Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1756: The harm caused by the gods

For the big-eared monsters, and even for other barbarians, the red worm means a dark age.

I do not know whether it has appeared for hundreds of years or thousands of years.

In the knowledge inherited by Sang Lan, the red bugs have been around for a long time.

This leaves them facing many disasters.

But compared with the dark ages in history, this situation is also acceptable.

No slave owner whipped them to work to death.

They can at least eat something.

Accustomed to eating red bugs, the problem is not big.

For this barbarian village, the greatest threat only originated from the ancient Bimon in the Watson Mountains.

No one is sure which day the disaster will fall on his own head.

Even though Sang Lan was very careful, he conducted divination every day and tried to avoid seeing ancient Bimont.

"We are too weak to resist this bimon," Sang Lan sighed. "We can no longer return to those ancient cities. Martial arts and magic have lost their heritage."

"Are you talking about the heroic temple?" Xu Zhi asked.

"You know this too?"

"As an adventurer, we will collect some knowledge" Xu Zhi smiled: "I also received some guidance from the barbarian warrior Ken Lohag."

"Kenlohag?" Sang Lan thought for a while before shaking his head: "Maybe the interval is too long, or maybe what he has done is not important to us barbarians. There is no name in the history of inheritance I accept. "

The cowhide blew through the sky and wrote books for himself. Xu Zhi thought that Kenlohag had left an indelible history in the history of the barbarians. He did not expect that his juniors no longer remember the right and wrong in history.

"He is a good warrior, and he has made a name in the Hall of Heroes."

Reminiscent of the immortal mark broken up by myself, this world is quite difficult to find some traces of Kenlohag.

"Being able to make a name in the Great Martyr's Shrine is definitely a great man of our barbarians."

Sang Lan consulted Xu Zhifan and engraved the name Kenlohag on a stone.

"If we can return to our original place, we will go after these powerful warriors. Are you going to take a look at our old places now?"

Sang Lan looked at Xu Zhi cautiously.

Can beat the ancient Bimon, the opponent's strength will not be much worse than those in their history.

Not a big coffee, but also a big man who cannot be ignored.

The two sides talked for a while. He knew the information of the outside world and other worlds from Xu Zhi, but Sang Lan also felt that Xu Zhi had acquired a lot of content that he wanted to know.

It is even difficult for him to describe more valuable content.

"I do intend to visit some people," Xu Zhi nodded.

"If you really can get into Cragg," Sang Lan hesitated before saying: "If you see a golden statue, please push it down."

"How can we bring down the statue? Is there a way for you to bring down the god-given soldiers?"

"Do you even know its name?"

Crag was the former capital city of the Kingdom of Kruod, and the golden statue mentioned by Sang Lan was not a surprise but a godsend that Xu Zhi had seen before.

Barbarians are good at making all kinds of life totems that are conducive to ethnic reproduction.

Even this big-eared tribe is no exception.

When Xu Zhi entered the village, he could also see some statues similar to stone carvings.

But the power of these statues is extremely weak, and even just a component, only used for decoration, is far from a treasure of the same level as the gods.

The God-given Divine Soldier confuses the mind, and the tough temperament of Akagawa cannot be avoided at that time. Xu Zhi felt that he was not much better.

But this time there were brothers and sisters from the Yan Family's teachers.

As long as they can converge with each other, someone will join hands in case of a miss, so as not to die.

Sang Lan had some thoughts, and Xu Zhi didn't break it. He just smiled and asked if he knew how to push it down more safely.

"If you have enough time, you can go to Lovana and Kuba first, these two cities also have life totems."

Sang Lan smiled awkwardly before continuing to speak.

"These totems of life are silver and very easy to distinguish. They are branches of God-given Divine Soldiers in other cities. If these branches are pushed down first, the concentration of that **** may not be so strong."

"Why do you want to overthrow the God-given Divine Soldier?" Xu Zhi asked: "I heard that it is a holy thing for your barbarians?"

"I think, probably, maybe, the red worms have also endured the reproductive influence given by the God-given Divine Soldier," Sang Lan said uncertainly: "I haven't been near these ancient cities, but people have heard that there are countless red worms and densely packed around the ancient cities. It’s countless, maybe there is a certain connection."

There are indeed countless red worms in the vicinity of the ancient city. When these insects looked up and squirted acid, they even numbed their scalp when they looked straight.

He thought deeply.

This method of triggering a disaster of reproduction is exactly the same as that of South Australia.

One is the Sacred Fire Statue and the other is the Divine Weapon.

The two only differ in the scope of the impact. The former affects the entire continent of South Australia and affects many ruins.

The latter only affects this piece of ruins, and perhaps some undiscovered ruins, at least within the territory of Dongyue, have not suffered from the influence of God-given Divine Soldiers.

"Red worms seem to be inexhaustible. It brings us endless food, but I am worried that if red worms eat inedible like us one day, will they eat stone and take us last? A place of survival."

Without food, the big-eared monsters had to eat red worms, and eventually adapted to the food.

The big ear monster has only red worms in its life, from snacks to big, but Sang Lan is also afraid that red worms will eventually evolve to eat stone.

Without the protection of the Stone Mountain, they will wander daily in the life attacked by the red worm, and there is no safe place in the ruins.

This place of survival will be turned into a wasteland no longer inhabited.

They will die, and the red worms will die after eating the stone and eating nothing to eat.

Everything will end.

Seizing treasures, harming others and benefiting oneself, Xu Zhi did not expect that one day he wanted to seize the treasures to help others.

God-given Divine Soldier is a must-have for him. He looked straight in the direction of Rovana and Kuba, and then in the direction of Krager.

He is happy to take this artifact away, even the fire **** in the sky of Nan'ao Cave.

To do this kind of good deed, he does not need to be named and thanked for his joy.

It's just that each has its own needs.

It wasn't until he had nothing to talk with this big-eared monster prophet that Xu Zhi came out of this big-eared monster tribe and quickly rushed to the abandoned city of stranger, stranger. "

Sang Lan looked at Xu Zhi's figure as if it were like smoke, and his eyes flashed complex colors.

"Why did we choose our kingdom as the battlefield of the game."

Even ancient Bimon knew to admonish him. As a prophet, Sang Lan had all manners and courtesy. With the tribe of the big-eared monsters, he did not conflict with this powerful alien.

He sighed leisurely.

I know what it means to enter the world freely.

The red worm has almost destroyed the world. The big people who can escape have already fled, and those who can't escape slowly wait for death in this world.

It is difficult to find a strong man who can resist aliens.

In the invasion and defense of this space, their dignity is obvious, which is about to lose.

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