Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1750: Bang

"Humph! It will be the ability of these evil ways."

When Dan Rose looked at Mistreo, he saw the other person's eyes wide open, and he couldn't help but trance, he groaned and moved his eyes away.

"I pray for the light with piety, and may courage be put on me."

When Dan Rose chanted the spell, when the long sword was swung down, a golden light scattered in the sky and scattered on many long archers.

"Persevere in the attack in sequence, don't stop. After this battle, we must wipe out the offensive in the northern kingdom, and I drink with all the kings."

He looked at the barbarian army swarming.

The charge is still at the forefront of the rioters who have no fear of death and the impact of war.

This is the barbarian with the lowest status. His mind is simple and impulsive. He belongs to the artillery assault regiment and is only better than the slave army.

Live fast and die fast.

Several improvised tanks were also pushed this time.

But what kind of defense can this chariot have?

It might as well take an ordinary wooden shield.

Dan Rose's eyes crossed the rioters, looking at the Centaur Legion that made him more concerned.

This is an equally sad species, with a mixed blood of humans, elves, and horses, a human head and horse body, and four legs and two legs, which looks very strange.

But Dan Rose didn't take it lightly. The Centaurs were not strong, but this was a race that was very good at throwing.

Almost every centaur carries four throwing guns and can make long-range shots of more than 200 meters.

Relying on the cooperation of the rioters, since the beginning of the war, these centaurs have caused considerable damage to the Archer Legion.

He can disregard the pile of mindless goods, but must guard against the centaur, to minimize the casualties of the archers, and even the affected crossbow vehicles and Greek catapults.

His gaze turned to the hawk succubus flying in midair.

These human-headed hawk-like creatures can make a quick blow, use their claws to break the opponent's head, or tear the opponent's throat.

This is also a creature transformed by ancient mages. It has a small brain capacity and a low IQ. It reproduces like a bird.

These are the three deadly legions when the barbarians started the war.

With regard to the number of these races in the northern kingdom, they are not afraid of war consumption.

The purpose of Mengge is to use these low-ranking creatures to deplete their long-range ammunition and exert some of the greatest residual value.

The corpse oil they extracted mainly came from these objects.

The barbarians' main strike legion is placed behind.

Whether it is a huge fierce beast and a giant beast, a thunderbird who is good at lightning strikes in the air, or a slow-moving Cyclops, a nomad cavalry wielding a scimitar, and an ogre magician who is good at witchcraft.

There are also many barbarian strong men in the barbarian army camp.

Faintly, Dan Rose, who put down his telescope, seemed to see the most central Mongo slashing at him.

"The illustrious, if Bollinger came, I would still be afraid of three points, it was up to you."

Demonstrated by a younger generation, Dan Rose's long sword pointed to Mongo without hesitation.

"Don't say you are not the king of the northern kingdom, even if you become a king, if I wield the army north, how can you block me."

Dan Rose murmured, with a hint of toughness and a bit of loss.

"Unfortunately, the Pope has lost all his merits. Otherwise, wouldn't there be any reason for your arrogance today."

Dan Rose of the city wall kept waving his sword and commanding tactical executives everywhere.

Several immortals stood beside him.

Magic, long-range, treasure aura, from time to time immortals are inserted into the battle.

But they are only trying to assist, many people are waiting for the corresponding opponents, and do not waste their power on some of the deadly army.

"The barbarian moved, and Rio also moved."

Within three minutes of the battle, the barbarians’ main strike army began to wriggle.

And Dan Rose's extremely vigilant Rio also began to move, just like Mongo, in the forefront position.

"Will you want to send you down the city wall"?

Teleport, third-order order magic, can teleport itself, and can also force opponents to teleport.

This is indeed a very threatening magic.

The only criticism is the distance transmitted.

Even with the top teleportation magic, forcibly transferring opponents is only 100 meters away.

And the magic's casting range is also two hundred meters.

This distance is within the range of many archers.

"Before Ruo Leo hits hard, I don't believe that his body protection is so strong that he will be shot to death."

"His Lord North should pay attention to the man in green with a purple helmet next to Ruiou. I have heard his reputation. It originated from the elemental world. The archery is very strong. Like me, he holds a horn bow and is not afraid of it. Shoot."

"Squeak? I heard Black Dog bragging about him, saying that he is the top archer in the mainland, and there are few opponents."

"One stares at one."

The two immortal archers quickly assigned their opponents, one restrained Ruiou, the other looked at Xu Zhi.

"This group of idiots, it's hard to push a car, the brain is almost shit."

Opposite the River View Castle, Rio whispered to the side, the execution of the barbarians was too bad, he was worried.

A tank was pushed around, and a bunch of people died, only to be tens of meters away from the city gate.

If it is a relay, it's okay.

Mistreo felt that these crazy minds might have forgotten what he needed to do.

The tanks now filled with electromagnetic blasters are completely driven by the flow of people, and from time to time it is difficult to move forward one or two meters.

While the rioters stepped on the same type of corpse from time to time, and waved a poor wooden axe, attempting to hack to death an archer more than thirty meters high.

"Let the Hawk Lady Banquet capture the chariot forty meters ahead."

Meng Ge also stared closely at the chariot. This campaign relied on the means provided by Ruiou, for which he paid a huge price.

But the price is very worthwhile, as long as he can win the River View Castle, he can directly flow into the capital of Xeron, Reros.

And by virtue of the exploits of attacking Xia Nong, he will inevitably become the king of the northern kingdom.

This transaction is cost-effective.

Say anything to achieve.

He won't lose Rio's chain at this time, and he won't hesitate where he should contribute.

Even if most of the Hawks of Legions died, it would not be a problem.

"What are the northerners doing?"

"They seem to value that tank."

"Shoot, shoot the falcons."

"We poured corpse oil and burned them all."


What the other party wants to achieve, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, or whether the Hawk Lady is crazy, everything must be stopped.

It’s right to make the enemy feel better.

"Will burning detonate the blaster ahead of time?"

"Hui" Xu Zhi nodded and said: "I think you have to press the remote control a little faster, otherwise Xia Nongren will detonate in advance."

"Why does this matter? I must come to this matter."

The position of the chariot was not optimal, but Mistreo could not care much.

The electromagnetic blaster must explode together.

This operation can only come from him.

Power has to be maximized.

If the power does not meet the standard, it will not benefit the people of the North, he will spit out what he eats, and Xu Zhi will fight it out.

But how Xu Zhi beat the altar to spit out gold coins.

Mistreo did not want to do this kind of loss-making business.

What's more, he really wanted to know how big the power was when such explosives bloomed together.

His body flashed slightly, and people had appeared more than a hundred meters away by teleportation.

When he appeared, a dark arrow shot out of the city wall of the River View Castle.

" Mistreo lifted the remote control and pressed it lightly. He made a mockery and ignored the shot.

The most advanced guardian's robe is worn on the body, no one's arrow is useless.

Even with a horned bow, an immortal with powerful shooting and range is no exception. He can smile slightly and let the opponent shoot two arrows.

"Don't point the remote control at the sky, but at the tank ahead."


After several consecutive presses and two arrows, Mistreo found something was wrong and he hurriedly pointed the remote at the chariot when he heard a scream from behind.

The first time he played this remote control strike, he was a little unfamiliar with the business.

The white remote pointed at the tank in front.


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