Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1497: Meeting point of 4 countries

The phoenix sounds and the sounds of the fairy dragons, and the white tiger lord roared, stepping out of the space.

In the center of the city, a sun wolf stretched its body against the sun, and suddenly turned into a giant of more than 30 meters in length.

Between the steps, the wolves were frightened, and they all burst out howling.

From the Phoenix monarch, to all levels of creature lords, to the commander, Yinying, elite, and even many adult ordinary high-level creatures are also coming together.

In the huge elven holy city, in the face of the creatures of all levels suddenly summoned, the area even seemed a little crowded.

Many advanced creatures that are good at flying have to hover in the sky.

As if suppressed to the extreme, the biggest explosion was ushered in at the moment.

The cheers of the elves in the holy city went from sporadic to screaming.

Many druids began to try to summon elemental creatures. The creatures that were extremely difficult to summon appeared in front of them within minutes.

This scene made them incredible.

As long as the contracted creatures are willing to go down, a top Druid is almost equivalent to five opponents of the same rank.

The delay of contract summoning is extremely high, but when this delay is removed, it is only an instant, and the druids who rely on contract creatures are almost the masters of the same order.

Restricting the druids, only the number of contracts that can be summoned and the scope of contract influence.

This is a whole continent of elemental continents assisting the druids, almost equivalent to the temporary merger of the strength of two large countries.

"God bless our jungle, now the whole army now"

In the center of the holy city came the extremely distant voice of the elven king Irutan.

"Waiting for an order to launch a counterattack and drive out the aggressor."

Standing on the high wall built around the water in the holy city, Xu Zhi looked far into the distance.

There are seas of smoke and fire more than ten miles away, and countless legions are encamped, and dozens of giant catapults are slowly moving.

There are not only silhouettes of Xia Nong's elite infantry, archers, crusades, knights, clergy and clergy groups, but also shadows flap their wings and fly from time to time.

That's the transformed creatures transformed by Xia Nong fanatics, angels, almost the same rank as the dragons, with extremely powerful combat power.

Around the other direction of the holy city, there were black tents layered in layers, and it was faintly visible that there was a figure walking around, and quickly hidden into the cover.

The front of the position is a number of tauren legions, and there are half-orcs holding various small axes in the rear. The gray-green Medusa elite legions are few in number, the smallest proportion, but they are also the most daunting.

The fire monsters held the nightmare beast, standing with cold eyes behind them.

This is a melancholy melee object. The more you hit the other party, the more you hurt. Only the elf's bow and arrow can do the corresponding restraint.

But Xu Zhi was quite afraid of the two huge green dragon creatures in the European Legion of Aurelius.

This is a creature that can see the shape directly when you look at it, one big and one small, the big body is at least nearly 150 meters long, and the small one also has a body of 100 meters long.

The most massive sun wolf in the holy city stood like a puppy in front of each other.

"What is that dragon?"

Xu Zhi looked at the nearby San Theo who could play freely.

"Dragons, some people called Million Dragons, are powerful creatures from the rusty desert," San Theo paused and said: "The undisputed strongest creature on the surface, King Bollinger doesn't want to face this kind of creature hard. Fight, I can only thank the creator for not letting them learn to fly."

"So this is the dragon" Xu Zhi exclaimed.

He had listened to the news of Agrinel before, and the new king of O'Reilly was recognized by the dragon king. The dragon king's strength was extremely high, comparable to that of the black dragon king Orang Malassa.

With the assistance of the King of Dragons, Madikes can hold the throne even without relying on the Black Dragon.

The deterrent force brought by the dragon is too strong. Even without talking about power, such a huge body only needs to roll on the ground to crush a small legion.

Xu Zhi looked at the horned bow behind him. The arrow he shot would probably be equivalent to inserting a toothpick. This giant creature is afraid of death.

In order to sell well to the Druids of Apollo, this time the creatures that can communicate with the elemental world are almost all dispatched.

Xu Zhi had a hint of worry. He was originally engaged in praying mantises, and he shouldn't become his own.

"What about the mantis you summoned, like that kind of big bug and beast, have you summoned one or two purple mantises? I heard that the mantis is very fierce and will definitely be able to fight against the dragon."

"Not all mantises are green? How can there be purple mantises?" San Theo said: "Have you seen purple ones?"

After listening to San Theo, Xu Zhi's heart sank slightly.

Lord Mantis has no lower realm, no one can summon them, or they don't care about the benefits that the lower realm can get.

He carried a horn bow and a fire arrow to the lower realm not to kill many enemy troops remotely, but to make up for a giant mantis.

If there is a mantis monarch, he must try to hit the water by mistake. At least one arrow shot. He can know the other party's attributes, and he can clearly understand the ability and can make effective defenses.

In case there is a chance of killing, he does not mind the sudden rush to kill each other in the lower realm and many phoenixes.

"I've seen it once, it's flying faster, and you can fight against the Phoenix monarch. When will you be invincible?" Xu Zhi smiled.

"I'm still invincible, I have been killed once," San Theo murmured in a low voice: "If you choose Ji Yi instead of me this time, I am not satisfied with the opportunity of our Holy City Library."

"Satisfied, of course satisfied, but all of your contracts are strong, and a unified fighting style has been I won't join in the fun" Xu Zhidao said: "What's more, the contract position of His Excellency Ji Yi is still Not full yet."

"How do you know they will come together?" San Theo pointed to the five phoenixes flying not far away.

"This is a question that can be inferred by the same reason," Xu Zhi said seriously: "I feel like they should be watching the contract you sent, like me, but the impact of the elemental tidal storm prevents us from reaching the lower bound. We have many companions and future generations to look after. Once they are in the lower bounds, their safety cannot be guaranteed, but we are always thinking of giving you the greatest help. This mentality has been torturing us and making us very uncomfortable."

"I didn't expect you to suffer so much in the elemental world, and have always been concerned about our contractors in the lower realm." Ji Yi, who likes to play family cards, wiped two old tears and said: "I am still complaining about the small grass chicken in the lower realm, I The thought is really not Druid."

San Theo feels a little wrong, but so many powerful creatures in the Holy City are not fake.

If there is no barrier of elemental tides, perhaps the higher-order creatures of these elemental realms are assisted by sporadic lower realms.

The scattered power is far less powerful than reunion.

At this moment, Apollo was at the strongest moment.

It even has the strength to meet the two countries.

During the conversation, a little blue shadow in the west of the holy city showed that the densely floating air force regiment appeared in the sky.

Lamp God, mage.

With the rapid movement, Xu Zhi can even see the familiar figure with the crown in the front.

There are also twelve dragon-shaped machines on the ground stepping in the jungle.

It was a puppet dragon developed by the Casa Red Dwarves. It had a 15-meter-long, 8-meter-high figure, and the fastest giant mechanical unit on the ground.

"It is the Royal Mage Corps of Casa, and they are finally here," San Theo said happily.

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