Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1722: 1 wave current

The phoenixes came very early.

This time the notice was issued completely, and no children were lost in the tide of the element. In the end, there were ten Phoenix lords, including Xiao Tian Tian.

One Phoenix monarch and ten Phoenix lords.

This is the top fighting power of the Phoenix family.

Two fairy dragon lords were also present, listening to the whispering of the two fairy dragon lords. One of them had been intercepted by a praying mantis halfway, making it difficult to reach this place.

The three griffin lords hovered in high altitude to do reconnaissance. Their strength was inferior to dragons, but their eyesight was very powerful, and they were excellent in reconnaissance.

The four element lords of wind, earth, fire and water are also gathered together, among them the fire element lord Adifila, which Xu Zhi has seen.

There are two lords in the goblin race, this is a giant goblin equal to the normal person.

The goblin was born in the goblin tree, and the relationship with the jungle goblins has always been good. I saw Xu Zhihao for a while and tweeted.

This is probably because the jungle goblin hasn’t seen the lord in countless years, and the two goblin lords are quite excited.

The two Domichala giant tigers and the sun wolf screamed and exchanged things from time to time.

"Moon Wolf's territory has been emptied."

Xiao Tian Tian hovered down and landed near Xu Zhi and others.

"Tens of thousands of great wolves gathered in the territory of the moon wolf, why?"

"It's all eaten up. Fettney's territory is full of bones, and there are no wolves within a few hundred miles."

The lower the racial life class, the stronger the reproductive power, but tens of thousands of big wolves are all eaten up, and Xu Zhi can't help but breathe air.

The big wolf is not an ordinary wolf, it is basically a high rock giant wolf, and there are even many Soliffin wolf mixed in it.

This is all the high-level big wolves of a territory, far longer than that of Xu Zhi's goblin collar, and there are more elites.

It is difficult for Dongfang Village to resist the attacks of the wolves, not to mention the resistance to the praying mantis that eats the moon wolf's territory.

"They will still leave some kind of fire before," Xiao Tiantian exclaimed angrily: "This way of eating is to eat up the elemental world."

"It's not that they don't want to keep fire, it's probably because they are too many."

Xu Zhi listened to the whistle of the griffin lord from time to time, murmured in his mouth, and when waving his hand, a figure came out of his body.

"Yeah, magic, come here, come here, squeak magic, we are going to be bullish."

Seeing Xu Zhi's phantom, Xiaotian suddenly murmured.

A little green magical light began to fall, and the phantom waved his hands, the heavenly armor, the group was lucky, the group snake attack, began to fall.

The first two can give protective power, the latter is to offset the mantis's first attack ability, and even the speed of reflex strike is faster.

"Try not to die, I can't make up for your magical state after the resurrection."

Xu Zhi introduced a few words about the role and duration of magic, and began to add the power of the dragon and the vampire touch.

The dragon's power is fifth-order magic, which consumes 24 points of magic. The vampire touch belongs to fourth-order magic, which consumes 18 points of magic.

These are two extremely mana-consuming magics, and he can only sustain them for a while when he releases the phantom.

The long-awaited Phoenix monarch Irianna killed Xu Zhi's first phantom without hesitation.

When the second phantom came out of the body, the figures of the praying mantis appeared in the ruins of the elemental capital.

"Three monarch levels."

Xu Zhi's level of releasing magic is a little high, and Hexis is ashamed to release body shields and skins to the phoenixes. When he suddenly sees the praying mantises, Hexis can't help but whisper.

Xu Zhi had long speculated that there were more than two praying mantis monarchs in the Elemental Realm.

This is a very dangerous and brutal creature. If the phoenixes are difficult to carry, once they are approached by the mantis lord, the speed of death will be very fast.

Xu Zhi also glanced at the mantis lords more than three hundred meters away, quickly releasing the magic possessed by the phantom.

It was also difficult for him to add double magic to all lord-level creatures at this time, and when released, he focused more on the power of dragons with lethal and protective effects.

"I will rush for a while, attack with all my strength, and there is not much chance to kill them."

Sandro murmured, and the eyes of the demon on the cursed armor began to flash red.

"Magic duration is limited, we only have a chance of a strong push," Somra also said, ending the release of the auxiliary magic of the Chaos Department. He held the staff tightly and stared at his target.

"No, they intend to kill us in advance."

With the appearance of the three mantis lords, there are also thirty mantis lords,

Strong enough, and there are enough numbers, these giant creatures of the Mantis series did not confront each other as usual, waiting for the magic rainbow to burst.

Just gathered in place, these creatures hit like a tide.

"They came too fast."

Xu Zhi exclaimed, and could no longer release magic on the Sun Wolf.

The phantom began to mention the bull battle axe, and also raised the alloy shield.

A shield of heaven falls, and precise magic falls on the body.

"Pay attention to wandering without the aid of magic, don't let them run away."

Just over three hundred meters is a very short sprint distance for the praying mantis.

The battle of giant high-level creatures is on the verge.

The number and strength of the praying mantis are increasing, but unlike the last time, the Phoenix camp is assisted by magic power.

Except for vampires who are relatively unfamiliar with touch, group luck, snake strikes, and even the power of the dragon and the heavenly armor of the life system, these high-level creatures are relatively familiar magic, making it easy to fight.

"The curse is coming"

Seeing the phoenixes and many large creatures attacking one another, entangled with the praying mantis, Sandro raised the big shield, and with a cry, the cold breath instantly filled.

Slowness, curse, weakness, and black crows (three generations of low morale) came one after another.

Just when the power of the cursed armor was released, Sandro felt a squint of more than ten triangle eyes.

"Your swarms of pests, come here, uncle Shan is mighty."

Sandr knocked **** the shield and made a mockery. He turned his head again and sang to the back of Hexis, Somra and Xu Zhi.

"My bones are not as good as they used to be, so I don't have to beat them. Look at them, don't let them really break me."

Really about to encounter ten mantises strangling at the same time, Sandro felt that he could not hold for a few seconds, and several auxiliary magics on his body were in vain.

"Relax, we just hit a wave, and you can kill them with high probability."

Several magics Xu Zhi drove the phantom forward, at this time his body also began to draw the killing arrow, pulling the horn bow.

The number of creatures in the field is 33:29.

The former is a mantis creature, the latter is a hybrid army including Xu Zhi and others. If Xu Zhi's phantom is added, the number comparison is 33:30.

The imbalance in numbers makes them have creatures facing two dozens and one, or even three dozens.

Phoenix monarch Irene, Xiao Tian Tian, ​​and a phoenix lord named Inuit confronted three phoenix monarchs.

And the other mantis lords are borne by many creatures.

The four people in Dongfang Village held together, and there was a hatred attracted by Sandro, and immediately six Lords of Mantis gathered.

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