Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1751: All thoughts

The battlefield where the river view castle is glued.

There was a loud noise.

The ground shuddered, and Mysterio felt deaf.

Suddenly, there was a shocking explosion, accompanied by a scorching wave.

A cloud of mushrooms emerged from beneath the tower, and thick smoke billowed into the sky like a dust storm.

Countless blood-red flames were spraying, and the walls of the city began to collapse, even melting into magma.

Residual limbs, gravel, boulders, and metal shavings fell like meteors.

Layers of light continue to surround the body and protect the state of his own. The unpredictable Mistreo was also turned over by the shock wave. He rolled to stand up, forcibly suppressed the surging blood in the body, and wiped the nostril. Silk stains.

Mistreo's face was flushed, and there was fanaticism in his eyes.

The power of the electromagnetic blaster to detonate at the same time exceeded his estimate, which is far from the effect that the Devil's Flask can achieve.

A full of 500 electromagnetic blasters were put down, and no one could support this blow without advance preparation.

The range of the attack has reached at least 500 meters in the radius, and even further away. The light of life and death within the range, even if the army of barbarians a hundred meters away is also turned over.

When retreating frantically, Mistreo also turned to look at the original wall.

The forty-five-meter-long fortress wall had already exploded, and the heavy iron gate that blocked the castle did not know where to fly.

The center of the explosion formed a large pit that was more than 20 meters deep.

Many buildings in the River View Castle can hardly see the original appearance. Even after the first wave of impact has passed, under the impact of the aftermath, some buildings collapsed from time to time.

The entire war fort was directly cut off by almost a fifth,

It is difficult to see a complete building within 500 meters. Under the impact of this explosion, only some sergeants who are on the edge, or just those who are just defensive buildings, have barely survived.

The electromagnetic blaster not only makes the explosion and flames daunting, but the various electromagnetic debris mixed in it is also a terrible guy.

As long as it is ejected into the body, even if it barely survives, it will be accompanied by countless subsequent tortures, which is difficult to completely eliminate.

For these people, death may be the better choice.

Mistreo shook his body and swept the debris from his clothes. He carefully put the white remote control back into his pocket.

Looking at the radiant light in the sky, there is the light of the resurrection of the immortals, and the slight awn of the immortal who was reborn after death. When he was satisfied with the effect, he could not help but have some palpitations in his heart.

This is the immortal who marked the means of resurrection on his body. During the Big Bang, the body was completely vaporized and destroyed, leaving no trace of resurrection.

The power of the explosion is so great.

The River View Castle, stubborn enough to resist the barbarian army of Northland for nearly a year, was destroyed.

This is not just breaking the castle gate, but destroying it.

No one can rely on this crippled fortress castle to resist.

"Direct blasting is more powerful and convenient than the Doomsday Trial Magic Explosion Center."

Mister Barma was lying on the ground with no image, holding his head in both hands, the light of layers of protection kept flashing.

His eyes flashed with the same zeal as Mistelio.

The magic of Doomsday Judgment is very strong, but it also wraps the releaser.

The deeper the magic practice, the stronger the power, the greater the chance of the releaser dying, and the faster, only a few creatures immune to fire and magic can barely survive.

This kind of super magic is only a means of deterring chaotic magic practitioners, and rarely does a direct blow to release.

The magic is too obvious, and the spells are too long. The frontal battlefield is very difficult for master-level chaotic mages to have the opportunity to release this top-level magic.

It is more difficult to avoid one's own.

But these round bombs will not, its layout is too flexible.

Remote control and even enemy strikes can trigger this explosion without much damage to themselves.

And this power does not focus on the level of magic power, if you need a greater explosion effect, you can continue to stack.

As long as you have money, you can become stronger.

As long as there are enough electromagnetic blasters and a sufficient number, it can bring enough damage, and this damage will not even give the opponent a chance to react.

Xia Nong people suffered heavy casualties.

From the tactical layout of Dan Rose, in addition to the long-range strikes, the various regiments in the fortress city are standing by to prevent the northerners from climbing the city wall or crashing into the city gate.

This arrangement is usually no problem.

But at this time, this has become a nightmare.

Even the knights stationed in the fortress were not spared, and the two Seraphs flying in mid-air directly turned into fragments of light and shadow.

The remnants of the Xia Nong people are well aware that this stronghold is over, and even the Xia Nong Kingdom is difficult to protect.

Some sergeants faced with a look of despair, and some people had begun to flee.

Compared to the Xia Nong, the Northern Army also lost most of its army.

Nearly 10,000 Northerners fell into the explosion.

Including racers such as rage, eagle body, centaur and so on.

Mistreo seems to be deliberately and unintentionally calculating the Northland. If the tunnel is used for digging, or if the Hawks are holding the chariot airdrop, the damage to the Northland people will not be so great.

The power of these blasters is so strong that they do not even need to be placed on the front battlefield.

Only need to be placed on the side wing, it can also achieve a general effect.

"Can our 500 blasters also have such a powerful power? Can you still use gold coins to get these babies over there?"

Mister Barma whispered Xu Zhi squatting on the floor.

"That won't work, it hasn't been possible in recent years."

The big explosion of the River View Castle has a certain relationship with the arrangement of Dan Rose.

I don't know how much corpse oil he has stored in the castle. This is definitely a big killer that boosts the explosion. It also boosts the power of the electromagnetic blaster by one point. The effect surprised him.

As a tycoon with a debt of 250 million, Xu Zhi did not plan to buy another electromagnetic blaster before digesting the pile of gold coins that were too large to handle.

"It's a pity."

Mist Barma’s face had a rather strange smile, and there were contradictions and rejoicing in his heart.

The big money hangers are gone, others can't get this kind of treasure, and they have this kind of big killer.

This is a powerful force that can directly change the direction of war.

Through this test, the size of the power and the scope of the impact were clear, and Mistreo certainly had an idea.

Xia Nong, not far from the end.

Taking advantage of the people of the North, and knowing what he needs, Mistreo even took advantage of it.

It does not need to be derived from his own abilities to allow the nations to be afraid.

"Bama, you should control it next time."

Back in the camp, Mistreo's face was a little light.


Hearing the words of Mistreo, Mister Barma burst out of his heart and immediately understood.

This is not to let him die.

Instead, he was asked to show his face in front of the kingdoms.

Like Mongo's expedition to Shannon, Madikes played his prestige.

He also needs to have enough deterrence and establish a reputation to have the right to speak.

Until now, Mister Barma was convinced that his old father really put down some thoughts and began to train him.

Independent control brings a supreme sense of power, but it also leads to the unsuccessful inheritance.

This is true for both the nobles of Casa and the royal family.

When many people are taken out, they can only fight ten against the Xia Nong.

The huge looks powerful, but without Mistreo, it is really vulnerable.

This is not an immortal empire, but a decayed empire.

A battle that lasted for nearly three years made Mistreo see many things clearly.

If you can't reach the state of immortality, Mistreo needs to have a strong enough heir.

"I'll perform well," Mister Barmar replied, letting the inquiring Mistreo nod slightly.

"Kill, kill the River View Castle, one will not stay..."

Mongo in the rear was roaring.

The price of trading this opportunity made him distressed, and the loss of the battle made him uncomfortable.

But he knew very well that his throne was stable.

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