Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1748: Autumn in the North

"You must not kill him."

There are some expectations in Mistreo, but also a complex emotion with a hint of regret.

Xu Zhixing happily returned to the elemental world.

Longevity is Mistreo's business, and it is his business to kill Tanu.

If he can start, there are enough opportunities, Tanu will not be polite to him, Xu Zhi naturally will not be polite to Tanu.

When he got caught, he killed Tanu directly.

Tanu seems to be able to rebirth and be reborn indefinitely, but Xu Zhi feels that his life is limited.

Wait for Tanu to grow up again, return to his original strength, and do a few more games with each other.

By then, he was about the same in reality, and Tanuai would take it if he wanted to.

Tanu's predecessors planted trees, he took a cool ride, and Xu Zhi didn't mind Tanu taking the jungle goblin body back after he died.

After conducting three experiments with Somra in a row, Xu Zhi finally confirmed that this artifact-level spiritual shield is very capable.

This ability is so strong that Xu Zhi is extremely uncomfortable.

Just like Mistreo's dread spirit shield, Xu Zhi is also in this mood for this helmet.

After the jungle goblin took this helmet, Xu Zhi could not enter this world from reality within the time agreed with Somra.

Just like the state when his body was upgraded, Xu Zhi could not perceive or log in.

It is unclear whether or not Tanu can be prevented.

"With this helmet, you should be able to block Tanu's back door on this body," Somra said.

"It should be similar."

From Mistry's account, Xu Zhi has a three-point grasp, and through the property panel detection, it has increased the possibility of two points.

Until now, Xu Zhi has passed his own test.

He felt at least seven points of the spiritual shield might prevent Tanu from directly grabbing the body.

Even slowing the rate of capture is worth it.

No matter how fast his bow and arrow were, he couldn't keep up with Tanu's mental speed.

In the face of Tanu, Xu Zhi had little resistance, what he could do in the past was to flee hard and wait for others to rescue him.

Now, Xu Zhi finally has a trace of resistance.

At least it won't let Tanu succeed easily.

Melee, long range, and even magic, he will not be inferior to Tanu much.

Tanu's engraved divine art cannot clone into many of his super treasures, the elemental world limits the immortal means, and no more Tanu baby can be taken out of the void.

With Tanu's costume when he entered the elemental realm, Xu Zhi felt that he could crush each other on the equipment. This factor brought each other's strength closer.

You may not be able to fight in the heads-up game, but you can evacuate safely.

He will not take the initiative to find Tanu's test helmet to die, but Tanu is coming, he will definitely fight back again.

"This majesty Ruiou is really a personal talent. If there is a chance in the lower realm, I really want to meet this kind of person."

Somra looked at the helmet Xu Zhi was wearing, and couldn't help feeling.

Ruiou is the big guy who supports Xu Zhi in the lower realm. Xu Zhi has a lot of thoughts on Ruiou, but this guy really has some wonderful treasures in his hands.

"There are opportunities. I will refer you to you in the future. I will see him again in two days."

Xu Zhi is in a good mood.

He can also follow Mistreo on this trip to see a large blast.

Once Mistreo and Mister Barma have negotiated with Mongo, the blasters should be on the field.

In July of Dongyue, the western continent has entered autumn.

When the contract of Mysterio on the portal changed, Xu Zhi wore this purple helmet and Shi Shiran went out of bounds.

"This helmet is really bright and beautiful," Mister Barma enviously said: "I used to take this helmet to wander around, almost killed by my father."

"It's pretty good. I'm wearing a guard against a person now, waiting for the secret of that person. After killing him, I will return to His Majesty."

Xu Zhi whispered to Mister Barma, and his self-knowledge satisfied Mistreo.

You can take care of your life and use it for your baby.

Really want to covet his treasure, unless Xu Zhi will never go down the realm again, otherwise Mistreo will let this green skin realize what regret.

As the helmet with the strongest protective mental ability, this almost restrains all the controllable magic of Casa. Mistreo will not let this artifact stay out for too long.

Of course, this is all a matter of the future.

The main task now is to try these round blasters provided by Xu Zhi.

Next to Mistreo is Mongo, who also has a bit of a painful expression in his joy. He appears extremely contradictory. The heir of the Northern King apparently has undergone some ideological struggle before accepting Mistreo's conditions.

It is difficult to clarify what the transaction involves, but looking at what Misterio looks like, Xu Zhi feels that he has at least paid back.

"Can these things called blasters really blast through the high walls of the River View Castle?"

Meng Ge looked at the electromagnetic detonator that Mistelio kept playing, and he was very envious.

Casa is good at researching all kinds of destructive potions, and their Northland is good at giving birth to children. Both of these factors can equalize the balance of war, but from the scientific research perspective, this is not a comparable level.

"This is a high-precision, high-lethality, high-power weapon that we have made painstakingly and studied in limited quantities. It is another form of the top devil fire bottle. If the progress of the big nephew's attack is slower, I can't bear to take these babies. help you."

The three high elements strengthened the persuasion, and the emotion in Mongo's eyes went away.

The sale of the high wall of the Riverview Castle is cost-effective.

If it can't be destroyed, he loses nothing.

No matter how you say it, it's ultimately the effect.

"This green skin is familiar, what is he doing here? Do we need a jungle goblin for our operation?" Mongo looked at Green Pichi whispering to Mist Barma on the side.

"Of course I am familiar with it. This green skin is quite auspicious. He is famously lucky to make war prayers for Feng Tajin's old things. I think this time I can give a little lucky prayer."

Mistreoppi said with a smile.

He was lucky to be a fake and pulled Xu Zhi to verify that the power of the blaster was true.

Xu Zhi swallowed 20 million gold coins from Casa before. If the power is not up to standard, this green skin has to be a good cow or horse, or he may spit those gold coins back.

"His Highness, if you need my lucky prayers, please speak at any time."

Xu Zhi turned his head to market himself.

"How great your benefits are, how lucky you can be with you. I am famously lucky in war. Baron Fontagin and His Majesty Ruiou are very satisfied. Your Excellency also praised me. "

"I have limited hehe."

Mengge refused this philosophy of embarrassment without being polite.

There are enough **** sticks in the North Kingdom, and the prophets are nagging all day long.

Before the expedition, the prophets would also give war prayers. If you want to follow the heart and the prophets, he will not switch to a green-skinned camp.

"No problem, you need to contact me anytime."

Among the tents of the Chinese army camp, the four people were spending time with each other, only to hear a "report" from outside, and their faces suddenly changed.

"It seems we can start," Mistriou stood up.

"This time, Dan Rose will be given a big gift."

Meng Ge also got up, and his whole body was murderous.

"Subpoena, go to the river view castle."

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