Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1721: Prepare for Mantis Group


Somra sorted out the guardian robes and closed the pages that were turning.

Xu Zhi got in touch with O'Reilly, but the tide of elements also came and did not leave him much time for enlightenment.

Hexis looked weird, and he lifted Bollinger's thunder hammer and waved a few times.

Feeling the slightest current, Hexis felt that this was really not a weapon suitable for him. Somra, who was good at lightning, and Xu Zhi, who was good at shielding himself from heaven, were smoother than he used.

Somra carried the Chaos Staff, and Xu Zhi carried the horn bow, bull battle axe, alloy shield, as well as the war shackles and the saint's staff. As for Sandro, the old lich was wearing a cursed armor. The shield is waving in all directions.

These three people have no way to get more weapons.

"I never thought I would use a hammer like a barbarian."

Without the protection of the younger brothers, Hexis must go into battle personally, using magic with magic, and no lightning with a lightning hammer.

"The speed of elemental tides has accelerated again, and if this trend evolves into a normal state, the elemental world will hardly have a place to survive," Somra said.

"Compared to destroying the magical rainbow, now it is necessary to contain the praying mantis first, and the forces of Irena are obviously weak."

The Irena I mentioned by Xu Zhi is the Phoenix monarch, the only big man in the elemental world who can break the wrist with the mantis lord positively, but Irena has been resurrected a lot, and the more I beat the more I lose, I never win.

"It is necessary to pinch the tip and kill some high-level praying mantises. Master, you should also pay attention to safety yourself."

Somra looked worriedly at the war yoke on Xu Zhibei's back, which was a treasure that made Sandro fear.

Once released, there is almost no escape, both sides will endlessly.

In addition to the arrow of killing, the mantis that wants to hunt down the higher-order praying mantises is limited only by the shackles of war.

Even if the mantis can be beaten, once the other party is in escape, it will fall into a very embarrassing situation, Xu Zhi also had to defend.

"It's okay for me to escape, and Lord Mantis don't want to catch up with me."

All the attributes of Xu Zhi are biased towards speed, the influence of the void, and the assassin rune is added. At this time, the action power is already extremely high. If it is supplemented by the acceleration magic of level 10, his speed will be increased to an extremely high To the point.

Edward's Flying Wing Slippers: Movement speed +2, can affect the group, the range affects the number of people: 100.

In addition to basic attributes and accelerated magic, Xu Zhi also has flying wing loafers sold by the feared beast.

Before the master's ability to explore the path, the explorer's boots disregarded the characteristics of any terrain and were enough to be ranked as the best shoe treasure. Once the terrain is ignored, the treasure that can increase the speed will obviously be more suitable.

Sixteen points of main body speed, three points of void effect speed, two and four assassin runes, three points of accelerated magic, two points of flying wing loafers.

Then assisting the master to explore the path brings a 25% speed increase of the basic attribute.

Xu Zhi's maximum movement speed will increase to an extremely high data, and his ability to escape in a short time will be quite strong.

If other creatures have no magical aids, Xu Zhi feels that he is full of abilities. After losing his helmet and removing his armor, he will be the fastest in the elemental world.

"You will all be safe, but I am not safe."

Sandro, who is a meat shield, is obviously very dissatisfied. His output damage is not high, but after the curse armor releases power, it will instantly attract a lot of hatred.

After many battles with the praying mantis, Sandro felt that a large shield was not reliable.

"Kill the praying mantis, you can feel at ease in the lower realm, I tell you, the lower realm is fun," Xu Zhi laughed.

"Just lie to me. I haven't played anything fun. I told you that I had several blonde maids. They were fun..."

"There is a war in the lower realm, and even the immortal are dead. Many corpses, high-grade corpses, and ancient tombs, some of the zombies stored in the ancient tombs have been around for thousands of years."

"Okay, I admit that the lower realm is more fun."

Sandro thought for a few seconds. Don't go away alone. The strong man's body is still an irresistible temptation for him, far stronger than the few crooked melon skeletons he is now fishing for.

"Village head, you have to be optimistic about the village, and in case there are hard-to-resist creatures, drill holes."

Before Xu Zhi left the village, he did not forget to tell Lao Lupi.

"Squeak, you must remember to come back."

The four strongest fighting forces in Dongfang Village have to travel. Old Green Leather feels a little bit bottomless.

They haven’t drilled holes for many years.

From the small broken village to the now tall and strong village, this is the result that has only been experienced for several years.

Without Xu Zhi, maybe they are still the same as in previous years.

Old Green Skin felt that Xu Zhi was the real village head.

There is no room in the village.

"Relax, you can't die," Xu Zhipai patted the old green leather shoulders and smiled: "You take this backpack out, you might want to give me nothing."

"Just lend you, I look at your heavy things. I'm afraid the phoenixes can't fly. Say it. I just lend it to you and I must return it to me."

Old Greenskin took out the baby's void backpack, and the contents were already empty.

This backpack can store sixteen items and is a must-have bag for travel.

Backpacks are quite rare. Xu Zhi hasn't seen a few backpackers in the lower realm. Only Mister Barma has a void ring.

Uncovering the backpack, Xu Zhi put a few heavy objects in his body. Hexis and Sandro were also overjoyed, and put their own heavy objects in one after another.

"Okay, give it back to you. Let's go first. I'll be back in two days. I can't die."

Putting his backpack on his back, Xu Zhi stepped out of Dongfang Village.

For this war, he made preparations in reality, set up a machine, and would regularly feed him some nutrient solution and water to maintain the basic needs of the body.

This is an action that should last at least two or three days.

It takes at least a day or so to fly from the Eastern Village to the ruins of the Elemental Capital, and it is impossible for him to sleep on the back of the Phoenix.

The four-headed Silver-British Phoenix of Phoenix Ridge has taken over transportation well.

The closer they are to the center of the elemental tides, the more difficult it is for them to control their violent emotions and be unable to participate in the war.

The lord is a threshold. Once you participate in the melee in the central area, you basically belong to this class.

This is not the reason why the life individual is strong or not, but it is due to the lack of mental protection.

Sandro went to the tidal center and understood the mystery.

Sitting on the back of the phoenix, many scenes of the elemental world swept underneath.

Xu Zhi in the high sky can see the nests of various creatures, fairy trees, flower demon trees, element gathering places, wolf dens...

As the tides of the elements surged, some low-level creatures that experienced the tides began to become irritable.

On the grassland, wolves swarmed from time to time, and half-goat people began to drink a lot, and the goblins bumped around.

The elemental creatures were also panicked. The water elements began to sink to the bottom of the river. The earth elements buried themselves in the soil, leaving only their heads outside. The wind elements flew in the air, and the fire elements set fire around.

This irritability not only makes the creature extremely prone to fighting but also leads to chaos.

This is a major upheaval in the elemental world.

Several green shadows were lurking in the grass, motionless, and seemed to be waiting for the tide of elements to come after they were full.

Flying all the way, before approaching the ruins of the elemental capital, he had seen at least a dozen mantises. The number of these giants was more than he thought.

It is difficult to completely remove the praying mantis in the elemental world. Only the source of the mutation can be destroyed. These powerful creatures will slowly disappear because of the passage of life.


As the pale gold boulders came into view, the ruins of the elemental capital came into view.

Many elemental giants began to converge.

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