Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1714: Straight jump

Xing Huang's frontier fortresses argued that this allowed Xu Zhi to see the ability of the top-level cultivators.

From time to time new insights are released.

The chanting of the other world began to evolve into a product in the real world.

Based on internal qi and supplemented by momentum, it spans the three different styles of cultivator systems in Dongyue, Nan'ao and Yingguo, but eventually slowly gathers together to form the final product.

"Straight Jump"

Xu Zhi was very opposed to this name, not only unpleasant, but also because it contained a part of his creator's name as a memorial.

Of course, it is a great honor to be able to write a personal name into a secret technique.

But Xu Zhi didn't want to be tied with Jump.

In particular, the straightness of the body after jumping to death is still in line with this mystery.

But the 16 Grand Masters had no opinions, and the 14 Grand Masters had no opinions. With 30 votes in favor, his weak opposition had no effect. After all, he did not even have the right to vote.

But he has the right to choose whether to name "Straight Jump Secret" or "Straight Jump Secret".

Xu Zhi chose the latter.

The former will think it is the secret technique of high jump, Xu Zhi decided not to mislead the descendants, so as not to be scolded.

The cost of practicing this mystery is not high.

If you are a master cultivator, you don't need to spend resources to practice successfully.

If you just want to ascend upward, you will inevitably rely on secret medicines to stabilize your spirit, and you will need some medicines to maintain the number of releasable secrets.

With constant experimentation and continuous experimentation, the Grand Masters found that the number of killing two hundred at a time is likely to be the limit, even if they are no exception.

A radius of 500 meters is also the limit.

If the number is too large, it is difficult to let jump jump to death.

The range is too wide to lock, and it also involves the problem of effect.

The brain capacity of the jumping people and the characteristics of the remnant creatures have become the best conditions for eliminating accidental injuries caused by mysteries, which is also the most time-consuming part of the research.

"This mystery is good."

Even Huang Putu nodded his head in admiration.

South Australians must give them a trip to jump disaster every year. With "Straight Jump Technique", it is much more convenient for them to clean and jump.

The existence of this secret technique can even make South Australians give up jumping on the border.

More importantly, this mystery is likely to take effect on the undead. If one day, this mystery will become the most popular mystery of Dongyue.

Huang Putu absolutely did not want to encounter that kind of scene, but had to guard against this possibility.

Now that a road is blocked, not only the faces of Nan'ao people are filled with joy, but everyone in Dongyue also has a red light on their faces.

As for the Ying people, these people don't feel much, they just feel like they are wading through the muddy water.

Pulled by two big powers, they belong to have to come, and now they are finally out of the embarrassing situation.

The research and development of the secret technique did not fail. Everyone did not fight. This is very good. They were not affected by the fish.

"Until next year, we will make those who jump and look good," Wen Renweiyang also nodded: "There is exactly a time difference of one year, and this secret technique can be widely popularized."

It took nearly a month to develop this mystery technique. After the breeding season of jumping people, it is not easy to find jumping people in groups.

These small things may choose to sleep for a long time, or hide in some remote places to steal food.

What is even more suspect is that a large part of the jump may have returned to the ruins.

Like the relics in Xiliu Kingdom, jumpers are very likely to have the ability to return to the ruins.

This ability is like tracing the source of fish. Once the breeding period of the Vulcan Festival is over, the jumpers will feel that the ruins are their birthplace, and they will eventually go back.

"It feels good to be able to control life and death by raising your hand."

Qingchuan Shenhuo looked at Xu Zhi strangely, and had an understanding of Xu Zhi's love to kill and jump.

He murmured a sentence and waved a "Straight Secret".

I saw the jump that was placed more than 400 meters away and fell down.

This is much simpler than his majestic killing.

This mystery technique can popularize grand masters, masters, and masters. As the backbone of expert cultivators, it takes a lot of medicine to achieve successful cultivation.

When an expert cultivator first enters the secret technique, two people are required to cooperate. The number of kills is between ten and twenty jumps, and the range is about 30 meters square.

