Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1749: Meat ground

When the war horn of the northern kingdom sounded again, the barbarians and soldiers everywhere in the camp roared.

The violent race of the guardian, the huge centaur race, and the Hawks, the nomad warriors who are good at riding, roar and roar from time to time.

The barbarians' war sacrifice ogre magicians began to wield heavy skull scepters, and from time to time **** magic spilled on some powerful warriors.

The clumsy Cyclops began to lift stones.

Four thunderbirds also spread their wings in the barracks.

What attracted Xu Zhi's eyes was the giant beast waving his claws from time to time in the camp.

This is a giant ape-like creature with a height of five meters. According to legend, it has Bimeng blood and is extremely powerful. Xu Zhi has also seen such a giant beast in the void.

The large team commanded by Mengge is a very powerful force.

If enough magical aids are not given, the legions will fight each other in close combat, and no legion can beat the northerners.

In the vicinity of the rage camp, three ten-meter-long fierce tooth beasts constantly shook their heads, and the **** red color had filled their eyes.

This is a very strange beast in the Northland. It has extremely powerful power and has the magic immunity of the black dragon.

But the end of this beast is not too good, some precious anti-magic cloak materials are derived from this beast.

Like this violent beast, this kind of beast is very easy to lose its mind.

The rage factor in the ragers is derived from this creature.

But the rioters only inherited this ability to fear body pain and injury, but did not inherit the powerful strength of the fierce beast.

As the most fertile first echelon, the status of the violent race among the barbarians is not high, and many times it serves as the task of the charge.

This time is no exception.

The rioters must push a chariot loaded with a cart full of electromagnetic blasters until it reaches the river view castle.

Verify the power of the electromagnetic blaster here.

This even involves the distribution of benefits after hitting Relos.

Raumi Strio had many experiences, and at this time there was also a touch of emotion, and he squeezed the remote control a few times.

"Sir squeak, I can really remotely control those blasters to explode together 500 meters away" Mistreo asked in a low voice.

"As long as you have focused, it's okay," Xu Zhi nodded. "It's okay if some detonators missed. As long as a few detonators, they should also be exploded by the aftermath, but the power is lower."

"I don't want to have low power, I'm about to explode together, and I've focused on each one."

"Then you can rest assured that there must be a big explosion that exploded the Shannon people to vomit blood."

"That's good."

After listening to Xu Zhi's repeated assurances, Mistreo recalled the end when he detonated an electromagnetic blaster. He felt that he should have good power.

While the two were talking in a low voice, Mengge on the side had already assigned tasks to many generals and began to command the army.

The members of the regiments are different, and the corresponding war command is also different.

Xu Zhi took the tactical books of the Bright Holy See, but he was not suitable for directing barbarians.

He glanced a little at the unhurried Mongolian brother Wan Jun, and looked straight at the violent men in the forefront.

Their tactical reliance on these trips relies on these brainless muscle men charging.

"I heard that there are two long-range shooters in this fortress, with a very long range," Mister Barmar asked. "Are we going to follow the distance of about 500 meters in front of the battlefield?"

"If you are the highest general, you don’t even have the qualification to stand on the front line of the war, it’s a very shameful thing." Mysterio looked at Mystery Bama Road: "Bama, you have to practice magic, father really. Are already old."

A faint glow flashed in Mistreo's eyes.

No one wants to chase longevity when he is born. As he said, only those who are afraid of death will.

As the top expert in the mainland, Mistreo is not afraid of his opponent, but he is afraid of time. The more time passes, the closer he is to death.

No matter how strong the strength is, it will still be a pinch of loess in the end, and the reincarnation reincarnated through the rest of his life until he died.

Mistreo did not want to see that situation, but had to guard against it.

If a situation that he does not want to see arises, inheritance and inheritance depend on the son in front of him who only likes to do business.

It is a good ability to do business, but it is impossible for the kingdom to survive by a monarch who does business.

He could see Casa's weakness and even the constant struggle in the palace.

Thinking of Mister Barma's inability to suppress.

Urging Mister Palmer to work hard to put it on the agenda again.

"Children will work hard to practice and must strive for advanced magic masters within ten years."

Mister Barmar carefully looked at his old father, feeling that the other party was sincere, and then he remembered the knowledge that he had left aside in his mind.

"Leaving for the expedition."

In the distance, Meng Ge rode on the high-headed horse, and after preparing for a long time, he began to wield the sword.

Many barbarians suddenly roared, looking at the giant fortress castle that could not be attacked in the distance for a long time.




This is a meat ground.

This is the largest fortress castle standing in the north. It is difficult to count the number of people who fell in this castle.

There are Xia Nong people, there are Northerners.

Regardless of the original cause of the war, when the number of deaths piled up, everyone had unclear enmity and grudges, which were difficult to resolve.

From time to time the whole fortress was permeated with the rancid smell of corpses, and there was burning corpse oil.

Under each pillar of corpse oil fire, hot hot oil was rolling.

Several broken Greek catapults began to prepare nervously on the city walls. Rows of old crossbow cars were placed on the wall. Behind the city walls was Shannon's archer army.

Involving ultra-long-range strike, long-range strike, short-range projectile, and scattering.

Two long shooters using horn bows stared firmly at the Cyclops.

It is extremely difficult to stand under the walls of this fortress castle and launch a blow against Xia Nong.

With six losses and six defeats, Mengge can no longer bear this loss.

"Dan Rose, this time I want your life and trap you to Rui Rose."

Meng Ge's angry eyes turned to the fortress.

There, stood Xia Nong's iron general.

Dan Rose.

Hard-hearted, as long as you can use the means available, as long as you can kill the enemy, this gray-haired veteran will use it without hesitation.

Even the methods used by the Necromancers to extract corpse oil were directly used by him.

This is the act that the Holy See hates most.

But no one has condemned him now.

Xia Nong's five major fortresses of war are now only this one.

The whole kingdom is like an egg with its shell peeled off.

If the barbarians of the Northern Kingdom lay this fortress, everyone knows that the remaining four countries waiting for the barbarians to attack will immediately wield their swords and move towards Reros, the capital of the Shannon Kingdom.

"Five-hundred-meter throwing stones, three-hundred-five-meter throwing crossbow vehicles, and two-hundred-meter long archers scattering randomly."

"The Lance Corps, the Crusader Corps, and the Knights prepare for each."

"The priest group, the monk group, open the magic power to assist."

"The two Seraphs continue to look for opportunities to kill Mongo in one blow."


In the face of the vast barbarian army, Dan Rose on the fortress did not panic, and the command was extremely calm.

These are just some basic commands in the early days, and more are adjusted during the war.

Anyone who can adjust properly can win the opponent with less damage.

The advantages of war are accumulated in this way.

Dan Rose is sure, as long as he can hold on to this time.

Barbarians no longer have much chance to attack Riverview Castle.

" What is this old bad embryo doing?"

The waiters who were responsible for detecting the enemy's situation apparently discovered something. Dan Rose took the telescope and looked away.

When he looked at Ruiou from the lens, he didn't know how the other side felt.

Just a smile at him, Dan Rose began to roll in his heart.

"He's not bad here, there must be a conspiracy."

"He must have come to help Mengge, what exactly did Rio bring over."

"Taking the information from Mysterio at the Fortress of Nokili, I must have missed something."

"Why is he still capable of supporting the barbarian."

"Fix him, and report any anomalies at any time."

Dan Rose didn't believe it at all, and Mistreo would come here for no reason to contribute to his fighting power as a top immortal.

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