Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1585: fertilizer

In the heart of the tree, countless thorns and tentacles surged, spreading their teeth and claws at the crowd.

It was cut several times in a row by the crowd, and a lot of tentacles were left in the heart of the tree, which was swallowed back by the wall of the tree from time to time.

The duration did not last long, and within a minute, everything became quiet again.

There are no Yin Yang people, no world tree consciousness, no bite flower holy artifact, no Talos.

As if returning to the beginning, the atrium of the tree is as tidy as everyone first entered, without any difference.

"Can this relic weapon defeat the tree?" Yan Xuankong asked.

He is no stranger to the Vulcan Sword. Xu Zhi had used this sword to do the gambling gold between Tuo Guhong and Jin Zhongze, but he never thought that there would be this effect in the ruins.

The magic flame that the sword body automatically diffuses is extremely strong, and it is completely different from the outside.

If there are some special beauty, the evaluation of this sword may be able to improve the grade.

"It's impossible, the grade of weapons is not enough," Xu Zhi said helplessly.

It is impossible to crush the bitter flower, and it is difficult to form a killing effect on the world tree. The power of the Vulcan Sword is at most to make the other party lose, and it is far from the killing effect.

Edney was very polite, but this is a bit weaker. The final effect is no different from a toothpick, which is similar to the effect of cutting Sandro.

"We still have such a good relic weapon, so we don't take it out early."

Ju Ziwen looked at the killing sword in his hand, and then looked at the fire **** sword in Xu Zhi's hand. Don't whisper there alone.

"I used to scare it once with this sword before, and it is likely to see this sword and run away again, you have no chance to shoot."

After explaining it, Xu Zhi whispered, "If I squander my anger on me, wouldn't I be very wrong?"

Unless the scene is out of control, his Vulcan sword will not be out of the sheath.

Of course, the usefulness is not strong. He is not a savior and has not changed to the situation.

At this time, the world tree consciousness will be even more worried about their place, and it is almost impossible to appear again.

"It's a pity," Liu Shengzongyuan shook his head and said: "That kind of tough things blocked our blows. Unless we tried hundreds of times with all our strength, only one point might break. We can't have this kind of time."

"The firmness of the tree core is just average, and the outer protection is indeed too strong. There is no one to three moments, and it is difficult to destroy it with such protection." Yan Xuankong also nodded.

"What should I do now? Wait to die?"

Ju Ziwen looked at Liu Shengzongyuan and Yan Xuankong. This place was headed by three people. The action and crackdown were also privately exchanged by the three people, but at this time they entered a dead end.

Even the enemy is out of reach, and the chrysanthemums are blacked out with one or two eyes.

"Think brainstorming," Liu Shengzongyuan said with a headache: "Look at what other people think."

"You must remove the support from that holy object, otherwise you will have no chance but to lose it," said Ju Ziwen.

"This opportunity is slim, no one knows where it is hidden" Yan Xuankong frowned.

This is still the case at the peak of the body. If the body goes downhill or even aging in a few hours, it is obviously more difficult at that time.

"Did you see something?"

Renhe Prince looked at Gu Yuxi nervously.

This woman, who is similar to Xu Zhi's excuse, just saw him once and didn't want to fortune-tell again, but now her eyes are gleaming frequently, and even a star ring appears, obviously she is also trying her best.

"Thirteen blanks, either you died, or I died." Gu Yuxi said palely: "In this situation, we may also die at the same time."

"I said that fortune-telling is very troublesome and often counts one dead."

After Gu Yuxi's fortune-telling, Ren He's face turned pale in an instant.

Gu Yuxi confirmed it once, he believed in metaphysics, but the result was very unfriendly.

Everything that happened in Dongtian and the actions he performed were very good, but the last step was gone.

Adhering to the principle of chopping grass and removing roots, he did not leave any troubles. Even if he was in a state of embarrassment, he did not hesitate to start with Talos.

But this world is different from the outside world.

The consequences of killing Talos are too serious.

