Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1498: Before the war


In the holy city, Irutan's voice just fell, and the sound of the horn continued to echo, resounding through the sky.

The various flags on the city wall were constantly waving, and the sound of bows and arrows continued to flow.

The phalanx flying in the sky has taken shape.

Hundreds of phoenix groups, thousands of high-level griffin groups, and more than fifty fairy dragon groups that release chaotic magic from a distance are waiting in the rear.

Nearly one hundred thousand wolves on the ground screamed from time to time, and slowly walked with the Druid of the contracting wolf.

The two white tiger lords roared and walked ahead, behind them was a dense group of white tigers with no tail.

Outside the city gate, hundreds of **** dogs, dozens of ice monsters, and more than a dozen mantis beasts moved forward from time to time, sending out sounds of intimidation towards the surroundings.

As long as the contractors let go of the restrictions, they would strike as the ground's head.

"I'm the right commander of the Phoenix Regiment. After this victory, I will come back and recount."

San Theo nodded at Ji Yi and Xu Zhi and others, and the little Phoenix Nica hovering around nearby quickly took him up.

"It's a little worse to attack the Lai Fen maze. I don't have a Griffon position now. I can only do strike coordination. I will take you to a high point outside the city. It's good for archery. All of them are masters of archery. ."

Seeing Xu Zhi's strange vision sweeping, Ji Yi's old face turned red, and she began to look left and right.

"Lost official" Xu Zhi murmured.

"My wife is still serving in the Griffon Regiment." Ji Yi led the way, reluctantly turned back and retorted: "I am also honorable without being an official."

"Yes, your family is glorious."

Xu Zhi followed Ji Yi down the tower and began to trot towards the high point outside the city.

When the original battle of defending the city turned into a battle of counterattacks, all battles temporarily changed their form.

The battlefield will not be placed near the city gate. If you want to hit the battlefield, you must keep approaching, even the horn bow with a super long shooting range.

The strong atmosphere of war began to converge. Although he had seen many war scenes, Xu Zhi had to condense himself.

He has never participated in such a large battlefield.

According to Ji Yi's introduction, the Shannon Kingdom dispatched nearly 200,000 elite legions when they attacked Apollo. The number of Oriolisio is difficult to count. It is estimated to be between 120,000 and 150,000.

When the two countries jointly attacked Apollo, they were accompanied by constant losses and wounded.

But up to now, there are at least about 250,000 legions in these two parties.

This is far more than the number of elite elf warriors and druids in the Holy City.

As the creatures of the elemental world descended one after another, the gap in quantity and quality between the two sides slowly made up for it.

And at this time there is the assistance of the Royal Mage Corps of Casa.

The Casa Royal Mage Corps covers the human and lamp gods, and has only five thousand people in the system, but everyone in the system is an excellent division.

Elixir, poison, magic, manipulative doll.

It also has a puppet dragon sitting in town, which is the most powerful and capable army of Casa.

As the elves in the holy city moved, the mage of Casa in the distance began to chant.

A large number of instruments were continuously removed and assembled, and more than a thousand golden dolls with a height of more than three meters were quickly formed.

The lamp gods behind him waved their hands, and the number of the golden figures suddenly increased suddenly, and they immediately doubled up.

The Golden Army, the Illusion Army.

With the Lamp Gods, Casa's Mage Group is not afraid of melee combat and attrition, and no matter how many people die, they are only creatures built by magic.

With Rio's staff pointing, the phantom-shaped golden monsters began to take steps and ran quickly.

"Combat Ready"

"Upper Shield"

"Archer Preparation"

"Magic Guide"


Far away, Xu Zhi could hear the loud noises of the Xia Nong and O'Reilly's European Legion from thousands of kilometers away, which accelerated his pace.

In the battlefield of nearly 400,000 people in total, he was just a negligible drop of water.

On such occasions, the power of one person is weakened to an unimaginable level.

Before the formation of the legion is complete, even creatures such as the Phoenix monarch have to collide with the flying regiment in order to avoid being hit by fire.

