Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1584: Second soldier

The battlefield engulfed by the soul is difficult to understand, but Talos seems to have failed.

The lower and lower screams finally subsided until there was no more Talos's voice.

Soul warfare is extremely dangerous. Even with good luck, the losing side will fall into the lack of soul and cause various problems. If it is a bit unlucky, it is soul annihilation.

Although Talos is an immortal, Xu Zhi does not know whether the other party still has a chance to be reborn at this time.

"Talos seems to be dead. Do we still need to break this holy weapon?" Ju Ziwen asked.

"Even if he died, the rapid growth of this tree did not stop," Liu Shengzong said: "We have not loosened the **** of Jianmu."

Looking at the gray luster that hovered like a ant at the bottom of the white flower sacrificial device, Liu Shengzongyuan couldn't help but tremble.

With Edney's explanation, he already understood what those were.

Each gray luster means the soul of a cultivator of Yinguo University.

These souls are bound in the tree of the world, far away for thousands of years.

With Edney's fire wall baking sacrificial objects and the promotion of the world tree consciousness, these souls are surging like rivers. With the blood of life quickly pouring into the mouth of the sacrificial object, it also impacts the soul body of Talos.

Liu Shengzongyuan does not know whether these souls still have their own consciousness, or whether they have become crazy consciousness bodies, or whether they are only food that is tucked into Talos' soul.

If there are not enough souls of the ancestors, perhaps those gray glosses may also include him.

Talos has a deep mind, and Edney is not bad, even the consciousness of this world tree.

Everyone is not a good person.

"Let it stop the promotion of the world tree and release my soul," Liu Shengzongyuan raised his sword and looked at Edney.

There is still no change in requirements, and even as long as a fair agreement can be reached, there is no need to fight these immortals.

The information of cultivation secrets is transparent and free to choose. This is what they want.

The relationship between Dongtian and the outside world must have changed, it is difficult to control the Ying Kingdom, and even the royal family may fall, but Liu Shengzongyuan hopes to achieve a peer-to-peer relationship.

Whether it is restricted to the world tree, owning "Undead Secret Technique", or becoming a free body, each has its own needs.

In the end, all are developing and can move forward.

Now that there is no strong Talos, Kabas to rely on, and weird Fuer, these lizardmen are gone, and only Edney, who is also a human, has to solve a lot of things.

"Small tree, are you still there?" Edney asked.

"Sir Edney, I can hear your words," the World Tree consciousness said slowly: "But I can't stop my promotion."

"How could it not be stopped, Talos only controlled the tree when your consciousness was not formed, and you should be able to stop after you take over," Edney exclaimed.

"I devoured a little bit of the King's thoughts, knowing that this is my only chance. There will be no step-by-step opportunity to evolve into a world tree in the future. I don't want to stop, nor can I stop."

Talos was impacted by many souls to explode, and Talos' world tree consciousness, which can never actively hurt, passively suffered some benefits.

He can even devour some remaining soul power like Talos at the moment.

This gave him some information.

For example, the precautions for forcibly promoting the world tree pseudo-god, also learned the powerful protection of the bite flower holy artifact.

Originally restricting him, the holy flower sacrificial device that trapped his consciousness became the best protective cover.

As long as the body is immortal, these people can't help him.

"The Holy King erased your mark, and now you can't limit me, the previous connection has also disappeared."

"You..." Edney was speechless for a moment, and her face became extremely ugly.

The voice of the world tree consciousness gradually subsided, and no longer responded, only the sound like the spring silkworm devouring the mulberry leaves.

"What should I do?" Ju Ziwen wriggled in his mouth, communicating silently with each other.

After five levels and six levels, one layer after another, this kind of struggle makes people extremely tired. They were helpless to the former Talos. At this time, they were even more helpless to the world tree consciousness.

Without Talos, the world tree consciousness no longer needs to resort to external forces.

Even if only the world tree conscious body needs to entrap this holy object into their bodies, they will find it difficult to find each other's traces.

"That conscious body is not attached to this gourd, but inside the ball" Yan Xuankong's eyes swept across the tree core and said in a deep voice: "We need to break that ball."

"The gourd is very difficult to destroy, but the tree core is not necessarily as hard as it is. Just by shaking, shaking, etc., through the dense roots of the gourd, we may be able to cause damage to it."

"But we have few opportunities, only one or two shots."

"Under the blow, it will inevitably flee back, and whatever sings will definitely not work."

The ability of the tree nucleus to withstand the blow, and how much power they transmit to the tree nucleus through the bite roots is something that is difficult for everyone to determine.

Everything is unknown, and there is only an answer after the blow.

It took only a few seconds for each other to communicate with each other and make eye contact. Liu Shengzongyuan's palm stretched out, and his palm was already purple.

Yan Xuankong is also a probing into the claws. The chrysanthemum text on the opposite side sings, and punches the roots of the nucleus-covered gourd covered with tree cores.

Three different forces were printed in tandem.

Shock, shake, burst.

Liu Shengzongyuan exhaled and shook his palm, and then pressed the root of the indestructible holy weapon.

The dull blow sound came, Yan Xuankong was already connected with a claw, and the claw was shaking with a force.

"Zi Wenyi finally made a punch in the back of the two.

The three shots were very sudden and the interval was extremely short.

The dull sound of the spring silkworm devouring the mulberry leaves suddenly became silent, and then there was an extremely angry roar.

"You strangers really are as Talos thought, only conquest is the best way to get along, this day will not be far away."

The consciousness of the world tree is full of anger, which makes the three of them suddenly look dignified.

In just an instant, the three people exchanged positions one after another, each attacking.

In the heart of the tree, countless thick tentacles poured out.

Unlike when the channel is squeezed, there are countless barbs on these tentacles, like thick thorns, which look daunting.

"It's running away."

The worst result appeared.

The wall of the tree turned, and the sacrificial plant of the human flower began to sink into the tree.


Liu Shengzongyuan resented with a knife, and the boundless wave of swords hit the bottom of the holy weapon.

An almost deafening harsh voice came, and his knife obviously did not take into account the weapon, and used his full strength.

Xu Zhi can see that the knife seems to have changed slightly.

Not his own baby, it doesn't hurt to use it. Liu Shengzongyuan obviously didn't care about his feelings as a weapon owner, and Xu Zhi felt like a knife.

But this is not the moment to consider the loss of weapons.

The Vulcan Sword that had been prepared suddenly came out of the sheath, and the magic flame instantly ignited.

Avoiding the aftermath of the impact of Liu Shengzong Yuan knife, Xu Zhi inserted the sword in the direction of escape from the bite flower holy weapon.

It seems that there is thunder thundering There is a thunderbolt, and there is roaring in the flame.

A very long screaming sounded, and the atrium of this tree in the world tree suddenly trembled.

"How can you have the Vulcan Sword?"

Edney's eyes on the sidelines widened instantly.

"Do you know this sword?"

A sword pierced into the body of the world tree, Xu Zhi also stirred hard, shattering the wood into coke.

"This is a secondary **** soldier cast like the doom blade of the artifact, which can burn the soul and break the undead."

"Unfortunately, its power is finally weaker."

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