Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1736: How to treat Xu Zhi's brain

"You want too much, and give you turnaround approval within three months."

As military supplies, even the legions rarely applied for thousands of electromagnetic blasters at one time.

When electromagnetic blasters are piled up, their power is far more than 1+1.

A master who can injure and kill Master Cultivator, if one thousand detonates at the same time, Yan Xuankong feels that he can't catch the pill.

"Turanto didn't dare to save a thousand blasters into the talent space. You are bold, your brain must be broken."

Although explained several times, Yan Xuankong reluctantly believed that Xu Zhi was doing the right thing, but he still had a puzzle.

In the Xing Huang ruins, only Xu Zhi and Qingchuan Chizi had experienced it. The follow-up South Australians entered the ruins and did not provide them with materials. There were too few references, but he finally agreed.

Xu Zhi's brain is normal, and the cultivation is not damaged. In addition to asking for money to buy a blaster, it is scary, and other behaviors are normal, and there is nothing unreasonable.

"You just wait for me to get rich. Three months later, I want to be a man who is troubled by too much money."

"Ha ha."

Owing to a debt, and the bottomless hole of the thick soil Xuan Jing, but also to brag, Yan Xuankong feels that his apprentice is really a talent.

This is because the lice do not bite, and the debts do not worry, already numb to arrogance.

Still want to gamble.

However, Xu Zhi, a guy with many storage items, can bet.

Others are not eligible for gambling.

In addition to the necessary food and drinking water, it is good to bring dozens of blasters into the ruins.

It also has to face countless red bugs in the ruins and needs to run forward from time to time.

Yan Xuankong thought about it, and he only had to go straight with Xu Zhi, and he could never borrow the money for the first time.

After finishing his major event, Xu Zhi began to pay attention to the three generations of communication.

There is Yan Xing Xia, a veteran grand master in Xiangbei. Xu Zhi felt that there could be no waves in Xiangbei, but it probably caused some disturbances. Otherwise, Yan Xing Xia could not come here from Ganzi.

Flipping through the records reported daily by Fan Tiexin, he already knew it in his heart.

The progress of the communication laying is over half, the public guidance is very normal, and those who jumped up and made troubles were also fined a lot.

Especially the Jin family, which suffered the most damage, just jumped up and was pressed back firmly by the rushed Yan Xingxia.

Jin Zhongze now strongly supports the development of three generations of communications, saying that personal interests can never override the interests of the masses.

There are many things and they are very complicated, but according to the previous plan, there has not been too much disturbance.

It has been normal for more than two months to shake the shopkeeper.

Xu Zhi was relieved after reading it.

"He has some recurrences of this disease. You look at Xuan Kong a little more. If you get sick before entering the ruins, you must not go to Xing Huang..."

"Master, I'm not sick."

Yan Xingxia on the side seemed to have signs of returning to Ganzi province, and specially entrusted Yan Xuankong.

But Xu Zhi felt that his life was only a little dangerous, not to the point of being sick.

The remains of Xing Huang must go.

Before that, he must not be ill, and would carefully guard Tanu.

At the same time, he would also tell Sandro to use that ability to pit people when not necessary, otherwise he would miss many things in reality.

"Got it, you are not sick." Yan Xingxia nodded to Xu Zhi, who was defending, and said to Yan Xuan Kong: "You stay and observe a lot. Anyway, you have nothing to do recently, first study the illness of your apprentice. Understand that it is best to be cured."

"Master, we have a safe in our factory. I heard that it is very famous. Could you ask them to order a safe for me when you go back? The sooner the better."

"If you don't start with money, you're thinking about a box with money. It's really ambitious."

Yan Xingxia seems to have misunderstood something.

Xu Zhi didn't use a safe to load money, he just used it to load people.

In order to prevent Tanu from controlling the body of the jungle goblin, Xu Zhi decided to put himself in the safe.

Relying on the internal lock to open the safe, the key is placed on the real world side by him.

Even if Tanu took up the body while he was away, it was impossible to get out.

The element world is not very friendly to real objects, but this kind of Seiko product can be used for a year and a half.

Before Tanu didn't go down, Xu Zhi decided to be cruel to himself.

This will make it inconvenient to convert and retrieve items, but it is far stronger than being scourge by Tanu.

"You are not building a safe, it looks like a human coffin."

Looking at the shape and size of Xu Zhi's drawings, and the assembled modules, Yan Xingxia felt more and more like a coffin.

"You can make a fortune by raising the coffin. You must urge you, Master. I need it urgently." Xu Zhi said, "I need two more. I need spares."

"Xuan Kong, you have to be steady."

The locks of the safe are all set inside, and Xu Zhi's brain seems to have a cognitive problem.

If Xu Zhi did not emphasize again and again, Yan Xingxia felt that the lock can be placed outside the safe, that is normal thinking.

Few people will make such a reverse request.

Before leaving, Yan Xingxia reassured Yan Xuankong again.


Yan Xuankong sighed.

Xu Zhi is very good, unites and loves brothers and sisters, and works hard. There are very few things that need him to worry about, but when you really want to worry about it, it is a big deal.

Yan Xuankong felt like a big event at this time.

How to treat Xu Zhi's brain.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally found out his cell phone and went to Zhuang Baiqiu to send a communication.

Regarding the problem of mental retardation, he could only ask the master who studied most of Dongyue for help.

The art industry has specialization, even if he is a grandmaster.

"Good job, the test of this communication is really good."

"Master is too kind. If you want me to punish ten times, they will feel badly bleeding."

"Come on, I accept your suggestion, don't offend people with harsh politics."

After eating and drinking, his physical fitness was completely restored. Xu Zhi also asked Fan Tiexin some detailed questions.

Xu Zhi has been more casual since he took office. When he was in charge, he continued to do so and quietly when he let go.

Stalled with this kind of boss, he followed his fan Tiexin for a long time.

I have to say that although Fan Tiexin's cultivation practice is not strong, his ability to handle things and his size are quite in place.

All abilities of the inspection department are very normal, even if Xu Zhi has a problem, only the Yan family and Lu Shengan are aware of it, and it is not known by others.

Thanks to the continuous three generations of communication propaganda, Yan Xingxia sat down to talk with the major forces, and cooperated with the Inspection Department, the patrol regiment, and the police stations in various regions.

The experience of successfully laying three generations of communications in Xiangbei province has made other provinces eager to try.

In particular, Kyoto, which has strong administrative and financial abilities, has clearly begun the simultaneous laying.

Gu Changying has received several small-scale attempted orders at this Even if he is busy with the communication orders in Xiangbei, his company will continue to have new businesses.

The obscure Gu Changying apparently did not know what happened on Xu Zhi's side, and there were some news messages from time to time in his communication.

Seeing the mental state of the old Gu is quite pleased.

The continuous production of three generations of communication equipment, the cost of consumables has also continued to decline, so that Lao Gu has entered a virtuous circle.


Xu Zhi finally sent a bunch of congratulations to Lao Gu,

"I heard that something is wrong with your brain? Grandmaster Yan Er invited me to see you."

Near the evening, Xu Zhicai grasped many official duties clearly and inserted his own insights and adjustments into it.

When he came out of the office, Xu Zhi saw Zhuang Baiqiu, the goddess guru who had not met for a long time.

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