Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1488: Black goods

   There are obvious differences in dress styles between the western and eastern continents, especially the elemental creatures.

  Pitt glanced around, his eyes stayed on the four people for a while, and then twitched the whip vigorously.

   As long as no one calls him this shameful nickname, and does not make trouble in Rumport, he welcomes it.

  The sound of the half-orc hum gradually lowered, and only a sound came from the high building not far away.

   "Pete, come up and divide up the loot, it is just some stupid people who like to chew ears, it is not worth worrying about."

   "Tani commanded to speak, and I will spare you today."

   Pete pulled a whip fiercely, and then he closed his hand. Compared with a half-orc who chewed ears, Tani's loot division was obviously more important.

   "Thank you girl Pete for not killing" the nearly unconscious half-orc hummed.

   "I can go to you."

   Pete raised his high boots and kicked this stupid affluent orc far away, only to leave with a sullen expression.

   "They may be selling looted wealth, do you want to see if there are suitable items."

  Agriline pointed to the nearby tall building.

   "Wright Tavern."

   The name is inexplicable, reminding Xu Zhi of Yang Cun who likes the bleating half-sheep Wright. This is probably the name that the drunkards love, and it is used to name the tavern.

  The tavern is also a place for selling food. There is no delay in eating and watching the bustle.

   First arrived, this is also a place for people from other places to get information.

   There are many people who think the same way as Agrinel.

  With the voice of Tani Balff, the new commander of Rumport, many people in the inner city began to pour into the Wright tavern.

   The rather spacious pub instantly became crowded.

   "Premium rum, one metal coin, top grade rum veal, one ten gold coin."

   The cost of having a seat in a pub is not small.

   The owner of the Wright Tavern found a new backer, and the price of the black heart rose today.

  The price of wine and food has been increased tenfold, so that the pub also presents a distinct class.

  People who are genuinely sincere in buying black goods have already begun to buy seat fees, while some just hold a look and look around.

   There is also a special kind of rare existence such as Xu Zhi and others. Eating and watching lively coexist, and there is a possibility of picking up some if there is a leak.

  The rich lady who owns Elita, who has discounted many gold tickets in advance, doesn't care about this kind of expense. Moreover, she is now an immortal and it is convenient to store wealth in space.

   The rich woman also deliberately held a gold coin in front of Xu Zhi, and completely died Xu Zhi's thoughts of being an heir.

   "I still don't want gold coins."

  Mr. Xu whispered, and the dark priest, who was a little proud, instantly sighed.

   is a good job to get the sky gold coins for the skywalk, but the plague magic is neither enemy nor self, nor good or bad killing methods, which makes Elita a headache.

   It is possible to kill the opponents to obtain Void Gold, but the indiscriminate killing of innocent people seems to cause some unpredictable things, such as making the Void Gold acquisition rate extremely low, or no gain.

   She obviously prefers this kind of direct transaction to the jifeigou jump to kill.

   "How much do you have, I can give you half of your wealth" Elita tentatively cried.

   is a local tyrant in the lower realm, but Xu Zhi seems to be a rich man in the void. If he can match each other in a balanced way, Elita feels that it is beneficial to everyone to take the required methods.

   "How many goods I can sell you depends on how many goods you have in the void, you need to bet to determine whether you win or lose. Of course, if you can provide content that I like, maybe support rewards."

   For the first customer, Xu Zhi still explained the rules carefully.

   For various reasons that are difficult to explain, Xu Zhi pushed the difference between the Nether and Elemental creatures.

  Just by collecting a few gambler cards, Xu Zhi can transfer money by calling Elita’s real name.

   It's too easy to lose mutual answers.

   As for the reward rules, he only passively accepted the reward. Whether he can take the initiative to reward, he has to try it.

   Except for props, there is no middleman to close the price difference. The rich woman is still very satisfied with the exchange rate of the void and real gold coins of one to one hundred.

  If you want to kill those evil pirates for Skywalk, there are few special big fishes, and it is difficult to get this amount if you kill two or three thousand people.

