Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1731: Hard to tell

() In the knowledge of the jungle goblin, Xu Zhi, Tanu, and Sandro confronted each other.

The two Sandroes in front of me are in the same form, only with more or less health, and without the assistance of the panel, Xu Zhi is also difficult to distinguish who is who.

Tanu's ability to launch the time lapse is mainly aimed at him, which makes both Sandro injured quite lightly, and there is no difference in shape at all.

"Come here, kill Tanu with me," said a blue robe youth.

"You are Tanu, don't go to him," another blue-robed young man said angrily: "Always playing with this set, aren't you enough to blame?"

To say a few words, the two also competed against each other, and their eyes swept over Xu Zhi from time to time.

Tanu obviously does not mind joining a black dragon. If Xu directly chooses the wrong person, it is even convenient for him to start a sneak attack in the back.

Xu Zhi felt that his soul was crumbling, and he only needed to punch a few punches on Sandro's attack.

Now the soul strength is a bit dangerous, he has to use the mental force tactics to recover slowly and make himself comfortable.

If the standing team picks the wrong side, he will have a bad luck.

"If you don't join forces with me, I'd rather escape and have at least a ray of life outside," said the blue robe youth.

"Don't believe him, once you are killed by Tanu's sneak attack, this piece of knowledge will be under his control. Lao Tzu will be very passive and will not be able to walk through the back door."

Xu Zhi's eyes had just turned to one person, and then to another person.

"Otherwise, you wait for me to recover for a while" Xu Zhi cautiously said: "I'm very upset now, I want to fix it."

"Destroy this dog's leg, you can recover as long as you want," Yilanpao said.

"I can wait for you, ha ha ha, I'm not in a hurry."

Xu Zhi's eyes suddenly turned to the blue-robed young man who opened his mouth first, only to see the other person humming: "I can wait too, but if you think about it yourself, the longer you repair, the longer his ability to pass time will be restored, Once I give you three ties, I may not be able to protect you."

"Why don't you release this ability once, restore it once and release it once, so that you are good, me too" Xu Zhi suggested.

"Are you stupid of me or stupid of him? If I were released, he wasn't released. Who will crack this ability at that time and want us to die together."

"It's no problem for me to release, but how can I guarantee that he will be released with me at the same time."

Xu Zhi provokes a dilemma, and his ability to incite the wind is slightly worse. Sandro and Tanu are obviously unwilling to give up this lethal ability.

At the moment, the two were in a hurry again.

But no matter how frustrating, and regardless of the ability of the two of them to recover three times after the simultaneous recovery, Xu Zhi felt that it was better to recover some.

What made Xu Zhi quite regretful was that Sandro didn't desperately want to die. If one died, he would be able to distinguish clearly.

This could not provoke the two to death fight.

Tanu and Sandru scolded each other for a while, and they talked a lot of annoying and hurtful words, but they never saw a fight.

"Sandrew, how many jungle fairies are there in our Oriental Village?"

After recovering for a long time, Xu Zhi felt that he needed the help of a big medicine to repair it, and it was difficult to recover his soul damage by mental force.

The three in the sea know each other and are silent for a long time.

After Xu Zhi spoke, the two looked down at him.

"Hahaha, Tanu, if you can repeat it again, you can only copy it to my ability. It is difficult to detect my memory. I will let you answer first" Yilanpao laughed.

"Hey, I know there are eighty-three jungle goblins, Tanu, but you try another number. You are the only one who can't answer the question in person."

"Bastard, how many things have you peeped at me, could you even see my shallow memories, **** Tanu, I curse you all my life."

Xu Zhi felt that he had failed this question. When the two argued, he still didn't know clearly.

Tanu's engraved objects are numerous, and he has experienced this discrimination scene more than once.

"Sandrew, where did we meet for the first time?"

The shallow memory mentioned by these two people seems to be the recent memory. Xu Zhi decided to take the topic farther away and talk about a long-term topic.

"Hahaha, Tanu, you will try again this time."

"Hey, Tanu, you answered, but I want me to answer this time again? You are a dog, a **** old liar." The latter blue robe youth snorted before saying, "Prison."

"So you are..."

Xu Zhi's eyes glared, the dragon posed, and he was about to rush over with his teeth and claws, only to see Tanu sprint, and rushed with Sandro.

Adding fists and feet, Xu Zhi shook his head hard, feeling that he was in a state of confusion again.



Two cheers reassured Xu Zhi, at least he would not be beaten by Tanu in his slow thinking.

"Tanu, **** it."

When the figure separated, I saw a young man in a blue robe covering his stomach, the pain on his face was obvious.

"Tanu, you **** it."

Another young man in blue robe covered her waist and ribs, which was obviously extremely uncomfortable.

This kind of fight was obviously not the result that Sandro wanted. The two were cursed for a while, and they urged Xu Zhi to find a way.

"Sandrew, did I give you a cursed armor."

"Nonsense, that's obviously my thing. My apprentice has put together several accessories, or I merged them."

A young man in a blue robe reacted quickly to the topic of Xu Zhi, and Xu Zhi rushed towards the others immediately.

"You're such a big mess, asking some far away questions, he now reads my shallow memories and knows all my recent experiences."

Another shouted violently, and then fled.

Xu Zhi suddenly mentioned the body, turned around and snapped to the blue robe youth beside.

I saw the young man in blue robe glared, his hands turned into bone claws and grabbed.

The collision of the two soul bodies appeared silent, and when they were fighting, Xu Zhi's body flew away, and the other party began to retreat violently.

This time the impact will inevitably make opponents suffer.

"Damn squeak, you hit the wrong person. If you kill me, Tanu is afraid that he will laugh," the young man in blue robe exclaimed.

"You took an apprentice in prison, what is his name?"

"Gao Wu."

Far and near, the two blue-robed youths opened their mouths at the same time, which made Xu Zhi feel cold, feeling that he might have hit the wrong person just now.

"Damn Tanu, he has engraved me for too long, and has found my memory of that time node."

"Disgusting dog thief, it's disgusting to see your memory."

The two shouted at the moment, and Xu Zhi on the side had difficulty distinguishing who really was Sandro.

If the content of the memory is the same, what can he rely on to distinguish it? The time he spent with Sandro was not long, and he knew so much from each other, only what happened in recent years.

"Let's talk about the development of mental It just happens that you still have some boxed goods that I haven't heard of."

It took a long time before Xu Zhi came up with a little idea.

This made the two Sandrew's faces even worse.

Tanu had a hard time merging knowledge of Sandro's spiritual power, and Sandro was reluctant to talk about his own cargo.

"Damn little thief, burning eyebrows has not forgotten to take advantage of me."

"Hey hey, I am willing to say that as long as you fake this fake, this knowledge is not in vain, you can peep into my present, could you peep into my future failure."

"When you can't tell me, let me talk about it. See who can explain this truth. If you don't understand it, it's a fake. Boy, don't listen to it."

The two left and right, far apart, sandwiched Xu Zhi in the middle.

Sandro apparently didn't want to distinguish and then rushed together, making it difficult to confirm.

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