Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1743: Annunciation

() Apollo's many big druids have had some embarrassment recently.

The phoenixes who helped in the past fell off the chain again.

There is no lord level Phoenix Nether, only occasionally there are some elite Phoenix in the Nether.

For the Great Druids, without Phoenix, they would switch to another violent creature with a less intelligent mind, the mantis.

But the great druids of the Holy Church felt in their hearts that the mantis lord of their contract seemed to be gone.

This feeling is a bit bad.

The creatures in the natural world are constantly competing, and the lord is already a class that is difficult to die, but this time, in their contract induction, six lords of the mantis have lost contact.

It's hard not to let them think about whether there is some kind of chaos in the elemental world.

Fortunately, only the top creatures fell off the chain collectively, excluding the monster creatures of ordinary level.

This made them stop and stop, and the battle with the Xia Nong Kingdom seemed to be in a hurry.

They will even retreat to the Qin Buddha Fortress that they have previously captured. They have six scary armored beasts with a very long range of attack. With elves who are good at shooting, it is not difficult to defend.

This step has some similarities with the Kingdom of Casa, leisurely leisurely.

But Casa is doing what he wants, and the Kingdom of Apollo is really not enough capital.

When Xu Zhi drilled into the lower realm, he also heard San Theo's sigh.

He appeared just in time, San Theo and others were walking out of a hall, it seemed that it was the end of a meeting.

"What do you sigh?" Xu Zhi grinned.

"You Hapi, come whenever you want, don't come if you don't come, don't work hard, I want to save some magic and cancel the long-term contract."

"I've given you vigorous efforts several times."

San Theo has a little complaint. When attacking the Qinfo Fortress, the green skin that is good at long-range shots did not appear.

If it can help you, maybe you can die less elves.

But Xu Zhi also makes sense, he is out of force, even if they take a lot of things here, it is worth the price.

The scary beast that still guards the Qin and Fo fortress is the best proof.

As long as they have enough trebuchets to occupy their high points, their power can be called horror, that is, the immortal will also be directly killed.

In the process of attacking the Qin and Fo fortresses, the dreaded beast made an irreplaceable contribution.

The contract still has to be hung. Madikes envy him that he has such an intelligent contract creature.

"Are you okay to run towards me now, say, do you want to do something, or do you want to get some news?" San Theo said.

"I'm here to repay you."

"I'm happy? Why don't I know?" San Theo Qi said: "Can the Elemental Realm be easily summoned, and the reinforcements can be used inexhaustibly?"

He squeezed a contract at hand, and did not see a biological response in half a ring, which extinguished the idea of ​​infinite summoning of the elemental world when he was surrounded by the Holy City.

"Hurry up and report, I'm about to be happy," he finally said in dismay.

"Your contract calls on Xiao Tian Tian to try" Xu Zhi smiled.

In the survey of his panel, Xiaotiantian has become? Monarch order creature.

Tanu doesn't seem to classify this mutated creature, and Xu Zhi hasn't determined his own knowledge at this time. What is the feedback given? .

If he is willing to categorize it as Hexis, Xiaotian will belong to the ice crystal Phoenix subject.

Xu Zhi does not mind this name, but he also wants to see if Xiao Tian Tian still belongs to the Phoenix race.

Creatures of the monarchy seem to have more or less changed their appearance, such as the purple mantis and the golden phoenix.

But Xiao Tian Tian is different. Not only did she change the color of her body surface, her original ability to breathe fire turned into ice spitting arrows, which almost changed a species.

Xu Zhi is not sure what will happen to him in the future, but he wants to know whether these contractors can use the same kind of contract to summon them to the lower bound after the form changes.

Verifying Xiaotiantian is equivalent to verifying his future.

No matter how special he is, he will not go beyond this variation.

"The contract Xiaotiantian is too at a loss, how can I invite her to play in the lower realm, she...hey?"

Having said that, San Theo made a contract, but this time it was obviously different from usual.

San Theo feels that his magic has doubled, even three times the amount of magic in the usual contract Xiao Tian Tian, ​​which makes him almost double the time he paid, but the contract still failed.

"I actually... Couldn't, my mother, my contract is abolished. How can I have the money to invite her to the lower bound in the future."

Things are not hard to guess. San Theo took out the summoned scarab under his neck and it was clear.

Rather than summoning a Phoenix monarch, he would rather have the strongest Phoenix lord.

The call of the former is more complicated, and the difference in ranks also means the difference in contract costs.

In a thousand words, Xiao Tiantian is even more powerful, and the appearance fee has also risen, and more is required.

For creatures that have reached the apex, there is not even anything in the Nether that interests them.

This made San Theo a sorrowful concubine.

He felt that Xu Zhi did not come to confess, obviously the black crow of the religious altar was reincarnated, and he specially came to mourn.

"Wow, I really am a phoenix."

Relying on the call of Scarab, San Theo's second call to Phoenix was successfully released.

Xiao Tiantian's figure had just fallen, and she excitedly flew high, flying continuously over the Qinfo Fortress.

She has finally lost her mind now.

Xu Zhi is right, the rules of the contract all recognize that she is still a phoenix, then she is a phoenix.

"How did it become like this, and it is different from Lord Irutan's Phoenix monarch."

When San Theo murmured, the silver-white phoenix above the fortress had begun to attract many eyes, and countless people stared at this strange-looking phoenix.

When Xiao Tiantian flew two laps, she saw a golden phoenix in the center of the fortress drill out of the space, and with a beep, the golden phoenix also began to hover around with Xiao Tiantian.

This is that Irene was not at ease, and took the initiative to start the lower bound through Irutan's contract.

One gold and one silver.

The elves on the Qin Buddha Fortress remained silent for a few seconds before they kept cheering.

Although it is not clear what the situation is, can fly with the Phoenix monarch synchronously, there is no hierarchical order, there is obviously no gap in the level, all are auspicious of the same level.

"By flying together, I didn't expect a Phoenix monarch to fly together."

San Theo whispered, Xiao Tian Tian became a monarch-level creature, and he couldn't take down the level of the other's life. If he didn't want to accept it, he had to accept it.

It is always better to summon creatures, but for some big druids, the right one is easy to use.

For him personally, there are some troubles that are difficult to tell.

But for Apollo, who needs more power, this is another great thing.

As Xiao Tiantian's strength crosses the ranks, San Theo also needs to think about how to properly use Xiao Tiantian, not to lose home.

"Xiantian Tian may like some godly feeds from lawful shrines Would you like to prepare in advance."


San Theo sighed in the sky with a sigh. In the past he could still use his privileges to pick fruit everywhere.

He hoped that Rio could not find a way to live forever, so that every few years he could sell some of Rio's shelled fruit of the life tree in exchange for ice crystals and fire crystals.

"When did you get mixed with Xiaotian? How did she become like this? Do you see Xiaotian's new ability..."

San Theo has a hundred questions to be resolved.

"Let's go talk to His Excellency Irutan."

Xu Zhi pointed to the sweetness that fell with Irene.

At this time, the two phoenixes were yelling and screaming beside Irutan.

The emergence of super-level creatures corresponds to different coordination and tactics, and also corresponds to different needs.

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