Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1489: Old world tauren

   Wright's tavern auction includes many black goods.

   involves treasures, including slaves, and even land, houses, food, food, alcohol and other sundries.

   Various items were presented one after another, which opened Xu Zhi's eyes.

   In the eyes of the pirates, as long as they can be used to sell money, all items can be sold at a discount.

   is good at sailing and looting.

  In addition to this, the pirates have nothing to do, everything needs to go through the way to buy. First launch https://https://

   But Tani Balff sold too thoroughly, and almost all the wealth was converted into gold coins, which was a surprise.

   is that the voice of the first mate Pete seems a little dull.

   He did not know that there were so many items written on the sticky note.

  No one knows what the female leader meant. Is this to give up Rumport, or there are other reasons.

   If it is the former, it is not a good thing for the local indigenous people.

   Without strong force to maintain order in Rumport, life will become unstable.

  If someone wins the ultimate ownership of Rumport, the female leader will come back and bleed again.

   Akdo's lesson in front of him is in front of his eyes, and everyone's minds look murky.

  After the auction, there was some depression in the low atmosphere.

"The next is five pieces of magic parchment, all kinds of lightning, fireball, and magic arrows are made of good materials, and they have been stored for a long time. Those who are interested in developing chaotic magic should not miss this opportunity. The starting price is 10,000. Gold coins, a price of 50,000 gold coins." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Pete's sales of this item made Xu Zhi instantly refreshed. People in the chaotic zone like to practice chaotic magic, but it is not uncommon to sell magic parchment directly.

   No other magic parchment can hold it. Lightning is the magic that Somra has been talking about for a long time.

   Hexis has limited development in chaotic magic, which makes Somra lack reference and contrast and can only rely on self-exploration.

   Without enough guidance, Somra's lightning release becomes extremely difficult. Not only is it extremely expensive to consume magic, but also very low power.

  It is much simpler to learn with reference to the regular magic parchment. Xu Zhi raised his hand without hesitation.

   "Five Thousand"

   encountered the necessary items, he did not care about the price.

  The wealth of the elemental world can support his expenses, and now has reached a million gold coin agreement with Elita, there is no problem in money.

  As long as Elita continues to die, his wealth will continue to flow.

"and many more"

  Xu Zhizheng wanted Elita to pay for money, and not far away a tauren in a thick cloth robe stood up.

   "Young people, you are not in compliance with the bid, don't you give others a chance?"

   is directly the top price, Xu Zhi did not give any other people any chance.

  Gambler's card is just some props treasures for playing, and it is the beginning of the auspicious, no one objected.

  Xu Zhi et al. did not sell in the next auction, some people even thought they were arranged childcare.

   Perhaps, it’s time for the atmosphere again.

   A dull auction requires a little stimulation.

   But not only did Xu Zhi see the magic parchment, but the tauren also saw the magic parchment. At this moment, he seemed to have some depression. Why did he choose the items he needed to support the atmosphere.

  There were two bids in the entire auction, all of which were shot by the green-skinned people.

   Tauren retorted it is not surprising.

   "My bid is out of order?"

   looked straight at Pete with blond hair and double ponytails. At this moment, Pete shrugged his eyes and saw a bit of arguing in his eyes.

  No matter how clean the goods looted in Rumport are, it is a good thing for someone to pay a high price.

   "Why don't you comply with the rules? Whoever says that they don't meet the rules will tell me a rule, and the first officer of Rumport will be for you."

   Pete smiled yinfully. His words seemed to mean something. Some people with careful thoughts instantly withdrew their minds and made the tauren groan and had to sit down.

   "As long as there is money, the rules are met, and if there is no money, the rules are not met. If you want a baby, you will pay a high price to avoid being robbed by others. The next..."

   Wright's black goods fair lasted more than an hour.

   The auction items are extremely messy, and there is no progressive mode. It is set to such as the finale items. What the pirates seem to get is what they sell.

  In addition to gambler cards and magic parchment, Xu Zhi also picked a batch of good-quality artworks and ancient paintings.

   These things are good to take gifts in the real world, it looks a bit of a sense of age.

   Items in this world can also be confused with relics. There is a two-point bonus to the concept of relics.

   Of course, the main reason is cheap.

   There are tens of thousands of tens of thousands of transactions, there are hundreds of gold coins art.

   Xu Zhile bought a bunch of supplies that the pirates looked like.

  Doug Wuger bought a cheap blacksmith shop, the barbarian felt that the pirates used too many weapons, he could easily do better.

  It was a rare time for them to rest before the killers of O'Reilly's chase.

  Rum Port is a seaport city. It is also convenient to wait for the schedule to travel to the eastern mainland, and it is also possible to return to the western mainland with a purse boat.

   It is not surprising that the three of them want to make a temporary stop in Rum Port.

   "I will sing bards next to the blacksmith's shop in the future, there must be a lot of people coming to see the fun."

  Agrina’s proper livelihood skill is singing, and she intends to spend time while studying the book of the leader of the Assassin’s Union in Spartz.

   "I can see a doctor."

  The sign of the blacksmith shop finally added a few words ‘There is a professional priest to heal’, which made Elita satisfied.

   The new shop opened, and the guests didn't arrive, and an unexpected guest came unexpectedly.

   Wright Tavern and Xu Zhi played the disputed tauren.

   "Do you hit the iron? I can build any weapon," Doug Wuger asked.

   "Do you want treatment? Professional priest treatment" Elita asked enthusiastically.

   "What series of bards you need to listen to, as long as you have money, you can order poems, I will sing any poems."

  Agriline pulled out the mandala and clanged an opening speech.

   "I don't play iron, I don't listen to songs, and my body is fine."

  The tauren opened the three-line refusal to prevent slaughter. When they saw the three of them looking ugly, they quickly said, "I'm here to talk to this gentleman for business."

   "Find me to talk about business?"

  Xu Zhi looked at the old cow, and knew the other party's plan in his heart. At the moment, he refused and said: "I have a role in those magic sold."

   "It doesn't matter if you don't sell" Tauren whispered: "Can you borrow me for a look, I'm willing to pay for it and watch it for at most an hour."

   "This is a new business" Xu Zhi smiled and said: "How much do you pay?"

   "How about a thousand gold coins, I just look at it, it will not damage the magic parchment."

   is very sincere and the price is sincere. I only need to find fifty such tauren. The cost of buying parchment can be paid back.

   "Don't you just want to take our stuff and run?" Agrienaire suspiciously.

  She walked a lot in rivers and lakes, and rarely encountered such good things. She never looked at the tauren up and down.

   "It takes a thousand gold coins to watch for an hour, maybe a big liar" Elita agreed.

   "Then I will hit his head with a hammer."

Doug Wuge looked at the Tauren with a bad face, the two immortals were present, and the remaining two were still a combination of magic and martial arts. There were very few defects, and they were more powerful than some immortals. This tauren tried to make trouble. occasion.

   "Do you know Jean and Shakert?"

"you are?"

  The tauren was suddenly surprised. When he looked up, he saw the opposite Xu Zhi's eyes glowing yellow. Everything on his body seemed to be seen through directly, and there was no more hiding.

  It takes only one hour to learn a few pieces of strange parchment, so is Somra.

   As long as there is information, re-learning the similar knowledge in the past is not much slower than his learning. This is the ability of the old world's top powers.


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