  When the two whispered, some of the pirate guards in Rum Harbor had already started to drive people away.

   Only need to leave real bidders in the tavern, there is no need to coax and watch the lively people.

   This kind of rule is different from the rules of the past bright shoots, which makes some people who want to resell information unwilling to get up and make a great noise from time to time.

   "Rumport is mine now, and I must obey my rules here, don't think I don't know what you want to do behind your back."

   "Whoever dares to grab the goods of these bidders within the scope of the lost strait, then this pirate spot does not need to exist."

  A woman in a white dress with lantern sleeves walked slowly down the second floor of the pub.

   Black pants and long hair in white, compared to the back killer girl Pete, this is a real young woman.

  The current pirate command in Rumport.

  Tani Balff.

   Jiao's good face, a pair of eyes with yellow pupils shone coldly, and she took a deep look at the troubled crowd in the tavern.

   She spoke slowly, but the words were strong enough, and her voice quickly subsided.

   sent out his message to let the pirates nearby to obey her rules, but also gave this batch of bidders a peace of mind.

  At least within her jurisdiction, no one dared to move the goods she sold.

  This relieved some people, especially the local indigenous people.

   They came to the pub to participate in the auction is to show their loyalty, spend money to buy a safe, if you can keep the goods, this is Tani Balf is sending a spree.

  The price of black goods is not too high, leaving enough profit space.

   As long as it can be safely shipped out, it can be sold three to five times, ten times, or even higher prices.

  Some businessmen who lick blood at the edge of their blades especially like to do this kind of business, and they are no exception.

  Indigenous people have enough contacts to sell goods to countries in the mainland, and they can also turn profits out.

   "Time is a little tight, quick shots and fast sales, we have to remove some dirty things in this sea area."

  Tani Balf nodded at the transvestite man above, and Pete immediately stood up.

   "Under the order of the commander-in-chief of Tani Balf, I want to participate in the auction of the labor income, I hope everyone will actively participate in it, quote carefully, quote good prices, and quote high prices."

   Pete's eyes also swept over this group of people preparing to participate in the auction.

   This is an outrageous demand that everyone should not bid too low, singing one at a time, red face and white face singing alternately.

  Tani Balff's words comforted the indigenous people, and Pete's words made the people participating in the auction nervous.

"The dead man of Akto likes to gamble, and collects some small props. Forty-three sets of gambler's cards, there are still nine sets, and I am lazy. The goods are here. The starting price is 10,000 gold coins and the price is five. Ten thousand gold coins."

   Akto was the former leader of Rumport.

   After the war with Tani Balv, the leader took a very peaceful life, leaving a lot of wealth to Tani Balv.

   Pete waved his A gloomy Medusa walked over with a wooden box.

   "Five thousand."

  Xu Zhi and Elita raised their hands at the same time. Doug Wugg touched his pocket, and the raised hand was silently put down again.

  Compared to the price of the treasures in the western continent, the pirates' black goods are simply cheap.

  Not to mention that the forty-three pairs are intact, as long as there are three or five pairs available, the price will not be lost.

   In the eyes of some people who like to play collection in Casa, if it is a rare gambler's card, it is not surprising to bid a pair of 50,000 gold coins to 80,000 gold coins.

   However, Xu Zhi and Elita apparently came from staring at the void gold coins and did not care about the rarity and complete set of gambler cards.

   The first transaction was a surprise.

   "I like people like you very much, I wish you a fortune, and there will be better babies next."

   Pete was clearly satisfied with the transaction price of the first auction item. The voice of the male duck's voice was very excited, but the item that was used to test the water sold the highest price, which made him full of confidence in the price of subsequent items.

   "Next is the 64 unique wives of the dead ghost Akto, packaged and sold together, with a starting price of 15,000 gold coins and a price of 80,000 gold coins."

   A group of peculiar-looking, round-chested half-orcs and tauren beauties pulled out, which made Xu Zhi, who was looking forward to it, lose his hope.

   Some half-orcs looked overjoyed and bid up.

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