Xu Zhi is no exception, with Ji Yi rushing to the nearby high ground.

This is a simple fortress barrier, about two miles away from the holy city.

This fortress used to be an outpost for spying, but now it has to be used as a shooting point for archers.

"Quickly, let's find a good place quickly."

In the fort, elves with gorgeous jewelry bows walked from time to time, watching the movements in the battlefield, and choosing their own suitable positions.

Unlike the scattering played by ordinary elf shooters, this is an extremely high-end long-range strike force.

It is necessary to deal with many high-level shooters of the Shannon shooter group, as well as to fight the Medusa legion in the Ourilisou array, and it is necessary to focus on the shooting of certain high-threat existences.

Specially responsible for tactical guidance, the guard officer waved his flag nervously from time to time, doing pre-war action guidance.

War cannot be separated from the strength of ordinary soldiers, but it is often the top wave of people who determines the balance of war.

This is true whether it is the summoning legion of the Grand Druids or the long-range shooter of the elves.

"That's Edward, our second-highest defender, pay attention to his command when shooting." Ji Yi nagged: "He has the sharpest eyes of Apollo, he can see through the battlefield. Remote suppression where necessary."

"No problem, I always pay attention to cooperation" Xu Zhi patted his chest and assured.

"Your bow shoots far, you can also play some personal characteristics."

Ji Yi looked at the horned bow behind Xu Zhi, and then looked at the fiery arrow that covered it.

In crowded places like the battlefield, blind shots can hit the enemy, not to mention the fire arrows with long-range coverage strike capability.

If Xu Zhi has the intention, as long as he shoots a complete arrow of fire, it will not be difficult to create hundreds of casualties under ten magical blows.

He thought about it, and his mind began to drift away again.

"No, no, how can individualism prevail in the legion, I must obey the command."

Xu Zhi looked at Ji Yi's small eyes, he suddenly understood the big druid's thoughts, but he hadn't been generous enough to consume the arrows of fire to help the lower realm fight for free.

This is the weapon he used to wipe the edge against the mantis lord and test the strength of the mantis lord.

If you can shoot twenty iron arrows with a horn bow, even if your merits are complete.

"Don't you, you can do some individualism, maybe you can hit their priest group with a large film."

"I'll do it if you get a rocket."

Xu Zhi returned to this big druid, and saw Ji Yi walk away sullenly.

He found a shooting gap, which could pull the bow far, and was also blocked by the bluestone of the fortress.

After thinking about it, Xu Zhi felt that it was still unsafe.

He can shoot at the enemy, and it is impossible for the enemy to miss this side, everyone is staring at this top kill.

The elven archers in the fortress may also face back with the same level.

A shield of heaven covered the body, and he released another precise magic to strengthen the ability of long-range strike.

Relying on the long-range inspection ability brought by the master-level reconnaissance, he can now see the four groups of forces closer and closer on the far battlefield.

"Woo woo woo"

The dull war horn sounded ~ ~ constantly urging the front row of combat personnel to sprint.

Suddenly, I saw the two dragons in the forefront of the European Legion of Oruris roaring at the sky, and the faucet instantaneously reversed the direction of preparing to rush towards the Apollo Legion.

"The Xia Nong tigers and wolves have grown up, raging flames, fooling the monarchy in the name of God, poisoning my king to cause internal chaos, this evil country should be punished!"

"Together these three countries, kill Xia Nong one general, bounty 100,000, Xia Nong handsome, million bounty, pope Ryan, knight!"

A blaze of flames rose into the sky, and then a thick magic sound spread through the battlefield.

In Oriolith's legion, the four fire elves quickly flew with a gold carpet.

A young man standing on the blanket dressed in a Chinese costume, wearing a crown, and holding a dragon-shaped injury staff, saw his right hand lifted and pointed in the direction of the Xia Nong Army three or four miles away.

"In the name of the Witch King Madikes, the staff is pointing, the dragon head is facing, and the Xia Nong Army is leveled."

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