Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1746: 2.500 million blast

Sleep can passively practice the thick soil mystery.

But martial arts, secret arts, and mental tactics are all inseparable from hard training in reality.

After being delayed by Tanu for several months, Rao Shixu has always been calm, and he also feels that his body lacks movement.

"Gongsun Kang got a strong hand and was a good opponent, but it was a pity to admit too quickly."

Continuous practice in reality, after several months of retreat, Xu Zhi also felt the lack of enough opponents to promote.

It's a trouble to see enemies too scarce. If the enemy is all over the world, I'm afraid they can fight around.

Xu Zhi couldn't help but sigh and lamented his good popularity.

He has many preparations this year, and even the jungle goblin has a safe, which is a long time to enter the remains of Xing Huang.

This has been done to prevent accidents to the greatest extent.

As long as the safe is not crushed, Xu Zhi feels that his jungle goblin body will be safe.

Time is getting closer to July.

At this time, the electromagnetic blaster specially approved by Yan Xuankong also began to be transported to the inspection department of Xiangbei.

These blasters have an approval process, and for some interested people, they can’t hide it.

Xu Zhi's generous inspection department displayed for half a day.

There are a thousand blasters with 250 million yuan in funds. This is the blasting force that can directly overturn the inspection department and the nearby government.

Everyone has been quite frightened recently when performing official duties, even Lu Shengan in the neighborhood is no exception.

At a distance of only a few hundred meters, in the event of an accident, they are the center of the explosion and they will blow up until the dogs stay.

Not to mention the master of the blaster Xu Zhi, Lu Shengan, who is a master, is also difficult to avoid this shock wave.

At the same time, Lu Shengan felt that he might directly vaporize and disappear.

No one knows what Xu Zhi wants to do?

Yan Xuankong is no exception. Although Xu Zhi said that it was used in Xing Huang's ruins, he seemed to hear some cats.

But Yan Xuankong didn't ask.

Xu Zhi will not be bored anymore, thinking about frying himself.

However, Xu Zhi's detonators are quite deterrent. Three years of communication have been laid for half a year. Many people are satisfied, and many are not satisfied.

These people are mainly dominated by communication companies and some people who are related to each other, and also include the Jin family forces that have been suppressed resolutely.

These people were dissatisfied by mouth and complained to Jin Zhongze all the time.

After hearing a lot of relevant remarks, and without Yan Xingxia sitting around, Jin Zhongze would inevitably come to inspect the Sifu House and walk around, thinking of handing a note and admonishing a few words, let Xu Zhi don’t force these people to death, let go early Communication agency rights.

But as soon as Xu Zhi's posture came out, Jin Zhongze no longer wanted to come to inspect Sifu.

Lu Shengan can't stand this blasting force, nor can he stand it.

Xu Zhi is a stunned son. He had suffered both defeats from Gongsun Kang before. Jin Zhongze felt that these thousand blasters were prepared for him.

Who want to fry, who can fry.

Many people have speculations.

For some people, Xu Zhi's high-level Tibetan talent is not a secret. The more he understands, the more he is afraid.

I really want to tear my face. This 250 million yuan is likely to send a bunch of people to Xitian-

Everyone in the real world speculates, and Mistreo at this time is also mixed.

Fortunately, Xu Zhi's shipments finally arrived, and there was no word.

Worryingly, he was also a little afraid of problems with this pile of things. If he accidentally exploded, he would inevitably fall back to the temple and come back to life.

"You use it as soon as possible, it is best to use it within two months," Xu Zhi suggested: "If it is the best within a month, it is a safe period of assurance."

"what is this?"

These blasters were exported to Northland, and Mister Barma, who was specifically responsible for the matter, also arrived. He was very interested in looking at a small box in Xu Zhishou's hands.

"This is simple. In order to prevent problems when you use it, I gave you an infrared remote control."

Xu Zhi handed the remote control to Mister Barma, pointing to the button facing him: "Just point this button at the blaster, you will enter the control, then press this red button again."

"And then?" Mister Barma asked.

"Then, then it bombed."

"This is too dangerous, keep it for me."

Mistreo fished over the remote control in one hand and scrutinized it back and forth several times.

What infrared, what red, he did not distinguish clearly.

But he knew very well that with a few clicks, he would directly explode here, affecting the garrison within a hundred meters.

If that happens, Lien will laugh and die directly.

"I still have one, this one is for Bei..."

"It's too dangerous. I'm going to Northland in person."

The second remote control was also taken by Rio.

Xu Zhi looked at Ruiou and could only share his hands.

The Nogili Fortress was won, and with the defense, the pile of generals with ten enemies and one can still be used. With strong walls, at least, this large war will not be lost in a short period of time. fortress.

Mistreo can move around.

He not only wanted to earn money from the northerners, but also wanted to experiment with the big cities attacked by the northerners.

The Five Kingdoms soldiers cut Xia Nong, and the progress of the Northerners was slightly slower.

The barbarians lacked the power of magic and were good at land warfare. They were not fond of siege warfare, and the army of the northern kingdom was struggling to advance.

More importantly, before the northerners experienced civil strife, Mengge and cousin Olatu killed each other, and the damage to their strength was not small.

Without Polling, the younger Mongo is far less than Madikes, and he can understand it by advancing slowly.

But the performance of this expedition involved Polinger's abdication and Meng Ge became king.

Mysterio father and son saw this, before Mou Ding ate Mengge, and there was no suspense in this fair.

Mystery Barma cares about how much money the transaction can get, and Mysterio needs to understand how powerful this blast is.

Holding two remote controls, he kept asking about the use of Xu Zhi.

"You should take a look with me in the direction of the attack on the northern side. I'm afraid that something is wrong with you and you will fall off the chain." Mistelio said.

"There must be no problem with things," Xu Zhipai Ma assured: "I really want to go with you, but I was recently stared at by a big enemy, and meeting with you is a secret lower realm. Now I am anxious to go back to the elemental world to hide. ."

"Vendetta'human'?" Mysterio doubted: "Do you still have a creature like "human" in the elemental world?"

"It's from the lower realm," Xu Zhitai said: "His name is Tanu, maybe you also know?"


"He used to have a name called Tanan. In our world, his most famous thing is to destroy the civilization of the elemental world."

"It turned out to be him."

Hearing the story of Tanan, many memories of the past flashed in Mistreo's mind.

For a moment, his face was extremely heavy. He looked at Xu Zhi and gritted his teeth.

Compared to Tanu’s lifespan, Mistreo, who lived 1,252 years, looked very young.

"How can he recover his memory and ability and live to this day without dying."

If reincarnation after death can retrieve everything you once had, Mistreo is not afraid of death.

Immortality can only slow down the aging of the body and mind, and not let them live indefinitely.

The older you are The worse your body and the slower your thinking, you have to rely on deep sleep to slow down this dull state.

Mistreo hates going to sleep for a long time, and maybe one day, he may not be able to sleep.

In Tanu's state, this is obviously a new life, and another path of longevity he pursues.

All year round was investigated by Xu Zhi, Mistreo did not expect to have a day to inquire about Xu Zhi.

"Don't let me approach me for information," Xu Zhi shook his head hard: "Although he was seriously injured when he entered the Elemental Realm, he couldn't get close, he could roar in my head a few hundred meters away, he still I want to take my body to use it."

"It must have been you who shot him first, thinking of picking up the corpse, and made him angry," Mistrior laughed. "You're lucky, but you can survive his soul."

Mistreo's gaze circulated, and looked at Xu Zhishen.

Halfway, he said: "I have a treasure that can restrain the soul shock of Tanan, so that you don't need to fear him."

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