Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1713: Xing Huang meets

   As a third party, the Ying nationality was the one who was involved in the slap in Nan'ao and Dongyue.


  Hongdao Beidao smiled, while Liu Shengzongyuan and Ju Ziwenyi on the side were extremely serious.


  Although they usually claim to be the Fifth Reich, the country claims that it can be tied with the four countries of Dongyue, Nanao, Northern Xinjiang, and Xiuliu, but when they really stand together, their pressure is not small.


  From the level of cultivators, you can basically understand the comparison of the combat power of various countries.


  Although there are hot weapons, in the real fight, the strength of the practitioners is still indispensable, even as the main body of the modern combat legion.


   Cultivators are unlikely to give hot weapons many opportunities to play.


   Unless it is a large-scale blast, or stray bullets and ambush, it is difficult to shoot to masters and above cultivators.


  Xing Huang Fortress.


  Nine Australian Grandmasters came together, and Dongyue also had five Grandmasters here.


  When everyone introduced each other, Liu Shengzongyuan and Ju Ziwen had to give a smile.


  The purpose at this time is to assist South Australia to develop the secret technique of killing and jumping, but this is what they do about the Chinese.


  Ying country is an island country, and it does not border South Australia at all, and it is not possible to swim and swim to Ying country.


   This makes no sense.


   should not pull them into the water.


   This trip is dedicated to the study of occult techniques. For the Chinese who rely heavily on occult techniques, more or less will reveal some details.


   are great cultivators who are close to each other. Once they have been involved in long-term discussions, they can’t hide from it.


   "South Australia is in danger of a catastrophe, Wei Yang would like to thank you for your appreciation of the face. If you can develop a method of restraint and jumping, a thin gift will be delivered to you."


   As the head of the Grand Master of South Australia, Wen Shengwei's words made Liu Shengzongyuan and Ju Ziwen a lot more comfortable.


  He also frequently gestured to Dongyue's grand masters.


  Wen Renweiyang has other potential meanings, but Song Zhongkai's low attitude makes him comfortable.


   "Boy, meet again."


   Qingchuan Shenhuo was the first grandmaster to speak to Xu Zhi. His eyes were a little sharp and hot, as if he wanted to see Xu Zhi through and refine the ability to kill and jump.


   "Master Qingchuan."


  Xu Zhi did a little salute. He was so confused among the Grand Masters that he faced the occasion where 16 Grand Masters gathered, so he was not afraid.


   At this time, the Xing Huang fortress entered the state of emergency alert, several giant artillery was loaded, and many legions were standing by.


   As long as there is no trouble, everything will be fine.


   mixed in the aftermath of the Grand Masters, he is not much different from the Uyabagula of the year.


   The research in this trip will definitely cooperate quite well.


   "I heard that your ability is not a talent for singing, but an ability to simulate the abilities in the ruins?" Harukawa said suspiciously: "Like the Kitajima family?"


  The abilities of Harukawa Sacred Fire is magic.


  It seems to people in the real world that it is very similar to the talents of abilities, but it has a variety of styles and is extremely powerful.


  The creatures in the ruins took the talent of abilities as the source and embarked on another road of cultivation.


   "You heard this is true," Xu Zhi nodded and said: "I will also simulate the ability to strike the power of the ruins and cure Akiko's head."


   "It's interesting, I heard you still have things?"


"I know a little."


  Several conversations, but confirmed the fact that Xu Zhi has no singing talent at all.


   "Little liar"


   Qingchuan Shenhuo whispered under his heart, which is different from their previous intelligence and perception.


   From the initial denial, to their family questioning the Yan family, to the recognition of Qingchuan Akiko, to Xu Zhi's head cramps in Nan'ao, and has been studied.


   They experienced a lot of misunderstandings in the middle.


If you can study for a few years in the morning, you might not be as passive as you are now.


   Temporarily embraced Buddha's feet, they had to toughen their attitude from the bright side, and finally had this gathering today.


  Gathered sixteen grand masters.


   There are more than ten masters who are good at analyzing, summarizing, organizing and creating.


