Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1755: Big Eared Prophet Sang Lan

On the side of the stone canyon is ancient Bimun, and thirty-five miles from this place is a stone village.

Xu Zhi saw thousands of big-eared monsters here.

When he entered this place, he happened to see some big-eared monsters hunting and returning to the city.

Red worms squeezed out of the body's juice were hung on the hemp rope, and they were brought back by the big ear monsters in a string.

This is the staple food of big ear monsters.

This is quite similar to the situation in South Australia. Jumping eats vegetation, and South Australians eat jumping to make up for the loss.

In the remains, the red worms devoured all edible substances to create Gobi desertification.

But big ear monsters feed on this red bug.

Xu Zhi has tested red worms. If he doesn't care about the colorful colors like snakes and can tolerate the bitter taste, this worm can be eaten and the nutrients are quite rich.

The big-eared monsters are thin one by one, but the reproduction is not bad. This place can be considered at least a large tribe of big-eared monsters.

"Afanti, went to kill Bimon again, do you have any gains today."

Seeing that the big-eared monsters returned, a big-eared monster suddenly cried out, and there was still some expectation in his tone. His eyes glanced at Xu Zhi who was wearing clothes from time to time.

"Hahaha, Avatar, I tell you, the ancient Bimon is gone. The brave lead us to kill the ancient Bimon, roar."

The head of the small team of big-eared monsters, Afanti, yelled, and also made a sound similar to Bimen's roar.

The roar made him extremely powerful, and a group of big-eared monsters shivered when he heard the sound.

"Nothing, killed?"

Avatar shuddered for a while, and urinated a lot of bubbles before his brain awakened.

"Yes, dead," Avanti confirmed, and he turned to Xu Zhi proudly: "Master Brave, do you see, I am the best warrior in the tribe, no one is stronger than me."

Relying on a roar, with the help of the ancient Bimon's power, the avatar's arrogant and illustrious Avanti was in a good position among the tribe.

Fighting force is discussed separately.

At least Xu Zhi can pick dozens of stronger ones from the big-eared monster tribe.

In order to prevent the Yan Family from encountering the ancient Bimeng, that Bimeng was really killed by him with a stick.

Without the prestige of this fierce beast, when the big-eared monsters have adapted to the new environment, it is difficult to estimate how much power the Afanti roar has.

But at least at this time he is very beautiful.

The big-eared monsters slammed up with a rainbow of farts, and when Afanti pulled out the white hair on the ancient biman's head, the big-eared tribes suddenly became sensational.

Xu Zhi also saw the prophet who wanted to ask about the situation.

The Prophet is also a big eared monster.

Compared to the bare-eared big-eared monsters, the crotch of the prophet wrapped a piece of rag that has been passed down for many years, and it looks a lot more civilized.

He looked very enviously at the costume on Xu Zhi's body, folded his hands, and saluted him before he opened his mouth.

"Alien brave from afar, welcome your arrival, please come in."

The big-eared prophet's eyes were extremely clear, like the turquoise water. When he stared, Xu Zhi felt that the prophet had learned certain information.

"Please" Xu Zhi raised his hand.

Being in this ruin has limited time. As long as he can find a civilized tribe and can communicate, Xu Zhi will use his spiritual power to speak.

With the listening function of the attribute panel, he does not need to fully explore his mental thoughts into the other party’s mind, nor do he need to perform dumb puzzles to guess what the other party said.

This gave him the ability to communicate freely when he entered the ruins.

Before the spirit is exhausted, he is not much different from communicating with everything while in the elemental world.

This is an extremely convenient capability.

In the Prophet's Cabin, he quickly became familiar with the Big Eared Prophet.

He did not mind confessing some information to the big-eared prophet, and the other party did not hide it.

People who are not in the same world are not involved in interest disputes, and this is not necessary.

"I really envy your world, you can have the sun, the moon, the stars, the green mountains, the green water, the grass and trees," the big-eared prophet Sang Lan said with emotion.

"Thousands of worlds have different scenes, they will get used to it after watching it for a long time, and eventually get used to it," Xu Zhi replied.

"It is true."

The two sides were talking casually. From Sang Lan, Xu Zhi obtained more detailed information than the ancient one.

Encountered by the sudden caterpillar disaster, many tribes began to evacuate from their original settlements.

Seek water, seek food, seek a place to live.

Some tribes were difficult to adapt and eventually disappeared.

Some tribes, like the big-eared villages, stubbornly survive in the remote stone mountains.

Other tribes have slowly developed into new small towns.

Like the little oasis in the desert, the spirits still living in the remains of Xing Huang.

But compared to the area occupied by the red bugs, there are too few habitats for these creatures.

In this relic, more than 95% of the land is invaded and occupied by red bugs, and they are continuously breeding.

This makes it difficult for outsiders to encounter the normal creatures of these ruins.

Xu Zhi not only asked about the three ruined cities of Crag, Rovana, and Kuba mentioned by ancient Bimont, but also asked about the location of some new settlements.

"Have you heard the name Tanan?"

He suddenly remembered the difficult situation that Gu Yuxi mentioned that he could not resist, and he asked it out.

"Tanan, Tanan..."

Sang Lan whispered a few words in a low voice, with a moment of hope in her eyes and a color of nostalgia.

"I didn't expect to hear the name from your mouth, but if he is, it might not be impossible."

Tanan has a strong historical record in the history of the barbarians.

After the inquiry was clear, there was no difference between Tanan asked by Xu Zhi and Tanan, the barbarian, and Sang Lan whispered.

"It is said that before Hengyuan, our kingdom of Kruod was once the most powerful kingdom in the world, ruling countless regions. The **** of barbarians allowed our ancestors to live a happy life."

"But one day, our powerful forces were destroyed by magical civilization, the kingdom collapsed, and everyone was demoted to slaves, which allowed us to experience countless dark times."

"And Tanan appeared on a certain day, like a kind of fire, igniting the anger in the barbarian's heart."

"We rebelled against the tyranny, almost overthrowed the Warlock Kingdom Brakada, and finally re-established the Kingdom of Kruod."


" He is the **** of war of our barbarians."

"We have prayed countless times, hoping that a great warrior like Tanan will appear in the tribe, which can lead us to hope."

In Sang Lan's whispered narrative, Xu Zhi began to understand some of Tanan's past, which was different from Somra and Sandro's.

Among the big-eared monsters, and even the barbarians of other races, Tanan represents glory, status, and strength.

Countless younger generations and countless powerful barbarian warriors can only follow Tanan's footsteps even if they are famous again.

In the history of barbarians, the name of the **** of war Tanan is even more memorable than the **** of barbarians.

"What if Tanan is still alive?" Xu Zhi finally asked.

"Then he will surely come to save our barbarians," Sang Lan laughed.

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