Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1742: Ice Crystal Phoenix

The elemental world has never snowed.

There are no distinct seasons here, and there is no such obvious season as spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There has always been only a mild climate, or it has entered the rainy season.

Many jungle monsters, including phoenixes, have seen snowflakes in the elemental world for the first time.

Even the awakening demon tree Gula also sent out a sense of curiosity.

From the moment when Tian Tian broke the cocoon, all eyes were placed on this reborn Phoenix body.

Compared with the snowflake scene, what is more surprising is the sweet body.

The whole body was fiery red, and the sweet body with burning flames became silvery white.

Just like the snow fluttering in the sky, wrapped in silver.

She yelled gleefully, and immediately took a stance of attack.

In the Phoenix Cocoon, it is difficult to know the outside world, maybe she thought she was in a battle with the praying mantis.

"Huh, it's snowing?"

Sweet looking up, I saw snowflakes falling in the air, and when she fell near her body, she fluttered to the side again.

"Huh, my flaming phoenix wings, my beautiful flaming feathers, I... why is it gone."

She later realized that she was a bit slower than people. Among all the creatures on the scene, Tian Tian was probably the last to know that she became an albino phoenix.

Xu Zhi felt that Tian Tian was very much like a large white black chicken at this time.

When the red fire feathers all over her body turned into silver-white feathers, and the fire phoenix became a white phoenix, she looked funny.

"What's wrong with me, don't I just fall into the snow, why are you not white?"

Unbelievingly, he shook his body, and sweetly felt that his body color was real.

"Yaomei, do you want to die and be resurrected again?" Irene held up the fire crystal and said: "I just made a mistake. This time I will draw you the red flames in the treasure."

"What? Die again, I don't have this mental preparation." Tian Tian shook her head violently.

She flapped her wings, the wind suddenly violently rose, and the frost in the air began to condense.

"What are you doing, don't fan, I feel a little cold."

"I can't control myself, ah, bah..."

Irene just replied and saw that she spit out sweetly, and a hundred ice arrows blasted out at her in unison.


A sharp phoenix chirped.

Irene's beaten head burst into blood, and her body was pierced by ice arrows, falling straight down.

As sweet as the original resurrection, Iriana quickly turned into a huge Phoenix cocoon.

"Boss, I didn't mean to kill you, ah, bah..."

"Shut up, Julie Angela, Alexia Daisy, sweet..."

"do not be angry."

"Don't kill the boss when you're angry."

"The boss is in a state where he can't be interrupted when he can be resurrected. If he hits again, he will really be killed.

With Tian Tian vomiting for the second time, the surrounding phoenixes reacted and rushed.

"I'm not angry" Tian Tian, ​​who was forced to subdue, said: "I just can't control myself, ah..."

"Shut up."

The feathers of the phoenixes flew around in a mess.

Xu Zhi took advantage of the chaos to pick up several feathers.

"Sweetie, is this a promotion?" asked Somra, who wanted to pick up some feathers as a fan.

"I've been promoted, and I've become a monarch, but the promotion is a little bit crooked. She seems to be a magic bird, and somehow knows a large range of ice arrow magic."

When looking at the state, there are few people who are stronger than this jungle demon body, and Somra asks Xu Zhi.

"Ice crystals seem to have affected Phoenix's promotion?" Hexis said happily: "This is a new subject. I really want to grab some creatures in the lower realm to compare and study."

The use of Shenfu has always been a problem, and I don’t know how Tiantian happened to use this kind of artifact.

Or perhaps Irena, the monarch of the Phoenix, did not care, and pushed a hand in the growth of the Phoenix.

This is indeed a new topic, just like Hexis is good at using the poison of the tarsal bones of the Temple of Death, if he is good at using it, he may be able to burst out a huge power.

"I feel that my body has become ice cubes. Without temperature, your body won't warm me."

Being squatted down by many Phoenix lords, the sweetheart who pressed down at the bottom struck his head and expressed his opinion.

"Your body is really cold and not as warm as before."

"A bit like the color of gemstones."

"Don't you feel that her body seems to be a special ice cube?"

"I feel like Julie... is stronger, we can't hold her a little bit."

"What about film...?"

The phoenixes vomited one after another, with sweet bodies, sweet strengths, and sweet kids.

"Congratulations on your success as a monarch."

Xu Zhi picked up seven feathers and put them away, and then came to the phoenixes.

"Monarch, what monarch, have you ever seen such a miserable monarch" sweetly struggled.

"I've seen you worse than you," Xu Zhi pointed at Irenena's Phoenix Cocoon and smiled, "Irenena was killed by you."

"I can't control myself, so I don't care to give the boss... Boss, come and be me."

Irene was resurrected much faster than Tian Tian.

In less than ten seconds of conversation, she had spread her wings and began to fly. After several hundred meters, her body began to fall quickly.

Looking at Tian Tian, ​​the Phoenix monarch's head burst into flames and pecked Tian Tian with his mouth several times.

"Death, Julie Angela, Alexia Daisy, sweet..."

"Irene Nadine Dessie Bibi...forgive me, I am sick and need to be taken care of."

The phoenixes did not care about the different appearance of sweet and sweet, no exclusion, and their attitudes did not change much.

This made Sweetheart extremely comforting, she was also inevitably depressed because of her appearance, and did not appear happy because of her advanced strength.

"I am still a Phoenix."

Struggling to climb out of the phoenixes, Tiantian asked a question he wanted to understand.

She spread her wings, which was a different color than the Phoenix monarch Irene.

Irene's golden color, her silver white.

When shaking her body, blue flames appeared.

This flame has no trace of temperature, just cold, like an ice flame releasing a cold wave.

The scorching heat in her throat was not the hot heat, but the magic like ice arrows.

The extreme high temperature has been transformed into another opposite characteristic under the accident of encountering ice crystals.

This should not be a characteristic of the Phoenix.

"Of course it's the phoenix," Irianna comforted: "You will always be a member of our ethnic group."

"The evolutionary journey is varied and The species is wonderful, not limited to a specific formula. You may create a branch of phoenix evolution. I think the ice crystal phoenix branch is good," Hexis said.

"The end of the extreme, perhaps the opposite characteristic," Somra said with a smile: "Ice and fire are mutually exclusive, and they live with each other, but your quality is still a phoenix."

"Let's take a look at the lower realm, as long as San Theo can call you out in the style of the Phoenix, and according to the rules of the contract, you are a Phoenix" Xu Zhiyi said.

Xu Zhi looked at the golden Irene, and then at the silvery sweet on the other side.

He feels that these two can be called the Golden Horn King, and the other is called the Silver Horn King.

There are two Phoenix monarchs emerging in the elemental world, which is a good thing.

With the difference in strength, the lower realm may also be able to win some additional benefits.

Xu Zhi recalled Agrienaire, who had been working hard to broadcast from time to time in the lower realm, feeling that he could do something for Shundao.

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