Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1723: All out

When the battle started, Xu Zhi entered an extremely focused mental state, making it difficult to check the fighting status of other lords.

Focusing on two purposes, when manipulating the phantom, he pays more attention to the powerful output of the body.

At this time, only the lord of the praying mantis came from the eyes.

Praying mantis? (Lord Level): Damage 85-110, Melee Attack 80, Melee Defense 75, Ranged Defense 75, Speed ​​23, Life 660 Talent: Flying, Early Attack (Level 8), Haunting, Negative Immunity, Life Recovery, Lord Aura: Praying Mantis Greed (level 3).

Flying: Creatures have the ability to fly, can fly over obstacles such as city walls, and can also fly over troops.

Preemptive attack (level 8): In close combat, you can take the lead before the side that is weaker than its first attack ability in active attack or counterattack. If the opponent ambush, or have prepared in advance, the first attack ability will be invalid to a certain extent.

Haunting: Use the huge forelegs to fix the attacking enemies. The fixed enemies cannot move, and the attack power is halved.

Body Recovery: The body has healing power, and can actively recover forty points of life every day.

Negative immunity: Not affected by any 1-2 negative magic.

Praying Mantis (Level 3): Can increase the speed and effect of mantis engulfing in the aura. It is currently 1.3 times faster, duration: ten minutes, cooldown: twenty-four hours.

For Xu Zhi, he has developed to the limit state of the lord, and the only shortcoming is the damage attribute.

This is a defect brought about by the life class at birth, and it is difficult for the advanced to make up for the cross-level of this level.

Damage is an attribute that boosts the attack bonus.

Xu Zhi has been tested dozens of times, and every 10 points of damage can increase the impact effect by 20% on average, and 100 points of damage can even double the basic attack attributes.

Although this mantis monarch's melee attack is only 80, the actual strike power is between 200-250.

Purely based on the data provided by the panel, Xu Zhi's body defense is 98, with the addition of 25% defense body skin and 20% defense heaven armor, his defense will enter a high defense state of 142 points.

If supplemented by an alloy shield, strength scale armor, and luck, the damage to the damage reduction, when he faced the mantis lord, the damage he suffered was between 20 and 50 points.

As long as it is not hit to the vital point, this is not an unacceptable damage effect, even if the mantis forelimb strangulation speed is fast, it can support for a while.

Compared with the damage caused by the Mantis Lord, Xu Zhi's output is more powerful.

This is true even with the phantom of a bull tomahawk.

After swallowing the dragon blood, and constantly suffering from the effects of the void projection, Xu Zhi has 53-54 damage attributes, and the basic melee attack has reached 102 points.

Under the effect of the dragon's power doubling the damage attribute, his basic output has reached the area between 205-210 points.

Whether it is an alloy tomahawk with a 60-point attack power or a horn bow with a 55-point attack power, his lethality can be further improved, which is called first-class.

There are obviously two effects without magic aids and with top magic aids.

If the bonus effect of equipment is added, his output even exceeds some Mantis lords.

After a lot of calculations, Xu Zhi had the confidence to speak out.

As long as he can hit or cut, he can end the life of this mantis lord with four blows.

This is their most powerful ten minutes. Once the magic effect fades, the damage they take will instantly increase, and after thirty minutes, the power of dragon power and vampire touch will also be lost.

In the state of the top group snake strike, Phantom waved out without hesitation holding the bull battle axe, and directly cut a big wound under the neck of the mantis lord.

The killing arrow pinched in Xu Zhi's hand also flew out.

The instantaneous pounding caused the mantis lord into great pain. Nearly two-thirds of his life was directly cut off. Its body rolled violently, and a strong hissing sound in his mouth continued to move outside the battlefield.

A flash of lightning followed, and the mantis lord shuddered, staying in place, twitching for a while.

Phantom cut off the triangular head with an axe, and it was unwilling to stop struggling, only some instinctive reflections of the biological body remained, shaking on the ground.

