Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1715: Regret

"This is the return gift to Dongyue, and I haven't forgotten to go back."

The 2 billion yuan is Wen Renwei’s challenge fund, and is also South Australia’s reward for research and development secrets.

Five Grand Masters of Dongyue were dispatched, and they were busy for a month. Before leaving, Wen Renweiyang visited Situ Xuankong's bottom.

Xu Zhi felt that South Australia's remuneration was a bit low, at least 20 billion was normal.

But Wen Renweiyang said that he was "Bo Li", and this matter could not be investigated by everyone, and this matter could not be calculated according to common sense.

"That's how people from South Australia don't want to lose money at any time, which is worse than the virtue of the Chinese."

Situ Xuankong and Wen Renweiyang fought for fifteen minutes in the sky. With Xu Zhi's eyes, he only saw a few spots moving in the sky.

He couldn't make up for the excitement.

If the flying ability of the master stage is likened to the floating of a hydrogen balloon, a better master can achieve the flying ability of a glider.

The flight level of the guru stage is quite similar to that of a helicopter. The powerful guru can fly as high as a passenger plane, but also fly far.

As for the Grand Master, this is the level of a fighter series.

Xu Zhi could not reach the height of the flight, nor could he catch the speed of the flight.

This is the occasion where the Grand Masters are qualified to look far.

"Wen Renweiyang's strength is very strong. After another ten years, I may not be able to help him."

The wind light cloud of Situ Xuankong's face faded away, while Wen Renweiyang left with a heavy face.

There is no suspense in frontal battles. Situ Xuankong is still the same as Situ Xuankong.

But when he flew back to Kyoto, Situ Xuankong also sighed with emotion.

At the age of Yi Lao, he is in the recession period, Wen Renweiyang is in the promotion period, the two will be reduced by one plus one, and one day they will meet each other.

"ten years."

Yan Xingxia knocked on the table and fell into deep thought. He was not sure whether he could take Situ Xuankong's class.

Song Zhongkai, who was crippled for a long time, couldn't count on it. Although Song Zhongkai was 40 years younger than Situ Xuankong, he missed nearly forty years of gold. In it, he is more of an auxiliary role.

"My swordsmanship became love, but also defeated by love," Yan Xingxia said: "After the death of Zongzong, I will sorrow into the swordsmanship, but the older I am, the more slowly I see things, the less sorrow, It takes too long to raise the sword."

The extreme of emotions will bring the ultimate power. Yan Xingxia is the great master who entered when the great compassion.

But people cannot be immersed in pain and sorrow all the time, and the upper and lower limits of his strength are quite high.

To promote himself to the strongest fighting state, Yan Xingxia needs to save his sword.

Two days, or three days, the continuous savings, let him continue to improve until his strongest moment.

It is just that the upper limit state is not maintained for a long time.

This led to some embarrassment of his strength.

Normally, it is about the mid-level of Grand Master. After gaining momentum, you can break the wrist with the top Grand Master and have a very high attack ability.

"Baihu Qiqi involves joy, anger, sorrow, joy, horror, fear, and love. Every extreme can reach the limit of power, but each has corresponding regrets."

"I chose to take the path of merciless knife, but I didn't expect this path to be the same, there is no difference between the two."

Corresponding to Yan Xingxia is Yan Xuankong.

When discussing, Xu Zhi was clear about Yan Xuankong's way.

It is also the first time to hear the white tiger transformed from Yan Xuan Kong Mo.

"Keep calm and no emotions during the battle," Yan Xingxia raised his head and said: "This road is good and good, but who can be ruthless, your restrictions are also obvious, and your strength is up and down."

"Can it only be expected that Huang Putu will not succeed" Yan Xuan Kongdao said.

Situ Xuankong is old, Song Zhongkai has a disability, Yan Xingxia and Yan Xuankong's knife path defects are difficult to make up, and it is difficult for someone to replace the position of Sister Xuankong.

Not to mention the recognition of the Grand Master first, but at least, like the other three countries, there should be a Grand Master who can take the beam.

"Huang Putu is pursuing the invincible and extreme killing power. He has the level of fighting and killing at a higher level, but he is afraid of being entangled."

