There may also be a war in the kingdom of Apollo in the lower realm.

Xu Zhi has told Xiaotiantian that if there is an Apollo war contract, no matter how attractive the contract is, the phoenix and the fairy dragon family should not be lowered.

If you can't use the power of elemental phoenix and fairy dragon, in addition to the phoenix and fairy dragon in the lower realm, the druid will try to summon the mantis.

There are only three options for summoning natural magic at the master level, and the druids have few options.

As long as the battle is fierce, this will most likely kill a group of mantis beasts.

This will also cause the casualties of Aberrode, but at the same time it will also allow many creatures in the elemental world to reduce the pressure on the mantis.

This is a game.

Not only the Shannon Kingdom and O'Reilly have calculations, Casa has an abacus to take advantage of the fire, and the elemental world has also begun to participate in this battle.

With the help of war, with all the power that can be drawn.

The ruins of the capital of elements must be attacked.

The elemental tides also need to be terminated and cannot continue.

"The second purple mantis has appeared."

Hexis pointed to the window of the sage. Among the ruins, the body of the mantis lord who first killed the white tiger lord had begun to emerge a faint purple.

The lavender appears on the green body, which is evolving towards the mantis monarch.

Perhaps it is the benefits of killing and devouring the White Tiger Lord, or it may be that with the impact of this elemental tide, their abilities are constantly rising.

"If there are two mantis lords, who can check and balance."

The three people looked cautiously, and they all saw the seriousness of the problem from each other's eyes.

The elemental boundary at this moment is at a critical point.

They will participate in the power of the Phoenix strength of the Mantis family is also increasing.

There is a contest of top strength, but also wisdom to buffer.

The balance among them is difficult to control.

"We must participate in the next elemental tide event, regardless of success or failure, we need to help."

"This is a battle of survival, and we need to call on all creatures that can resist the harm of elemental tides."

"We have to rely on ourselves, don't get killed in the melee."

Somra, who didn't have much interest in low-level foreign objects, began to pull up Shanghai Hexis. In addition to discussing magic with each other, they were also picking up Xu Zhi's rare treasures.


Xu Zhi originally thought about the success of Hexius' deceit, and the world settled down, but more things appeared.

Even the elemental world is inevitable.

The tranquility of the past elemental world, but their vision is not far enough to see the truth.

The battle never stopped.

Whether it is the lower realm, or the elemental world, or even the real world.

Everywhere there is the law of the jungle, fighting endlessly.

On the portal, San Theo's contract shone.

The contract of the agency of San Theo: Don’t be so anxious to urge debts. I’ve been working hard to get the fruit of the life tree. Fifteen, I finally got all fifteen. You must divide my five shells. , I want to repay the four debts of Ruiou, and I want to keep a bodyguard. In the next three days, I still have a good thing to tell you. (Countdown to the contract: seventy-one hours and thirty-five minutes)

Contract: Life Tree Fruit x15.

Xu Zhi looked at the contract for a long time, but did not reach out to touch it.

The price of the game in the elemental world is Apollo, the kingdom of elves.

As the initiator of this wave of action in the elemental world, he has a trace of guilt in his heart, but in order to survive in the future, they must seek to borrow.

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