Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1708: Heilongdao

  Escape the direction of the dragon roar. When it was dark, everyone finally saw the direction of the land.


   "It's Black Dragon Island, and we have come to the kingdom of Ourius."


  Agriline looked at the huge island in the distance, and then looked in that direction, and could see countless colorful brilliance of spots.


   That is the lair of the black dragons, only the black dragon island can lay the dragon nest so luxurious.


  Unlike the ordinary black dragon to find a cave, Black Dragon Island has built the island into a huge palace.


   has the characteristics of human architecture, but each place is more than twenty times larger than human palaces.


  This makes Black Dragon Island very recognizable.


   was wanted by the Black Dragon King for several years, and everyone did not expect to come to this place by himself.


  Anyway, the people who have been drifting on the sea for a long time can no longer care about it.


   I spent a few months on the ship, and I saw a piece of land that was tempting enough to stand up.


  If they can find a cargo ship that goes to Heilongdao to transport supplies, they can take a boat back to the kingdom of Ourisio, and even go to the Western Continent.


   "Your Excellency, please protect us for a while, let us restore our fitness a little bit."


  The food provided by Xu Zhi is good and the water is adequate, but the trio can sleep well in a few days these days.


  Fight against waves, resist wind, and encounter some sea beasts...


   The journey from the eastern mainland to the western continent is endless. Every day, except for the sea or the sea, these days when they barely see their heads make them psychologically unbearable. The longer the time, the greater the pressure on them.


   "In the future, you will set up an immortal resurrection point in a hidden place on the mainland, and you will not be afraid of dying when you cross the ocean," Xu Zhi suggested.


   "Then we are too troublesome to run after we die," Doug Wug shook his head.


  The immortal resurrection point can be carried around, in a secret room, or somewhere hidden, involving factors such as secrecy, distance, convenience, and so on. Different periods have different needs. If they are in a wandering, this is an undecidable thing.


   casually said a few words, seeing that the sailboat started to dock, everyone jumped off the boat.


   calm and steady feeling came, which made the three of them almost want to cry.


   Alita, who was almost crazy, smiled like a spring flower, and her dull mood disappeared with the landing.


   From time to time, the low, roaring dragon roar on the Long Island did not affect everyone's joyful mood, stretching the body from time to time, and everyone's adaptability to land was rapidly increasing.


   "I feel a pair of eyes watching us in the dark."


  After a few minutes, the relieved Elita began to make a sound, her eyes swept from time to time, trying to find the secret voyeur.


   "Go around" Doug Wugh whispered: "Don't cause trouble in this place, we try to get rid of peepers."


   "There are a lot of people from the Ourilis O Kingdom who come here to learn the Dragon language and act as a messenger of communication." Agrienaire also looked around for a while before saying, "It may be a Dragon language who is good at sneaking. Be careful."


   "Sir, squeaky, did the King of the Black Dragon really have all his rights removed from O'Reilly?"


  At leisure, everyone also heard some news from Xu Zhi.


   was originally just over the ear to relieve boredom, but I did not expect to come to the kingdom of O'Reilly.


  If you want to survive, you must now know more about the western continent.


   Before the symptoms of deep-sea fears recovered, they didn't want to cross the sea to the east mainland.


   "It should be released," Xu Zhi said uncertainly.


  He just listened to someone shouting in the rust desert, whether it was implemented, and to what extent, this plot is not known.


   "It's just that we lifted Madikes' rights as the king of O'Reilly."


   In the dark sky, a dull voice rolled down.


   "Young people from afar, come to the Dragon Palace to talk."


   can send out such an invitation, the owner of the voice is not difficult to imagine, Agrienaire would like to hear another introduction from Xu Zhi's mouth, after all, Xu Zhi had heard the Black Dragon King's voice before.


   "In case you need to play a mandala for a thousand years, you can come to me to chat when you are bored."


   Just Xu Zhi didn't give her much comfort.


  'S words had just ended. Agrienale's complexion instantly turned pale, her body twisted, and she suddenly fell into the darkness.


   "You must have heard some of my thin names, but I won't hurt you, I just invite you to speak and speak, Onik, to pick up a few guests."


   The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the reputation of the Black Dragon King in the Western Continent is too great, the dead immortals continue to cast his prestige.


   just landed on Long Island and was stared at by this presence, which made several people look at each other.


   will definitely die in the fight, as long as you don't do it, you can talk.


  If someone forced them to perform for a long time, it would only be recognized. If you stay longer, you can always find a way to escape.


   For example, Xu Zhi secretly transferred their immortal deposits to somewhere, and then died, and fled to the eastern mainland again, or waiting for the opportunity to change the situation.


   As long as the Black Dragon King does not swallow them all, everything is easy to say.


"This also requires me to meet, why should they be given such a big courtesy, roar, dirty humans, barbarians, and that green elf, you dare to leave half footprints on me, I will swallow you ."


   The voice of the King of Black Dragon belongs to the auxiliary pronunciation of mental power, and the voice of Onick is pure dragon roar. If there is no level 6 dragon language, it is basically a roar.


  The roar was full of unwilling tone, but Onick's body was very honest.


  More than ten seconds later, a strong wind hit the air, and Onike, who was nearly 20 meters, fell heavily.


   She lifted her head, her huge eyes glanced at everyone, and the color of doubt flashed for a moment.


   "Reyes, call some dragons soon. I saw the guys who hit us. I remember their breath and I won't admit it."


  Onick shook her head for a few seconds, and when she yelled loudly, her body was already flying high, constantly patrolling everyone in the sky.


   The Black Dragon clan has always had revenge. In addition to the tauren who had eaten the bite, there was also a young man who was covering the screen. The remaining one was not lacking.


   is a rare loser. Onick is deeply impressed by everyone and remembers the events that took place in the Urudin Hills.


   "How did this dragon fly over and fly up again?" Doug Wugg said.


"It's malicious to us" Elita whispered Between her hands, a black cloak and a ring had been put on her body, and the life staff she was holding was firmly grasped. In the palm of your hand.


   "This is the dragon we played in the cave."


   Xu Zhi reminded him, which reminded the three of them suddenly, his face suddenly turned blue and white, and a fashion armor was taken out of the void, and all went up.


  When everyone watched the black dragon in the sky with vigilance, several magics began to spread.


   "I really want to fight, don't blame me for fleeing back to the elemental realm first, there are too many dragons on this island, this can't be prevented, I will miss you in the future."


   Xu Zhi, while quickly releasing auxiliary magic, also quickly sensed his special contract, preparing to crush the contract and return to the elemental world before entering the combat state.


He kills elite black dragons like Onick, but there are nearly one hundred black dragons on the Dragon Island, and there are black dragon kings like Orang Malassa, not far away. Xu Zhi felt that he would burn to ashes.


   "Onick, you are too disappointing me."


  The voice of Orang Malassa, the king of the black dragon, came, and a few black dragons flew back and forth and sat back in anxiety, and the black dragon princess Onick, who was pulling dragons around in the sky, also stopped his mouth.


  She fell to the ground muffled and her limbs began to bend slightly.

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