Tips: Kill the mantis lord mouth by mouth, get x2000 gold coins, 8000 experience.

The praying mantis seem to have the language of their own ethnic group and the corresponding name, but Tanan did not consider this mutant creature when setting up this **** abandoned body, mouth and mouth are more like a kind of garbled characters.

Xu Zhi's thoughts were not released, and he was extremely skilled at drawing arrows and pulling bows.

During the initial contact, the other party was caught off guard, and then it would be more troublesome.

When his phantom waved the bull tomahawk again, a circle of blood, blue, gold, and white ripples suddenly bloomed, like the ripples of the lake.

This is the aura of the lords, with the ability to compete with the magic of the lower realm, each has its own magical effect.

There are auras of praying mantises, auras of phoenixes, and creatures such as fairy dragons, griffins, and sun wolves, all taking advantage of this ability when the battle begins.

Unsophisticated praying mantises do not have high levels of auras and divine spells, and the bonuses they bring are not terrifying.

This is what Xu Zhi set.

Low-level auras do not reduce their auxiliary magic to the same level.

Slightly glanced at the extremely chaotic battlefield, the alloy shield held by the phantom made a crisp sound, and the silver halo diffused immediately, constantly locking the creatures outside the praying mantis.

The alloy shield, which is called the strongest shield in the lower realm, begins to transform into the Legion's treasure state.

Seeing that the amethyst gemstone on the shield slowly changed color with the naked eye, Xu Zhi felt that after the battle, Doug Wuger was probably going to find another gemstone.

High-level aura-type treasures are no different from Sandro's cursed armor, with great power and great consumption.

Alloy shield: When used for personal protection, the shield bearer's melee and long-range defense power +30.

Acts on legion protection, increases the melee and ranged defense of creatures below the immortal or monarch level by 50% (range effect number: 200), and the shield bearer's melee and ranged defense +3 (requires activation of amethyst gem).

Layers of silver armor began to cover, as if a metal film was coated on the body. Although the strong individual protection of the alloy shield was lost, a thicker feeling came to my mind.

Many lords, even Hexis, Sandro, and Somra, who have been deprived of their immortality, are also in the bonus of this alloy shield.

In addition to the Phoenix monarch Iriana, their square became a silver armor.

The attack of the praying mantis became weaker and weaker, and the prince of the phoenix, Iriana, began to hiss in the low air, as if it had been hit with chicken blood.

The mantis lord, who was able to kill her in a minute, seems to be no longer that strong.

And her flame spray, impact, and beak blow can bring good damage to the other party.

Irene thinks this is the most powerful dragon power effect she has ever experienced.

The body was cut from time to time by the mantis lord, but the body recovered quickly, not only from the recovery of the dragon's power after being hit, but also from the false recovery of the vampire's touch.

This made Irene feel as if she had become an unbeatable being.

"We can call the undead bird like this."

Her eyes were sharp, the golden flames on her body kept rising, staring at the broken mantis lord, and the fire spurted past.


The two arrows fired, and Xu Zhi's angular bow began to turn away.

Exhaled deeply in one breath, the arrow of the kill suddenly took off the string.

Direct shot on the lord lord who is fighting with Xiao Tian Tian.

Tier 4 and Tier 5 magic brings the ability to fight across so that these powerful Phoenix lords and the lord of the praying man will not fall for the time being.

However, there are no shortage of goblin lords, white tiger lords, sun wolves, four-element lords, and even fairy dragons. The attacks are as tired as usual, and they can only continue to circulate.

It seems that only the phoenixes are erupting.

This extra fighting makes some mantises doubt their lives.

If there is any difference this year, there are only some strange creatures in the venue.

Skeletons, lamp gods, grimaces, and a jungle goblin.

Magic is constantly being released, and treasures shine from time to time.

After fighting for more than twenty seconds, Xu Zhi felt that their area was suddenly focused on.

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