Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1745: Retreat

"You haven't seen me in a long time."

The meeting between Xu Zhi and Ai Ge Naier is at the Temple of Spartz.

In the past three months in the Temple of Spartz, Agrinel experienced two assassination incidents.

Now she has no worries.

Knowing that she had no way to retreat, she began to give up fantasies, continue to enhance her strength, and respond to Madikes' counterattack.

With greater strength, it is possible to live longer, and to seize opportunities when opportunities arise.

Although there are some embarrassments and surprises, this is indeed the best opportunity for them to practice.

It is difficult to have the cultivation conditions of a kingdom king, and there is no more comfortable time than now.

You can watch the books you want to view without any restrictions, you can create the treasures you need, you can continue to get all the materials that can enhance your strength, and even the assistance of the Black Dragon.

When sinking his heart, Agrinel found that he had almost the best cultivation conditions.

This is a scene she hasn't encountered in decades.

No luck, no food, no money for the belly.

As long as the country of Thousand Islands still exists, she can ask for it.

But at the same time, she also knew that she could not be involved in this country, and it was no longer difficult to get away without concern.

This is not to bleed blood on the big household tyrants, all her materials come from ordinary people who still live on this land.

She really wants to manage this land well.

If one day, someone more suitable for her is willing to take responsibility for this land, she is also willing to abdicate.

Involved in her heart, she became calm and accepted her new identity.

"My situation is a bit worrying," Xu Zhi looked at Agriline: "There will be less free time in the past two years, and it is difficult to take into account what happened in the lower realm."


Agrienaire's eyes glared, and she just wanted to speak, and listened to Xu Zhi continue to speak there.

"It happened to be at the meeting today and won a potential ally for you," Xu Zhi smiled and took out a secret letter from his pocket.

"Please, King Agrinel," said Agrirainier with joy: "Is this a letter from Lord Iruta to me?"

Occupying a hill-topped king, Agrinaire’s throne is innumerable.

Even the Xia Nong Kingdom only reluctantly admit it just to pull them into the war.

But Pope Lien had been negotiating with Aurummarassa, and did not look at her king, and sent an envoy to send her away.

Nowadays, the elven king Irutan is the first real king to call her king.

This means that she has also entered the other's eyeliner, at least recognized by the other.

For the kingdom, this identification is very important.

Not only derives from a verbal address, this kind of equal recognition involves the status of the country, the trade relationship with each other, the exchange of businessmen, and even the common advancement and retreat of the alliance that the country may reach.

There are too many small countries interspersed among the five major countries. They will either become dependent states and pay taxes to their own countries, or they will become disorderly and disorderly states.

If you walk around the periphery of a big country for a long time, her country will be no different from these small countries.

Agrinel looked at the text in Erutan's secret letter and nodded from time to time, a flush flush appeared on his face.

Strategic partnership.

This is the current positioning of Irutan for her kingdom.

This statement will not be made public for the time being, but it is actually the case.

Mutual assistance will not stab you in the back. If it is good, both parties will share the benefits together.

And when gaining benefits, they will not only consider themselves, but Apollo will also think about them.

Agrinel is satisfied with this relationship. During the period when the five powers were attacking Shannon, it is impossible for her current conditions to achieve a better allied treaty than this.

This made the pressure on her slightly loose.

She knew at least that if their country was at a critical juncture, the Kingdom of Abero would definitely come to help.

Whether it was one day or not, Apollo was the first country to cast an olive branch.

"Your squeak, how can you make this condition for your lord Irutan?"

After repeatedly reading the secret letter several times, Agrinel still seemed a little excited.

Holding back in this temple, her character began to become cold, thinking that she was going to travel on her own, but at this time, Agrinel felt herself warming up again.

"It just happened at the meeting," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry too much. Baron Feng Tajin was surrounded by several big powers all year round. He is still harder than you. He is not living well now, and he is raising his eyebrows."

Among the five great countries, Baron Feng Tajin is the most proud.

There are too many dead people, and even so many undead legions that are difficult to control.

When the **** developed, he faced any enemies directly.

The temporarily resurrected undead are not worth cherishing. This is far less valuable combat power than the slave legion. Even if it is disgusting to the opponent, Baron Feng Tajin feels very worthwhile.

His style spread the notoriety throughout the western continent. Even in this island country, Agrinel could often hear this news.

"My mentality has been calmed down, not to mention this good news, which will make me more determined to move forward," Agrienaire finished and asked, "How is your situation worrying, is it possible that the elemental world has happened thing?"

"A powerful opponent has come to my place, but he can't beat him, it's hard to defend, I have to hide" Xu Zhi smiled: "Maybe I still have to use the power of the contract to go to the bottom to avoid the limelight. You can hang me for a long time. The contract."

"It's okay," Agrienaire assured him, and she was rather worried: "You can't beat you, is he?"

Agrinaire knows Xu Zhi's ability, can play anti-energy magic, can sneak, develop in an all-round way, and has several treasures in his body. Few people are his opponents when fighting alone.

If he is well prepared in advance, Xu Zhi can even let many gangster-level characters suffer from blood loss.

Being able to hit Xu Zhi is so temperamental, the other party's ability is just a little aloof.

"It's a little more troublesome than Aolang Marassa. I can't resist now, and I was beaten to death by one move," Xu Zhi said helplessly.

If Tanu is really hard to fight, he still has a chance to resist. He directly uses soul fighting to deprive his body of control, and he is powerless, and he can't think of a way to resist.

"Is that kind of purple mantis?"

"It's more terrible than the purple mantis. It's a barbarian named Tanu. It's more comprehensive and more powerful than mine." Xu Zhi smiled and said: "I should go back and hope to see you again in the future."

"I won't die, don't you die."

"for sure."

Xu Zhi made a strong gesture to Agrienaire, and then disappeared into the light and shadow.

After spending two days in the lower bound safely, the customized safe finally arrived.

Xu Zhi assembled this man-made coffin-shaped safe, and everything was stuck directly, and he placed several heavy treasures properly, so he sat in.

This is more reliable than the code word, only the one who can open the safe and drill out is Xu Zhi's real body.

Xu Zhi also set up inside and outside the safe. For Tanu who is not familiar with the real world, as long as he occupies this body, any abnormality will leave traces and trigger an alarm.

This also allows Somra and Hexis to take a method against Tanu.

"I will try my best to improve my soul's ability," Xu Zhi told Somra and Hexis: "It will be hard for you to look after for a while."

"Relax, wait for the next elemental tide to get him down, and we will be safe."

"This guy had the idea of ​​staying up until the end of the year. I hope he can get acquainted with each other, otherwise everyone will break up and go to the lower world to reincarnate."

Somra and Hexis comforted Xu Zhi one after another.

"Then I will lie down first" Xu Zhi nodded his Try to make his spirit stronger so that you can get rid of him completely" Somra thought about it and finally said.

He used to urge Xu Zhi to develop the jungle goblin stronger, and this time he urged Xu Zhi to become stronger in the world over there.

Only when the soul from Xu Zhi's real world becomes stronger can Tanu be afraid.

Not to mention catching up with Tanu's ability, as long as he has the ability to make Tanu suffer, so that he can't make up for it, Tanu would not dare to take back this physical mind.

Only in this way, Xu Zhi does not need to hide, even in the lower realm to avoid Tanu.


Xu Zhi nodded heavily.

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