Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1730: True and false sandro

"My ability to release early was broken by him."

As time flows faster, many things are no longer the same.

But the change is the same as before, and even if the time can be made slower, Tanan also occupies the active capital.

He didn't need to rush to meet Sandro's request, everything still had time.

"It turned out that it was only paralyzing the mind, and it was difficult to perceive the flow rate of external time, which also formed the local control of the speed of time flow.

The body became like Sandro, Tanu also carefully sensed Sandro's ability.

"What I want to copy is what I can't hide in front of him, **** dog legs, that's the result of Lao Tzu's hard work for a thousand years."

Hearing Tanu speak of the inner part of his ability, Sandro immediately concealed his face, unable to restrain his emotions.

"I haven't heard of your ability before," Xu Zhidao said.

"Of course I have to hide my hands. I can tell you everything," Sandro said sadly. "I didn't hide near the lower realm. I've fallen for eight years."

"So what shall we do now?" Xu Zhi said: "He wants to kill us."

What kind of aging is like Sandro's aging, and the ability to flow at a slow speed is not important, how is it not important that Tanu gets rid of it?

"It's not us, it's just you, he wants to kill you, I just take the ride" Sandro emphasized, without a good air: "You made a back door on his body to let souls who have practiced death magic pass, I still have no problem escaping."

"you guys."

Tanu looked at Sandro and Xu Zhi, and suddenly felt that his body was more ill.

If Sandro wants to come, he wants to walk, and he can walk. In the future, this body can also be used as an incarnation, and it can be directly penetrated into the soul by everyone.

If he stabbed at the critical moment, Tanu felt uncomfortable.

He could not split his soul into two, one with the subject and one with the jungle goblin.

Whether he could wipe out the back door, he was hardly sure for a moment.

Tanu stared at them, his face slightly changed.

"He becomes you again, and his strength should be the same as you."

Xu Zhi looked at Tanu in the distance. The form of Tanu at this time was not different from Sandru, but the body formed by the soul was the same size.

Xu Zhi had heard Somra speak of engraved magic before.

This magic technique originated from illusion magic. Although it was born out of illusion magic, its actual ability has far exceeded illusion.

At a divine level, there are few creatures in the Nether that can avoid Tanu's re-engraving, even creatures such as the Black Dragon are no exception.

He can be transformed into almost any creature, male or female, bird, or beast.

This makes Tanan almost one of the most difficult to deal with, and Tanan almost becomes the most knowledgeable person.

Tanu can set the jungle goblin to have the ability to communicate with everything, and the probability is derived from his knowledge system.

But this divine art inevitably also has weaknesses.

At first, it is difficult to engrave artifacts and super treasures.

This allowed Tanu to face some immortal people with top strength but richer than him, and Tanan was hard to hold his breath.

Physical abilities are not much different, but treasures will break this balance and it is difficult to determine each other's wins or losses.

The second is the ability to engrave the object. If Tanu engraves a mouse, he will be trampled to death no matter how strong it is.

For the duration of the engraved divine spell, Tanu cannot switch back to his original strength.

Dealing with the Sandro form that is only one size larger than the Black Dragon system is far better than the form of the opponent's giant Tanu soul.

Xu Zhilong's claws slightly grabbed and released several times, and his eyes swept from time to time on Sandro and Tanu.

Far worse than Tanu, but Xu Zhi felt able to fight Sandro several times.

At least not as Tannu nearly kicked him to death.

"His life is stronger than me, and he should be more resistant to fight," Sandro said sullenly. "Don't think about how much I contribute, I won't die with him."

The source of life is the life value indicated on the property panel.

Other capabilities are the same as Sandro, but the health value may be much higher than Sandro.

Under the killing, Sandro will definitely lose.

Even if Xu Zhi is on the side and can play two and one, Sandro doesn't want to fight.

Breaking and damaging the soul, this wound is a bit difficult to heal, it may take years of rest.

"Can you suffocate, do you want to play in the safe lower realm?" Xu Zhi sullenly said.

Not to mention Sandro as the main force, just to help fight, Tanu will also be uncomfortable, and maybe they can be killed.

This old product will be too wise to protect himself, and can he still have the title of the fourth gangster in Dongfang Village happily.

"If I become an idiot, what can the lower realm do?" Sandro didn't have a good air. "You are usually not good to me. Where can I do this life-saving job for you."

"I'm very useful," Xu Zhi shouted: "I'm in the lower realm to serve as a master of a great undead kingdom called Cresson. Baron Feng Tajin asks me for blessings every major event. I also know many bigwigs, the lower realm The network is wide, you will definitely use me in the future."

"You are always true and false, huh, huh, let alone those ties that you don't have any effect on me, the relationship that you go to communicate is reliable."

"If Tanu can't erase the back door of this body, don't think about how comfortable it will be in the future, he will definitely try to kill you after going out, after all, you are too weak in reality."


Sandrew's sneer continued, but his face became more serious.

This muddy water is so uncomfortable, he may have committed some taboos of Tanu.

Even he is no exception. If someone can get into his undead body and control his body, Sandro will also find ways to kill him.

Xu Zhi did not make him feel good about this good thing, but he had to beware of it.

Compared with being subject to external constraints, because of the low strength that the world exerts differently, his mental power has no effect.

He still has the highest fighting power in his spirit at this time.

In the event of a duel, this is the moment when he is closest to Tanu's strength. Xu Zhi is on the side as a helper and also has the best chance to clean up the opponent.

"Your soul body is so powerful, it certainly does not belong to the level of immortality and false gods, which is a bit interesting." Sandru stared at Tanu, and his expression solemnly said: "I have never slaughtered the half god, Tanu, you are actually in This world has also become a demigod."

Looking at Tanu, Sandro's eyes were also dangerous, and the fierce light flashed on Tanu's condensed image from time to time.

"Dare to fight at my home court, Sandro, you have courage and commendation, and I hope you will be so tough for a while."

Tanu looked at Sandro and Xu Zhi with a trace of fear in his eyes, but he pressed it down.

They are still in confrontation with each other, but they just want to minimize their losses.

All they considered was **** each other with one blow.

The same is true of the black dragon, which includes claws and teeth.

When Xu Zhi condensed his mind, he only felt a slow pain in his body.

Sandro, who was just aside, had a ‘broken’ sound before his senses recovered from it. The huge pain quickly came and his body was flying high.

It's just the moment of thinking and imagination, he has been blown away by his body is getting darker.

Xu Zhi shook his head, feeling a little dizzy.

Sandru's ability to strike is far weaker than Tanu's, but the bad taste is uncomfortable.

Xu Zhi felt that if he hit two more times, his soul might be scattered.

"You have to hold on, I can only release and crack three times of aging in a certain period of time, Tanu is no exception, he still has the ability to use it at most once."

In the distance, Sandru and Tanu crossed their fists several times, and they were hard to distinguish clearly.

After the two sides retreated, Sandro said a while before he could tell.

"Tanu, you have engraved me again, and still want to rely on the body of my soul to make it impossible to be a shame? It's as mean as ever."

Xu Zhizheng was about to approach Sandro and form a corner with Tanu. He listened to another young man in blue robe, suddenly the dragon claws shrank, and he never dared to step on.

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