   These masters are stationed in major libraries all year round, and the reading volume and experience are quite amazing.


   There are also North Island royal cultivators who are inextricably linked to the remains.


   Qingchuan Shenhuo glanced at Hirofumi Kitajima. If Dongyue mentioned it inadvertently, they did not know that the members of the royal family of Kitajima had such ability.


   This even made him wonder whether the North Island royal family was somewhat related to the Tuyang tribe in Nanyang.


   Today's important thing is to gather everyone's strength to develop related secret techniques.


   He took back his thoughts and began to meet these familiar smiles.


   The tripartite courtesy was not too long.


  In a large quiet room temporarily vacated, everyone started the business of this trip.


  Research the secret technique of killing jumpers.


  As long as the practitioners who have reached the level of experts can practice and have the ability to strike indiscriminately within a certain range, this secret technique is considered to be a successful research and development.


   This can almost be regarded as the most powerful and cultivating group of people among the three forces of Dongyue, Nan'ao and Yingguo.


  Although other means are constantly being followed up, Xu Zhi's carpet sweeping, which strikes a 500-meter radius in an instant, is obviously the best.


   It's okay for the jumping people to appear at night, even the black environment is still killed.


   Fully automatic locking function, this is the ability to perfectly restrain the jumping.


   "Jump up."


   "Whereever I see it, all death will be struck by light."


  Xu Zhi didn't expect that he also took the initiative to send the door to jump to kill.


   Strike range, striking effect, striking method, flow, operation, how to simulate mystery, whether it can activate similar talents, whether to support inner air to run like this, how to strengthen, how to restore the number of times of mystery...


  There are many aspects to be considered when creating a killing jump.


  Looking at Xu Zhi's generous release ability, many grand masters and masters have their own feelings.


  At the same time, Xu Zhi has to deal with some questions from time to time.


   "This ability was originally aimed at skeletons, ghosts and other creatures, and it was purely an accident to kill and jump..."


   "I just succeeded in the simulation, and I don't know how to simulate it successfully. I perform more performances, you have to watch more and take a closer look."


   "My ability is limited, I can only kill up to 200 at a time, maybe you can reach 300, 400, 500, or even thousands..."


  Under the attention of many great masters, even if the psychological quality is excellent, Xu Zhi is difficult to lie.


  What he said was true, he only wanted to find what he could talk about, and he skipped some things that were inconvenient.


  Although the accumulated experience is already very large, Xu Zhi doesn't mind the jump to the door.


  Nan'ao people make a wave of Dongyue at the border every year. This time, their jumps were not dropped, and they were directly carried in as experiment.


  Southern Yunnan Military Region is now holding piles of jumping iron cages.


   Xu Zhikan's heart was agitated, but it was a pity that it was inconvenient to perform a phantom, otherwise it would be a pleasure to kill.


   "Although there are no injuries on the body of the jumpers, the brains of these jumpers are burnt out."


   "How did he specifically lock into these without hurting others."


   "Does Jump and the dead are the same species?"




   Many discussions are ongoing.


   learned that this ability is mainly used to kill the undead, and Song Zhongkai suddenly felt that this was very good.


   If Dongyue broke the ruins of the catastrophe, the secret technique developed by it would quickly come in handy.


   A disaster in Nan'ao, but it cleared mine in advance for the disaster that Dongyue might suffer.


  All 16 Grand Masters gathered together, who took advantage of who, and who took advantage of it, this is a difficult question to clarify.


   responded to the sentence of Situ Xuankong ‘I have you, I have you, and no one can break the relationship’.


   "It is this group of Muggles that causes trouble every year, which makes me have a bad impression. If there is a good voice in the air, how can I have any prejudices."


  The jumping people invaded the land of Nan'ao constantly, which made the Nan'ao people also focus on Dongyue's site.


   Once there is no room for living and development, contradictions will inevitably erupt.


   This makes Nan'ao people very enthusiastic about Dongyue and pays close attention to it, so it brings a lot of friction and contradictions.


   had to say that Song Zhongkai thought it would be good for each other if he didn't jump.

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