This powerful "Straight Jump Secret Technique" is a bit embarrassing, but it is not harmful if it is popularized, and can be used as a backup method for expert practitioners.

The power of the mystery is linked to the pressure of the momentum, and continuous improvement can make this mystery continue to grow.

This makes the master class become the main team to annihilate and jump.

It does not allow a large group of expert practitioners to enter the main battle sequence, which is somewhat different from the original idea, but there are also many masters in South Australia.

The master group of more than six thousand people is enough to form a very good cleaning force.

Judging from the practice status of the master cultivators, they have an average strike range of about two hundred meters and an amount of 80 to 100 strikes.

The single-player effect is not excellent, but after the number of people increases, this mystery can play a terrifying cleaning effect.

As long as enough rest is given to allow the cultivator's spirit to recover from the exhaustion period, with the secret medicine, it can make a continuous blow.

It is not a problem for ordinary master cultivators to release more than fifty times. Some high-level masters can even release more times, not to mention guru and grand master.

This is a variation of the chanting that is very suitable for the real world release, which makes Xu Zhi look very envious, he also practiced an entry for backup.

The Vulcan Festival lasts for more than two months. If the great practitioners can practice, they can clean up the huge amount of jumps.

This makes the way of jumping day and night out completely useless, as long as you get out of the ground, you can directly ambush.

Many grand masters in South Australia were happy and talked from time to time, and the resulting secret technique satisfied them. The actual test results need to wait until next year.

"Thank you for your hard work, South Australians are grateful." Wen Renweiyang repeatedly clenched his fists: "After delaying everyone's time, Weiyang has also prepared a gift in advance, and is already delivering it. Everyone's hands."

Wen Renweiyang made everyone happy.

Nothing happened, everything was fine.

What a happy ending is the most satisfying.

Sending gifts is also possible. It doesn't matter if you don't give gifts. You have practiced to this level, and no one is as good as Wen Weiyang.

"This trip is a rare gathering, and Wei Yang also has an invitation, I don't know what to say."

"If it is not invited, then hide it in my heart."

After Wenren Weiyang finished, he set his sights on the Dongyue people.

However, his uninvited guest words just shook Then he was unkindly pressed back by Song Zhongkai.

"But I don't feel uncomfortable," Wen Renweiyang shook his head and said: "It is rare to encounter Grand Master Situ, and there are many Grand Master witnesses. I want to learn from Grand Master Situ."

One is the head of the Grand Master of South Australia.

One is recognized as the grand master first.

The Grand Master first came to a conclusion many years ago. After all, few people can kill a Grand Master alone, but who is the second is different.

The individual combat strength of several Grand Masters is between Bozhong and Zhong, and it is difficult to compare with each other in a certain period of time.

It is difficult to compare between the great emperor Uya Turant of northern Xinjiang, the chief of the grand master of South Australia, Weiren Yang, and the leader of the Parliament of Seiliu, Amelia.

The three of them met very little, and had never had a hard-to-dissolve gang, which led to a large number of sword soldiers, and ultimately only left a chat for the rest of the people after dinner.

But everyone did not expect that Wen Renweiyang wanted to challenge Situ Xuankong directly, and broke away with the first person.

His words made everyone silent, and the atmosphere was a little stiff for a moment. The eyes of several grand masters flashed an unpredictable look, waiting for their words and deeds.

"As long as I can pay the challenge fee, I very much welcome the grand masters from all over the world to come" Situ Xuankong replied.

"The challenge fee for 2 billion cash is a bit high."

With the increase of challengers, Situ Xuankong's fees are getting higher and higher.

Until fixed at the price of 2 billion cash.

This is the rule of Situ Xuankong.

Wen Renweiyang narrowed his eyes, the black flash in his eyes flashed, and he slowly pulled out a black long-thorn weapon on his back.

"What if I force a challenge?"

Situ Xuankong's eyes narrowed, and then he let go again. He raised his head and raised his white eyebrows with a smile: "Then I will kill you directly during the fight, no one dares to give a second word."

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