"If Tuo Guhong can enter the Grand Master, it would be a bit of a meaning. He and Huang Putu have one defense and one attack, just forming."

"If there is a great master of physical training, that kind of big meat shield can be used by anyone."

"If Wang Fuguo and Director Li can enter Grand Master, wouldn't it be beautiful, even if there is no top Grand Master, our Grand Master level is not bad."

"Zhao Mu's standards are still a little bit worse, it is a pity that Ding Wenrui died young."

"Did Wang Dongyang have a chance?"


In Hall 1 of the empty boat, because of Situ Xuankong's emotions, the four grandmasters discussed some topics with each other.

Not only about the comments on yourself, but also the comments on some masters.

The four nagged for a while, Song Zhongkai suddenly looked at the side of the small transparent tea and water.

"I said Xu Zhi, when are you going to be a guru? We also expect you to become a guru in the future."

"Guru? Grandmaster?"

Xu Zhi looked up to Song Zhongkai.

During this trip, I saw a big scene. He heard many great masters talking about the classics.

There is a process of researching and developing secret techniques, and it has been continuously demonstrated that the chanting technique killed nearly 500,000 jumps and gained more than 2 million experience.

These two gains made Xu Zhi happy.

However, when these two were divided into two billion yuan, they did not leak any oil or water at all.

It was so kind to ask him when his master.

That would require him to sell millions of gold coins at least 50% off.

The ghost knows which day can be sold out.

He now hopes that the sales of gold coins will be better, and when the time comes to win by quantity, he can dominate the market of gold coins in the world for a period of time.

"You subsidize me to practice the Hou Tu Xuan Jing, and I will go directly to the guru to show you" Xu Zhi said.

"Then I don't read it."

Song Zhongkai waved his hands again and again, and the royal money did not come from the wind and rain.

The pits of Xu Zhi's practice of the thick soil Xuan Jing are relatively large, and most people despise this excitement.

"Hanwen hasn't spent more than one billion on today's cultivation. I heard that you have spent several billions on it?"

Song Hanwen is the grandson of Song Zhongkai, less than forty years old, is a guest in northern Xinjiang, that is, as a proton to strengthen the exchange between Dongyue and northern Xinjiang.

It is said that Song Hanwen is very talented and not only quite talented, but also cultivated to a master level, ready to enter the master.

The Dongyue Royal Family is not much different from the Northern Xinjiang Royal Family, and it is rarely inserted into the ranks of various practices. It usually does not show mountains and dews, but it has real strength.

The second generation of the Song family's heirs also had a master, a one-star general who served in the military, served in the southern Yunnan military region, and a master level who served in the fourth military region, but both were extremely low-key.

On this trip to Xing Huang, Xu Zhi didn't look at either one.

"Who's making rumors there, you don't look like I've spent billions of people like this," Xu Zhidao said: "I am very economical in cultivating, and the elders give it to me, and I will practice a little."

"I look quite similar."

Song Zhongkai looked at Xu Zhi and remembered his own experience of looking away. He now properly believes that Xu Zhi spent a lot of money, and this time he will not look away again.

"Give everything, give him something, he is now a little coffee, this is asking us the hard work we have to play," Situ Xuankong laughed.

"You are so sloppy, we finally have a little private work before we open a business. The old man is not easy to make money, don't try to stole our money."

Song Zhongkai reacted and couldn't help being dumb for a Half-sounded, he pointed at Xu Zhi and scolded: "Don't think I don't know your careful thinking, you have a big battle in Xiangbei, and won later There will be no less profit."

"Then it has nothing to do with me," Xu Zhi mumbled: "I'm short of money now, and I really want to abandon the official and resign to start the company."

"Gua Zizi, you tell Zhao Mu if he wants to let you go." Song Zhongkai paused and said: "Now it's not easy to make money, business, what company do you want to start? Could it be you In other provinces, factories that laid three generations of communication equipment ahead of time? No one will release the water, and the business will not be available."

"I don't do that, I'm going to open a Relic Props Co., Ltd." Xu Zhi shouted: "This kind of company will either not open or eat for three years. I like this kind of company, and I can definitely make a fortune."

"You have great ambitions, this is to help the Yan family sell inventory," Song Zhongkai said: "I really want to open, and then help me sell it."

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