Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1475: Aretha in the Moon Valley

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The meandering Doro River, from thousands of years of snow and ice to a trickle, from the curtain curtain waterfall to the torrential river, from the Moon Moon Canyon to the city of waterfalls.

Set against the snowy mountains, glaciers and the lush green forest, the Moon Moon Canyon seems to have split a crack with a giant axe.

This is a fissure formed by an earthquake tens of thousands of years ago. After a long period of rain, the river has formed a bond.

Walking in the gorge, overlooking the hilltops standing far away, you can only see the afterglow of the setting sun.

The moonlight at night is difficult to illuminate the bottom of the canyon, which also formed the origin of the name of the Moon Moon Canyon.

Standing in the canyon, Xu Zhi felt the coolness of the river wind and listened to the sound of gurgling water. At this time, it was difficult for him to appreciate the magnificence and exquisiteness of the two banks at this time.

His mood was contradictory and somewhat joyous.

After all, San Theo ran into this gorge and took him to the retreat of the cheap archery instructor Aretha in his early years.

At this moment, the mentor was directing the two elves to shoot arrows from a distance.

Just like he taught him back then, Aretha adopted a hard-working routine, constantly dialing and shooting.

Compared to when he was taught basic archery, the skills taught at this time were undoubtedly higher.

Find weak parts for lethal shooting, use the wind, use the water potential, and borrow natural conditions to turn the obstacles to shooting into boosters.

He even asked the two elves to shoot each other to exercise their ability to reflect.

"Is he really your master?" San Theo questioned.

"That is required."

Xu Zhi nodded, and people must support him if he doesn't recognize him. The ghost knows whether Aretha still remembers a jungle goblin he met a few years ago.

His image was completely different from that time, and it was difficult to recognize it.

In any case, Xianba has a relationship with each other, just find an excuse to look at "Arisa's Archery Skills Guide".

In just a few seconds, he can complete the study of archery.

"I heard you are bankrupt?"

Xu Zhi's lower bound is a bit early, and Aretha's guidance is not over yet.

There is a conflict in his heart, which makes him a little embarrassed when facing San Theo, so he can only find fault.

It's all right to pick up on San Theo's sad things, and this kind of thing distracts the fastest.


Hearing Xu Zhi's words, San Theo sighed for a long time, his eyes were lonely.

The riches came too fast, like a tornado, but after this richness, they also carried chicken feathers everywhere.

Without controlling his mouth, everyone in the City of Rain knew that the high priest San Theo was rich.

The city owner Geralt expressed his polite expression of the City of Rain's desire to build a three-tier city wall, hoping that the high priest would support it.

Nothing says, for the city to be better, it must be supported.

With a million wealth, 100,000 gold coins can support.

Immediately afterwards was the dean of the College of Forests and Grasslands, Ji Yi, the great Druid hoped that San Theo could support the education of the Rain City.

Nothing says that for future generations, this must be supported.

One hundred thousand gold coins were floated again.

Next, the poor high druids from all walks of life came to the door.

While others asked San Theo to borrow money, he had to go to the fairies to collect the fruits of the tree of life.

There is no way to refuse such mutual requests.

"So, apart from doing charity, did you borrow all your money?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Yes," San Theo nodded and said: "In the end, I had to issue a bankruptcy statement to prove that I really had nothing left, and then I got out."

"There are still many people who don't believe in this statement, thinking where I still have a lot of money."

There is boundless annoyance between San Theo, and this kind of quick money comes quickly, and nothing quickly.

Gained the gratitude of some people and also gained the doubt of some people.

Other than that, he left nothing.

Not even a debt.

The money he borrowed seemed to be like Xu Zhi's original loan of 100,000 gold coins.

Now he has to face the problem of delivery of the fruit of the life tree.

After several months of tossing around, San Theo felt that he was doing white work,

"Sirre, do you think there is any way for us to make quick money, and my heart is bleeding when I think of the wealth that I once had a million."

"I haven't been able to sleep for a while. This feeling of being rich and poor is too uncomfortable."

"Unless my one million is recovered, my heart can be at peace."

The way to make quick money is focused on the law. If you want to make quick money normally, Xu Zhi has no way.

His money in this world is mainly derived from the two thighs in the lower realm.

One is Mister Barma, who is good at doing business, and the other is Elita, a virgin who betrayed the light of the Holy See.

The former is good at using money to make money, while the latter is the foundation for possessing the poor wealth of the Holy See, which will endure in a hurry.

San Theo seems to be even worse than Master Qiantong.

Qiantong is unlucky.

San Theo has too many friends who lack money, and he is not good at covering up and refusing.

Not to mention one million, Xu Zhi felt that if he gave San Theo ten million, he would also be borrowed, but it was only a matter of time.

"Slowly accumulate the fruits of the tree of life. Your Majesty Ruiou will definitely buy it in the future, and you will still have 1.25 million for five more."

Xu Zhi's words of comfort made San Theo feel a lot better. Others could hardly turn over. He had at least the opportunity to turn over.

"I'm very happy when you say that, and I feel a lot happier."

San Theo murmured, feeling that he was still rich, not desperate.

The two men had some time to discuss the business of making money, and it was getting dark, and Aretha finally stopped.

In front of the ignited bonfire, there are grilled sweet potatoes grown in Aretha, this is the elves' dinner.

Aretha glanced at Xu Zhi's face non-stop, forgiving his eyes, he really didn't recognize the former apprentice.

There are too many things in his life, and time passes year after year. Who and who has been taught in the past cannot be remembered.

There are at least thousands of shooters he has taught, there are elves and humans. Apart from the few geniuses who make him look at him, he can't even remember the name.

But the other party was brought by the high priest San Theo, which made him rack his brains and recalled the famous archer in the rain city.

"Are you Rother? Or Esnan?"

"I'm the jungle goblin you taught at War University, the jungle goblin with the blood of archery from elven ancestors."

Being reminded by Xu Zhi, Aretha finally got a little impression.

It's just that the look in his eyes is unclear. The green skin in front of him is completely different from the green skin mixed in the barbarians.

This is where I went for surgery.

"You still recorded my situation in the book at that time, or would you take out that volume of "Arisa's Life Skills Guide to Archery" ~ recording."

Xu Zhi turned a ghost idea in his heart.

His relationship with Aretha is really not strong, just a meeting of two thousand gold coins.

Like an apprentice like him, how could Aretha admit it?

It is even more difficult to turn over the other party's old book.

Even the identity of San Theo cannot be forced.

"There is such a thing," Aretha nodded.

"You look through it, let's look through the books together."

"Since I remember, I don't have to go through it," Aretha refused. "That's really a magical thing, what are you doing for me?"

This is not a common sense.

What he came to do, of course, was to find skills in Aretha.

"I want to touch the book written by the instructor, and then stimulate the shooting bloodline again, with the ability of a master shooter."

"Hahaha, are you kidding? Talent is just the beginning. If you want to have the ability to be a master shooter, that is far from what talent can do."

"Even if you have the correct guidance, it will require years of practice, and only a hint of the ability to be a master shooter."

Aretha corrects Xu Zhi's illusions with impoliteness.

"Sir, squeak, you can open that kind of giant bow, the shooting ability should be very good," San Theo doubted: "I think you are much better at shooting than Lord Aretha."

"He can't shoot better than me," Aretha shook her head. "How can he be better than me, but he hasn't studied arrows for a few years."

"I don't believe you let me touch it. I feel better than you."

With the help of San Theo, Xu Zhi felt great, and his mouth was very loud.

"Touch it, I see if you can come up with a master shooter."

The card was finally played normally.

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