Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1709: Do you want to be king

In the huge dragon palace, there are dozens of black dragons creeping, and Xu Zhi's scalp is numb.


   Even if he is strong, there is a limit. The influence of the black dragons is much more palpable than ordinary people seeing dozens of viper.


   The gaze brought by Oran Marassa stayed on him for a long time.


  Xu Zhi didn't feel malicious in his mental fluctuations, so did Elita, who was the most sensitive.


  In addition to Onick’s extreme dissatisfaction, the dragon king’s son-in-law Reias was puzzled, and everything on the island was fine for the time being.


   Xu Zhi's signs of taking dragon blood also seemed to have been burnt by the pillar of fire, which led them to stand safely in the dragon palace.


   "Do you want to be king?"


  The upper part of the Dragon Palace, Orang Malazar, whose body was not bloated, opened his mouth.


   His eyes were fixed on everyone, which made everyone feel that they had been stripped away, and they were seen thoroughly by the other party.


   "Do you want to be king?"


   facing the crowd, Orang Malassa spoke again.


   "What kind of king? What will happen to the king? What will happen to the improper king?" Doug Wuge asked sternly.


   "The king is the king of O'Reilly" Orang Malassa said slowly: "When the king is naturally the king, now you have learned our thoughts, if you don't want to be the king, you will spend the rest of your life on Dragon Island."


"If you don't agree, there is only one day left for the rest of my life, and I will clean you up and make it a barbecue" Onyk next to him looked up and said, "Like the dozen little people who have been called before, they eat everything. Off."


   "Onick, don't let hate blind your eyes. In front of the survival of the Black Dragon family, that hatred is not worth mentioning."


  Xu Zhi thought deeply, after Madikes banned the identity of the Origuest beast, it seems that the black dragon king can no longer bear it and launched a counterattack.


  He is to support the puppet king and reset the order of O'Reilly.


  No matter how powerful it is, it is difficult for the Black Dragon to rule to a country. This is the survival experience of the long life of the Black Dragon family.


   There is no shortage of powerful dragons in the history to establish the country, but today, these dragons themselves have become a bubble, and even the descendants are not seen.


  Language, lifestyle, body type, they are too different from the mainstream groups in society today.


   They need rights, but they don't control the rights themselves.


   A shield is necessary.


   But at this time, the black dragon king also had some headaches.


  Although the coming person has some strength, this combination is not his ideal character.


  Puppet King is also king. Even if he is willing to support, he needs to have enough mentality and strength, rather than the collapse of a high-level waste.


   Strength and wrist are essential.


   Previously, those wastes could only be used as snacks. Not only did they lack strength, but it was useless to hear the exclamation to promote the king as a king. It was useless. The longer the time, the fewer the opportunities, and his choices were not much.


   seems to have recently seen that jungle fairy, elemental creature, doing countless.


  The reckless barbarian immortal, this race has always full of head muscles, suitable for becoming a general, but not suitable for becoming a king.


   is no exception for the royal family of the Northland. In terms of order, the Northland's order has always been the worst. The chaotic wars everywhere need to draw domestic contradictions outward.


  The rest are two women.


   One looked a little dull, and his head didn't seem to have much light, and a bird like a startled bow looked at him with anxiety and dragged the green skin.


   But if you can become an immortal, you will never be stupid anymore.


   is not as good as Spartz, not as good as Madikes, always usable.


   Pulled tall among the dwarfs, this had to go up.


  Hardly support a queen to help.


  Time is not waiting for people, they can't wait any longer.


   The other party seems to be a wanderer, and Aolang Marassa recognizes the ship type of the eastern continent.


  At Onik’s words, these people had lived in the western continent before, and drifted to the eastern continent, and now they are floating back, without involving various complicated relationships.


  Olangmarassa is very satisfied with this. At least he will not become the new king, and a lot of relatives will be poured out, or there will be a huge influence.


   He smelled of immortality. The strength of these people is not too bad. They should be able to cope with the violence of the Black Dragon clan, enough to deal with some of the turmoil that may occur in the early stage.


