Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1734: Interim agreement

() Under the fairy tree, Xu Zhi and Tanu's bodies are placed side by side, just 100 meters apart from each other.

Around the two, a large number of Phoenix twitters kept saying hi to each other.

Not only the Phoenix monarch, but also many Phoenix lords and subordinate phoenixes, Xu Zhi familiar with the fire element lord Adi Feila is also on the sidelines.

If he and Tanu only wake up alone, these fire-breathing creatures will emit countless flames.

No matter Xu Zhi or Tanu, no one of them can escape this kind of flame.

And Phoenix is ​​still very good at the race of hitting the water dogs, flying fast enough, and it is difficult to escape after the killing.

Phoenix's threatening power is very strong.

But Tanu still has Xu Zhiyun into a spiritual confrontation, and has the ability to kill him with a high probability.

The two figures stood up slowly among the phoenixes.

Immediately afterwards, some phoenixes couldn't spit out fire and burned, and they seemed quite lost.

"I need a guarantee."

Tanu looked at the people around him who were staring at him. He was fierce in force and afraid of being beaten by groups.

In addition to the armor, Xu Zhineng, who is full of magic, competes with him. There are no people and creatures on the scene when he is alone.

But such as the Phoenix monarch, although not capable, but with the characteristics of continuous resurrection, it will be extremely difficult to entangle.

As long as one can barely stand up, the conditions for a group fight can be formed.

With so many Phoenix lords and Phoenix commanders, as well as Somra, Hexis, Sandro and others, if there is not enough guarantee, Tanu feels that he will be killed to be reborn.

The only weakness at this time was the jungle goblin.

Just like Xu Zhi was afraid of him.

"You can go, the farther you go, the better, we don't want to see you again," Somra said quietly.

"No, Tanu can't leave the scope of the fairy tree," Sandro shook his head. "There are four villages under the fairy tree. Except for the Oriental Village here, the Southern Village where I am, he can go to any other two villages."


"We can kill you to reincarnate in the lower realm, and you can only threaten the thief at this time," said Sandro. "If you get out of the fairy tree, there will be more people that can be threatened. We will not kill ourselves." It is up to you to decide your life and death. I would rather you die with the thief."

"Will I be as capricious as you are, and be ashamed" Tanu said angrily.

"You have just stolen my abilities, and you just made a shame." Sandro retorted: "It's this condition, as you say, I can't believe you, you can't go out and do things."

"Until the next elemental tide begins, the phoenixes will be stationed around to watch you, don't want to play tricks."

Sandro added another sentence, Tanu's face was darker.

"You have another important thing," Hexius nodded: "I heard that you are an alien from the old world, and it caused irreversible damage to the elemental world, and the ability to repair the magical rainbow. You need to negotiate together at that time. To solve the problem of elemental tides, at least the method and approach must be provided for the lower bound."

"Do you mean to imprison me and work for free?"

Tanu simply translated the meaning of the people in the East Village. He said that there was no problem. The requirements of Sandro and Hexis are such a case.

As a bargaining chip, Xu Zhi did not express any opinion.

Tanu is troublesome living under the fairy tree, but Tanu is even more troublesome when he leaves the fairy tree.

With divine skills and proficient in the language of many creatures, Tanu will be able to mix in the elemental world.

What Sandro feared was that Tanu might borrow and even control the power of the praying mantis. Once the many-to-one balance was broken, it was far more than Xu Zhi alone.

Moreover, Tanu's engraving divine art is extremely troublesome. Once he is away from everyone's line of sight, he turns into someone and mixes into the Oriental Village, which will make them unpredictable.

Imprisonment and custody are alternatives.

"Just invite you to rest here for a year or two, the element tides are getting faster and faster, and your time to return to the lower realm will be very fast."

Somra also nodded, and he clearly understood at this time that Tanu had to go, but he couldn't go too far, out of their defense range.

It even solves the tide of the element, breaking Tanu's path into the elemental world and avoiding the suffering of Xu Zhi later.

Their request is a bit excessive.

But when fighting, one step back is one step at a time.

As long as Tanu doesn’t want to fight both sides and get reborn, he can still live in peace.

If they are not in the realm, they need to avoid Tanu before they have enough abilities.

At this time, this hatred was settled. Somra thought about the situation after the lower bound, and it felt like a mess.

They can only achieve immortality as soon as possible, in order to be able to guard against Tanu enough.

"That's what you mean, don't you agree?" Hexis nodded.

As long as he can reach the lower bound, he will not be afraid of Tanu. If he can summon demons to play, he still doesn't know who will lose and who will win.

After the lower realm restores its immortal qualification, he is far more confident than Somra and Sandro.

"I remember you, don't fall on my hands in the future."

Tanu finally snorted without looking back in one direction.

"Don't walk to the village where I am, turn left at ninety degrees, walk about 12,400 steps at your step, you should be able to see the Western Village."

Sandro reminded him of his direction. When Tanu's footsteps stopped, he walked towards the direction he designated, and he was relieved.

"The next time he dared to play this kind of soul collision, Laoshan, you give him a speed. Let's take him off his limbs. Let's cheat him again in the soul," Hexius sneered.

His reminder was very timely, at least let Tanu know that everyone in the Dongfang Village was detrimental to the conditions, but did not do too much.

Tanu's mouth twitched slightly, and finally he didn't say anything. His steps didn't stop, and he strode toward the Western Village.

"Thank you mother tree, thank you uncles, thank you **** birds..."

It must be said that Xu Zhi would also like to thank many elemental circles for helping the Phoenix, and he was eventually helped by the Phoenix.

It feels good to help each other.

He still missed the reality of survival in his head, but he dared not delay time too much.

When he looked around the phoenixes, he didn't see the sweetest sweets he knew the most. Now he couldn't help wondering: "Julie Angela Alexia Daisy Sweet... what about it?"

"She hasn't recovered yet, she has been hiding in the middle of the cocoon," Iriana tilted her head. "It may be that the temperature of the resurrected flame is not fierce enough. We will try to give her a few more fires later."

"If you need medical magical assistance, just ask me."

The resurrection and healing of the Phoenixes are a bit different from ordinary creatures. Xu Zhi is not good at expressing his opinions and has to play as needed. If there is a place where he needs to contribute, he will do his best to assist.

"I'm going back there, you look at me a little bit, and I'm going to die if I can't do it over there."

Send away many great Xu Zhi returned to the Oriental Village.

The tide of elements struck, nothing happened in the east, everything was fine.

Xu Zhi looked at it before he screamed at Somra and Hexis.

"Let's code a word first, in case Tanu really sneaks into your body, we are afraid it will be reborn early," Hexis suggested.

"Heaven covered the ground tiger," Xu pointed directly at himself, and at the same time, he pointed to two people: "Pagoda Town River Demon."

"What inexplicable code is this, in what age?"

"Don't worry about so much, just use it. It's a bit of a mouthful. This code is more secure."

As I pulled the door open, I could hear Somra and Hexis repeating the secret signal from time to time.

As soon as he lay down, in reality his body had stood upright.

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