At the moment of Talos's physical death, a nuclear button was also activated.

"Should I still sing?"

Yan Jinbai's voice was a little hoarse. After singing for so long, he was a little too hard and felt like a polyphonic player.

"It may not be useful, just try it."

Qian Tong shook his head and nodded again.

The situation faced at this time is completely different. The consciousness of the world tree no longer needs excuses, even if it is noisy, it is difficult to appear.

But people have to save some hope.

"Master Nobi, do you also express your opinion?"

Xu Zhi touched the cat's Guru Nobuo, who was next to Edney. The guru was scratching his head and basically had no comments or shots.

"My "Drunk Moon Mystery" has become a success, and now mystery is in operation, even you can perceive me?" Reduced to the small transparent Grandmaster Nosuke Bisuke.

It was not uncommon to be discovered by the Grand Master, and he was a little embarrassed by a young master practitioner.

"No need to perceive, this place is so big, you can see it directly, but it's a bit easy to ignore you in your heart."

"It turned out to be a factor in this small environment," Nobichi nodded and said, "Even if you can find it, it seems impossible to be overshadowed by Jianmu God, what should we do now?"

The subject asked in vain, and the poor people focused on Ednie for a moment.

"Talos is dead, and no one in this hole knows how to collect the Sacrificial Flower Hallows."

"If you want to break the core of the tree, you still need to shrink the holy weapon. Only by removing this hardest shell will there be a chance."

"It's contradictory, it's an endless loop."

Ednie looked at the crowd, her mood was constantly changing with what she saw, and her choices were constantly tending to outsiders.

At this time, she is not much different from other people. In the end, she only seeks normal survival, instead of turning into a pile of dead bones. After waiting for the world tree to become a false god, she pityed and resurrected her into a heroic **** kingdom creature. .

"The point of contact between the tree core and the gourd must be a broken point, but it is too difficult to think about the blow" Yan Yankong said.

"If I can find a focus, I will definitely be able to break through."

Among all the people, Liu Shengzongyuan had the strongest impact, holding the knife with two full blows in a row, and he had a rough grasp of this biting flower holy weapon.

There are no artifacts of the remnants, but the soldiers of the outside master are not parallels.

The cultivation systems of the two worlds are also different, and the play style is completely different. Edni’s endless cycle may not be really tied.

"Find out the weakness of that holy weapon and break this layer of protection of the tree core, then we may have a chance to live" Liu Shengzong said: "Maybe we can also use this to get rid of the shackles."

Straightened each other's relationship, and there is no conflict between lifting the shackles of Jianmu and preventing the promotion of the world tree.

It's obviously more appropriate to rely on Edney to recapture the stored soul fragments from Jianmu and kill the opponent. The final result is no different.

At this time everyone is tied to the same front, this is the moment they can leverage the most.

"But we still need to be able to seduce it out, but also find the location of the breaking point of the holy weapon."

"How to get it back?"

Yan Jinbai on the side was already humming "Song Hat Song" with weakness.

Whether it's useful or not, he sings first.

"Bee yeah that..."

Ju Ziwen thought for a while, and began to simulate female singing.

"Can you get fertilizer?"

Edney was silent for a moment, and finally looked at everyone.

"We have specific feeding methods for cultivating world trees and holy This is how we get close to it, and there may be opportunities to work."

Her request was a little abrupt, and Edney had to explain it.

But the requirements after the explanation seemed to be a bit difficult for the strongman. Everyone around was stunned, who could bring a bag of plant fertilizer into the cave.

"I used to grab a piece of a human flower sacrificial device. The plant with a little wisdom likes to nibble. I don't know if it likes to eat or not."

After a long time, Xu Zhi remembered the piece of fertilizer he had in the elemental world.

He hoped that the poisonous beeweed a and poisonous beeweed whistling at the gate of Dongfang Village would be polite.

Whether it is the world tree likes to eat, or the need to eat human flowers, it may bring an opportunity.

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