   "Are we kings or will we spend the rest of our lives on the island?"


  Agriline asked the other two people that it was difficult to get Onick's dragon language, so that she would spend the rest of her life on Black Dragon Island and be the king.


  Xu Zhi thinks this is a proposition. Being a king may be slower. If you don’t choose to be a king, it’s a dead end, and a barbecue will be made in a day.


   Madikes is not a good culprit, and there is bound to be a backlash if he dares to make troubles.


  As Orang Maratha considered, the wandering trio can become powerful mercenaries, rangers, and even characters like generals, but being a king is worse off.


  Not to be a Mingjun, but at least not to fall to the end.


  With Spartz's precedent, Agrienaire asked carefully.


   "If you don't choose either, will you die immediately?"


   "Must choose to be king" Elita whispered: "Only this road will be less likely to die."


  As a former saint, Elita knew too well what was going on.


   The more you know, the faster you die.


   Except for the protection, Xu Zhi who has the possibility to shuttle back to the elemental world, none of them can escape.


   "Then we will be kings, whatever you want us to be kings."


  Doug Wooger replied loudly to Oran Marassa.


   "It seems that you are all smart people and do not fear the Spartan royal family, which is very good."


  How to say, Madikes is also a direct descendant of Spartz. It is controversial to inherit the kingdom of Ourisio, but it is barely acceptable. Today, the Spartz family is almost centered on Madikes and does not rely on the Black Dragons.


  Once the Heilong tribe fosters a newcomer, they will inevitably be excluded, and the first thing they will deal with is the original family of Spartz.


   keeps tracing the cause of Spartz's death, but Olamarasa has been unable to continue tracing.


   At this moment, he has been wanted by Madikes.


   Without the protection of the kingdom forces, and not in the sparsely deserted like the king of the dragon, he wanted to carry the ethnic group to survive is a troublesome thing.


   "Go to Nima's Dragon Slaughter."


  Olangmarassa whispered in a low voice.


   Few people go to slaughter angels, demons, and phoenixes, but the dragon has become a well-known thing, which is related to their physical particularities.


  Strong body brings them strength, body is full of treasure, which attracts greedy people all the time.


   As a very wise dragon, after discussing with the ethnic group for a long time, he decided to support a new king.


   Madikes founded the country on the mainland, and the country of Thousand Islands belongs to him.


   "Reyas, since they are willing to become kings, what should we do next, so that they can truly become kings of O'Reilly, you will repeat those rules."


  Olangmarassa looked at his son-in-law.


   This is a black dragon with great potential and wisdom. Although his strength is a little weak, the rare wisdom of the dragon clan makes him look different. At least he can restrain his willful daughter.


"It's not difficult to be a king," the black dragon in the distance replied: "As long as we carry the banner of somebody's name by mouth, and propagate them to those foolish human beings, it is destiny that our reputation in this land is enough for them to be The public accepts."


"Propaganda is the first second step is to let the new king preach Madikes' evil, not only to start from the war, but also to cry against him to take O'Reilly's army and wealth. Without returning any wealth of war."


   "And the third step is that we must seize the hearts of all classes by lowering taxes and reducing penalties, as long as they compare with the era of Madikes rule, they can support us more."


   "Madikos will become a rebel thief, and we are the most orthodox kingdom of Aurelius."


   "We can also flow some common gems that are not needed to the mainland and exchange various materials..."


   "I will study the rules later to ensure that the implementation is in place and succeeds once."


  Reas talked eloquently, and the suggestions made Olamarasa nod.


   This is much better than the thoughts turning in his head.


   For Oran Marassa, his past experience was only killing, killing all dissidents, until no one rebelled.


   But it is obviously not suitable for that method.


   "Of course, it is best for us to verify their abilities, which will allow me to tailor a suitable publicity plan for them," Reias said.


   "Uh huh" Orang Marassa nodded, his head turned to the trio and said: "You can rest assured that becoming a king is not difficult, first of all, we will carry a banner of your name..."

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