Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1735: I want to buy 1,000 electromagnetic blasters

"Where are you going to revive the fairy?"

With the familiar voice from Yan Xuankong in his ear, Xu Zhi finally knew he was okay.

There is a master, he wants to die hard, not to mention that he is hungry and needs to eat, this matter is easy to solve.

"Is it true that you have symptoms of progressive stiffness pvs nerve interference?"

Yan Xuankong looked at Xu Zhi's slightly confused eyes, and seemed to be adapting to his body.

The last time I was fainted in Ying Guo for two or three days, this time it took a long time, two months and eighteen days.

If it weren't for Fan Tiexin feeling abnormal, Yan Xuankong felt that Xu Zhi's retreat would be dead.

Although there are some cultivators who are closed to death, it is those who are unsuccessful who will become the benevolent thoughts to impact the cultivating level. Xu Zhi has not yet touched the cultivating obstacles, which obviously does not belong to this category.

Xu Zhi still had bleeding for a few days, almost the same as when he was in Yingguo, which made Yan Xuankong a little puzzled, and the information from the previous test report came to my heart again.

If this kind of problem really happened, he would be powerless as a master and could only watch Xu Zhi struggling there.

"No, I'm fine."

Back to the last sentence, Xu Zhi shook his head and began to close his eyes, flushing his body up and down with internal air from time to time.

It's been a long time since he returned to the body, he felt a little strange to the limb.

In the days without reality, this body is obviously still hanging up to practice exercises, and the thick soil mystery has not fallen.

Xu Zhi could feel that his internal level of the Thick Soil Xuan Jing had risen steadily.

This way of hanging on the train makes Xu Zhi a little confused.

If there is no cultivation obstacle, this inner qi automatically cultivates for a hundred years, and he can automatically become a grand master.

"Did you practice this often?"

The level of Xu Zhi's practice is reassuring, but Yan Xuankong feels that he must understand more and manage more.

Xu Zhi has been restocked and he can no longer recognize it.

This is not a normal practice at all.

"Or are you trying to cultivate the imposing concept?"

In addition to the piles of broken things outside, he obviously also has countless questions about Xu Zhi's own questions that he wants to ask clearly.

"Ah, yes, try it."

Xu Zhihuang shook his head and finally came back awake. He shook the solution soaked in his body and began to cut off the liquid food tube and drilled out of the machine.

When taking a deep breath of indoor air, Xu Zhi could smell the ambergris.

It seems that when the soul was impacted by Tanu, the state in reality was not good. Yan Xuankong had to use some medicines to restore his spirit to assist Xu Zhi.

No wonder he showed some physical strangeness and discomfort.

"Effective, very effective. Master, you can experience it when you have time. I think it is a heavenly road, but you are already there. The help may be a little bit."

"Your brain is very unclear now" Yan Xuankong looked at Xu Zhi and worried: "Those things that were abandoned in the past can only be used as a reference. Don't really delve into it. Elimination means that there is elimination. It will be difficult to study again. Change your face and don’t do much.”

"Relax, I am sober."

After finishing his clothes, Xu Zhi looked at the calendar again, feeling that this time was dazzling, passing him by surprise.

He doesn't have the Black Dragon Reais' ability to control, and in reality it is not O'Reilly's, the situation is completely different.

These months are at a critical juncture for development communications, and his absence should have caused a lot of trouble.

In particular, it also involves entering the ruins of Xing Huang in the beginning of August, the opening of the Wangui Cave near September, and the four-nation exchange competition held in northern Xinjiang around October.

Many things were immediately mentioned on the itinerary, requiring him to make arrangements as soon as possible.

For example, a thousand electromagnetic blasters.

Another example is the sale of ten million gold coins.

There is also the need to protect his own safety. If Tanu comes again, he will not have to think about doing anything else this year.

Close your eyes, open your eyes, a year has passed.

Maybe the eyes can't be opened, and the whole life will pass.

"Master, hey, Master, why are you here too?"

After being asked a few words by Yan Xuankong, and leaning on Yan Xuankong, Xu Zhi didn't find the master Yan Yanxia in the distance.

