Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1733: Gula

() Amidst the sea, countless green drops fell.

Xu Zhi only felt a sense of comfort in his body of the Black Dragon. Before that, Tanu had punched two punches, and Sandro had scratched his paw. The injury was constantly being repaired.

Compared to his enjoyment, Tanu's face in the distance suddenly became difficult to look at.

Sandro showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"Demon Tree Gula."

Along with Tanu's utterance, Green Mang began to shrink and converge.

An old man with a thin face appeared in front of Xu Zhi.

When seeing the other person's figure, Xu Zhi felt that his mind was bursting, and countless thoughts came out.

"Is this the kindest look in your heart?"

The old man looked at Xu Zhi, his appearance was exactly the same as Xu Zheng in Xu Zhi's memory.

Suddenly seeing his father's appearance, Xu Zhi couldn't help but feel a little stunned, and he was awake until the old man made a sound.

"Master Mother."

Xu Zhi's mind already knew who the other party was, and the spirit idea of ​​the fairy tree in Dongfang Village appeared here.

"The two teachers awakened me, boy, thank you for the gift you found, and let me accept the compatriot's legacy." The old man nodded to Xu Zhi: "The first time I met in this state, in your ocean of consciousness , What you think is what you see when you see me, don’t be too surprised and worried."

The old man did not speak anxiously, his hand gently touched Xu Zhi's body of the black dragon, and countless green mans rushed into it, making Xu Zhi feel a sudden shock and his injury healed by seven or eight points.

"Tanan, you should not be here, nor should you bully me, the most productive child."

"that's me……"

"He was born by me, not you," the old man raised his head and said: "You also secretly killed the child I was supposed to be born, you have no right to take back the body of my child."

"You killed me more than 870 times, how can you even pay off the debt."

"Eight hundred and eighty-five times, you are reborn once a year. I'm also very troublesome to keep you dead. I'm mentally weak and depressed. In the end, I haven't really killed you."

"It's actually more than I counted," Tanu said sullenly. "You won't be able to give birth to me. I was also confused at the time. I can only repeat the reincarnation, and I can't stand the world."

"Your true God is the enemy of our elemental Lord God," the old man said in a deep voice, "How dare I dare to give birth to you."

"The hatred caused by the old generation should not be borne by our new generation," Tanukan Baba said. "It's all fruit and fruit. You have to care about so much, and it's too picky."

"You are instructed to slaughter the intelligent creatures of the elemental world and destroy the civilization here. Our hatred is so great that it is not a pity to kill you a thousand times."

Seeing the green mansions soaring, and constantly bringing this sea-enriching goblin tree gula, Tanu's feeling of coldness surged into his heart, only to realize that the memories of strangulation by the goblin tree gula came out in the past.

Many giant trees that have not grown into a world tree have no external strength. Even if they become a world tree, their power also belongs to the low and middle level of the deity.

But these giant woods possess spiritual powers beyond the reach of ordinary gods.

Even if this mental power is not offensive, as long as it can be used flexibly, it will still emit great power.

The fairy tree is just constantly releasing its own spiritual power, and is constantly flooding this piece of sea-knowledge space.

Any evil spirit that the fairy tree thinks will be rejected by him eventually.

Tanu was too familiar with this feeling. At that time, he was constantly antagonizing until he was squeezed to death in the growing flower house.

Of course, it is better now that he can at least be squeezed out of the body of this jungle goblin. There is a body that can be comforted, so that he will not be crushed directly when he is a baby.

"You can protect him for a while, you can still protect him for a lifetime," Tanu reluctantly said: "He does not belong to this world, he is a creature of other worlds, not your real child."

"I can't have more than one child, I want you to exercise this leisurely mind."

The old man's face was green, and countless green mansions flew on his body, constantly filling this piece of sea-knowledge space.

"Eccentric tree."

Tanu murmured with great dissatisfaction, his body stretched suddenly, turned into a towering giant, and looked at the eyes of the crowd, and then he was not reconciled gradually to a bubble.

"This old turtle is only honestly beaten by him."

Seeing that Tanu had disappeared, Sandroson could not help staring at Tanu where he disappeared and scolded.

After he scolded, he looked back at Xu Zhidao and said: "Uncle Shan has also saved your life. Don't hit me to curse the armor in the future, please keep in mind what happened inside, and don't forget to repay me. "

"Okay, if I can find the God-given Divine Soldier, I will give you the cursed armor."

"Hum hum, you don't let me be."

Sandro hummed for a while, then he took a few steps and disappeared.

"These people used to be top-notch strong men with unpredictable temperaments. Besides the lamp god, they are still loyal and honest. Don't believe any of them."

"Especially beware of Tanan, who just left without any guarantee."

"Improve the strength of your source as much as possible. If you have the capital that damages Tanan's source, you can let him lose the gains and you will be safe."

Tanan, mentioned by the mother tree Gula, is Tanu, and the original power is the soul, and it is also the spiritual power that Xu Zhi has been practicing.

Listening to the mother tree, Xu Zhi thought about Tanu's tall soul and body. It was his hard work that made him reach the opponent's knee.

If Tanu is likened to a normal adult, he can only be regarded as a child at the age of six or seven at best, while Sandru is at a level between ten and twelve.

As for Hexis, he has too little soul energy to enter the jungle and know the sea. If it is just the size of a ghost, Xu Zhi can kick each other.

Xu Zhi foresees that Hexis's spiritual accomplishments are more limited than him.

The gap between their spiritual strength and Tanu is almost so desperate.

If Tanu is to be worried, he has a unique mental ability like Sandro, and he can rely on his mental ability to unknowingly reach the other party.

Either it can cause Tanu some damage.

At least it made him feel unreasonable to seize the body of the jungle goblin, and finally extinguished this thought.

"I borrowed the tree nucleus you found and used the original power transmitted by the seal of the leader to be far enough to drive him away from you. He also has a lot of shadows on me, so I just temporarily retreated."

"Perhaps you can use the power of that other world to protect As long as Tanu has gone to the lower realm, you will most likely settle down."

Xu Zhi's head hurts when she heard that Mother Gula spoke about a different world.

He doesn't yet know what it looks like to be hungry in the real world.

The nutrient solution is enough for him to drink for a week, and the physique of the top master is estimated to be enough for him to last for more than 20 to 30 days under the condition of nearly breathing.

But Hexis said that the time had passed more than two months.

This time is a bit long.

He can rest tortoise again, it is not really a tortoise, he still has the instinct of life, needs to eat and drink, and has all normal physiological behaviors.

Xu Zhi and the mother tree Gula said a few words, seeing Gula's soul overflowing his knowledge of the sea.

The feeling of controlling the body of the jungle goblin returned to consciousness.

Xu Zhi finally opened his eyes sadly.

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