Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1720: Chaotic years

As the real world enters October, the western continent also begins to enter the bitter cold season.

Compared with the outbreak of the usurpation of Oriolisi’s plot, the attack on Xia Nong is the focus of the entire western continent.

Madikes changed the way of guerrilla warfare in the past, set fire to the forest, excavated the secret road and forcibly attacked, and finally won the main road of the Frost River.

This is no less than the Qin and Fo fortresses faced by the elves, and it is no less difficult than the Nogili fortress under Majesty Ruiou.

Unlike the humans where the elves exiled the Qin and Fo fortresses, Madikes forcibly consolidated the Shannons he had taken into his army.

Facing a whole winter, he had enough time to tame these descending soldiers to supplement the loss of his army.

These are the first two large fortresses to be won. Starting from the fortress, there are few defenses that can be strongly resisted, and they can go directly to the capital of Reunion in Shannon.

The capital of Shannon's kingdom is stationed in the elite army of 200,000, which is far more difficult to lay than a fortress.

Irutan and Madikes did not directly show their heads, and they were waiting for the progress of other countries' attacks.

The fall of two large fortresses has had a very negative impact on the Xia Nong Kingdom.

The extremely violent Mistreo used the exhausting style of play. He was not in a hurry and took the fortress close by. The capture of the fortress of Xia Nong by the two great kingdoms added a lot of help to him.

Baron Feng Tajin of the Cresson Kingdom always likes to do things in bad weather. The countries will take a break in the winter. He will jump very happy and may be able to win the Skyfog Castle against the Cresson Kingdom.

As for the Northlanders, the Northlanders are in a cold place, and they do not particularly care about the cold weather.

However, people in northern countries like to have children at home when the weather is cold. Waiting for the arrival of next year, the born children will experience faster development when the weather is warm.

It is difficult to know whether the northerners will attack the central city of Xia Nong in the winter.

But with the change of seasons, the chaos everywhere has slightly converged.

"We sent several messengers, and only Xia Nong was willing to form an alliance with us and recognize the status of our kingdom."

Ai Grenair leaned her chin, and there was a trace of melancholy between her eyebrows.

Despite Xu Zhi's comfort, and the planning and policy implementation of the Black Dragon Reas, the domestic situation is relatively stable, but the international incidents have caused her headaches.

What does she want an alliance to perish.

The Kingdom of Xia Nong does not make trouble behind her, maybe she doesn't need to be a queen.

Without being a queen, you don't have to think about so many problems now.

If you didn’t show the call of the Scarab Necklace, go a little further, if you don’t know Aven, then go forward, if you didn’t go to the Eastern Continent, or you didn’t hack the Black Dragon Chimera...

Agrinel thought about it, and felt that his sins of being a queen were self-inflicted.

People who have been pitted for a lifetime, did not expect that they would be killed on this throne once.

Without the permission of Oran Maratha, she would not even be able to travel outside the kingdom of O'Reilly.

"Why is this country separated from the mainland by a strait?"

Relying on the ability to sneak at the master level, Ai Grenelle can easily walk around, but she has to take a boat to go to the western continent, or the eastern continent.

Aurummarasa cannot control her sneaking, but can control the ship.

Once it was discovered that she had disappeared, the ship on the coast was directly blocked. Even a circle along the coast would bring her back.

"It would be nice if our body parts could be brought to other places through the elemental world, and we would escape with a wave of suicide."

The parts of the body of the immortal cannot be contracted, and the trio of Agrinel is not Hexis and can be transplanted as a biological part.

All the way out is almost blocked, although not reconciled, but now she can only honestly be the queen.

Xu Zhi listened to her introduction and nagging from time to time, nodded from time to time, and occasionally comforted.

He must come to this palace every two or three days now. In addition to eavesdropping on the black dragons, he can also take some staffs back to the East Village.

It's no problem to get some low-end goods in the palace.

Agrinel didn't care, she didn't pay anyway.

"You can only wait now" Xu Zhi said with a smile: "Either you need to have the ability to kill Orang Malassa to ignore his control."

"One is to wait for death, the other is to find death, what difference does it make?" Agrienaire frustrated, she was unable to defeat the army of Madikes, nor was she able to defeat Oran Marassa.

"At least there is a difference in how fast you die. If Madikes is killed by the Shannon, maybe you can still accept his kingdom."

Xu Zhi's comfort is very real, but this is also not a way out for Agrinel.

Both sides are big brothers, the puppet king is just a gas bag sandwiched in the middle.

The only thing she can do is wait.

Not only Wenren Weiyang has no way, Xu Zhi has no way.

The five-nation alliance formed against Xia Nong will not be able to turn because of Agrienell’s good sales. This kind of alliance can only be explored first, showing that they have a reason to have to build a country.

Many big powers didn't help Madikes, even if they were fair.

"Where did Elita go?"

Xu Zhi had seen Doug Wuger several times when he was in the lower realm, but had never seen Elita.

He also just wandered around the palace, but never left the palace.

"She was nagging at the mansion, she didn't know what to do, probably she was practicing magic."

Agrinel also has some uncertainties.

Elita’s two lines of life and death magic do not form the balance of the five lines of magic like Bob does, and unlike some magicians who focus on one of them, the other is just tentative research.

She is steadily advancing at the same time. The two conflicting magical elements make Elita's head sometimes look dull. Now that there is time and someone is serving every day, Agrinel speculates that Elita is likely to practice.

"You can also take advantage of the time to practice more," Xu Zhijian said: "The inner hesitation will not help you any more, but the enhancement of strength will give you more chance to live."

"Madikos won't stop and wait for you."

Before Xu Zhi returned to the Elemental Realm, he made a random mention, which made Agrinaire think for a long time before deciding to go to the Temple of Spartz.

She practiced "The Assassin's Union Leader's Book-Compiled by Spartz". In a way, Agriline actually belongs to one of Spartz's heirs.

Although she is also a master of the stealth department, but she really wants to practice to the extent of Spartz, she still needs a lot of effort.

In addition to becoming stronger, she has no choice but to go to Spartan Temple may be a good choice.

"This is a chaotic era, and everyone has to struggle to survive."

Returning to Dongfang Village with two flame staffs, Xu Zhi raised his head and looked at the halo of color across the sky.

The tide of elements is coming again.

The previous elemental tides erupted only decades slowly entered more than ten years, ten years, eight years, five years...

So far, only two years have passed since the last elemental tide.

As the magic rainbow is destroyed, the frequency of this explosion is getting faster and faster.

But without destroying the magical rainbow, the source of variation of the praying mantis must be cut off. This is a difficult way to go back.

For the praying mantis, the elemental tides caused by the magical rainbow will make them mutate and grow faster.

For Xu Zhi and others, this involves their survival and safety.

It also involves the three outrageous gangsters who are trying to lower the realm.

The sound of phoenix outside the Dongfang Village and the inside of the Dongfang Village also started to be ready.

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