Yan Xingxia was sitting next to the square table in the corner of his practice room at this time, his body looming, almost integrated with the square table.

This seems to be Liu Shengzongyuan's escape technique. You can use the tree environment to allow yourself to integrate into it and complete the hidden means.

It looks quite magical, but this classification of escape is a kind of eye-blocking method in Dongyue, and it is also called the transformation technique. It is greatly restricted and influenced by the environment, and it is not useful for his stealth radiation.

"Someone here is not honest, take a look at the place for you," Yan Xingxia nodded and said dissatisfiedly: "This escape technique is not easy to use, and Xiao Xu found me when he was sober."

"If you practice again, practice a little deeper, there should always be a few people covered." Yan Xuankong said: "At least Liu Shengzongyuan can pass me."

"That's your inability."

"You don't have the skill to escape."


The two accused each other, and after a while, Xu Zhi interjected and said, "Aren't we doing the mother-to-child poison test now?"

Both Yan Xingxia and Yan Xuankong ran to northern Hunan, and the experiment was probably terminated.

"Not done, the experiment failed, and there was no material," Yan Xuankong shook his head.

"No material? The experiment failed?"

To be more precise, Li Duohuang is also experimental material. Did she get rid of it, or did she fail after the experiment failed.

Xu Zhi patted his chest, unable to contact each other, but vaguely, he felt that Li Duohuang was not dead.

This relieved him a lot.

If this mother-in-law is dead, she will have to affect his physique.

"Yes, we don't do that experiment anymore, are you still worried about the little girl?" Yan Xuankong said with a smile: "She was able to survive, did not die, and threw it back to Nan'ao."

"She is Xiaoqiangming" Xu Zhi nodded.

The experiment failed, and I can safely throw it back to South Australia. Li Duohuang was poisoned by the seed and mother.

It is difficult to avoid the poison of the thousand poisons and the non-invasion effect of the twins of Yin and Yang and the double lotus. The experiment of the Grand Master is also difficult to crack for several months. Perhaps the only thing left in front of Tibetan Su Xin and others.

Xu Zhi also understands this difficulty.

Perhaps one day the first evil was removed, they dare to go back to Dongyue to serve the crime.

Xu Zhihuang shook his head, the things of hardships had to be solved, the three generations of communication had to be solved, and his personal things had to be solved.

"Master, I want to buy a thousand electromagnetic blasters. You can help me find a way. I want to take credit."

The profit brought by gold coins is huge, but the purchase price of electromagnetic blasters is also very expensive.

The purchase price of the number of blasters mentioned in the opening of Shan Xuzhi requires a full amount of 250 million yuan.

"Old man, do you think Xu Zhi's brain is broken? This is irrational?" Yan Xuan said.

Xu Zhi rarely borrowed the Yan family's money, but he didn't open his mouth, the opening was 250 million yuan, Yan Xuankong felt that he couldn't accept it at once.

He felt Xu Zhi's head was broken.

Money is only used as numbers.

The blaster is playing as a firecracker, which is to let a thousand sounds be released.

"Never forget the blaster, who are you trying to blow up?"

Yan Xingxia glanced at Yan Xuankong and put his eyes on Xu Zhi.

There are very few people who can beat Xu Zhi in Xiangbei. Even Gong Sun Kang was beaten for two months, and the remaining quota is easy to guess.

Xu Zhi certainly won't blow up Lu Then there is only Jin Zhongze.

But Yan Xingxia was not sure whether Xu Zhi wanted to blow one or a group of people.

This input and output may not be directly proportional.

"I'm going to Xing Huang's ruins in a few months, I'm going to make a fortune inside" Xu Zhidao said.

"I'll send you a watermelon. Who can find something worth hundreds of millions of cash flows out of the ruins. No matter how good the things are, they can't be discounted to kill people. You are sober."

"What can be found in the remains of Xing Huang. The South Australians went in two years ago, and all of them came out beggars, and none of them made a profit."

"Press and hold him, I will check his brain, he may be really broken."

Grand Master cannot accept Xu Zhi's method.

Yan Xuankong felt Xu Zhi had been a vegetative for more than two months, and his brain was definitely not normal.

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