Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1757: Abandoned City Lovana

With an approximate bearing and distance, Xu Zhi did not take a long time this time.

After only a day's work, Xu Zhi rushed to the abandoned city of Lovana.

The barbarians seem to like to build castles by the mountains. This city is also built on the mountain.

It is no different from the city of Baghdad he experienced before, and the city of Rovana is also surrounded by dense red insects.

The main material of the construction city is made of giant stones, which allows Rovana to survive under the offensive of the red worms.

But Ravana has been eroded far more than Baghdad, and many places have collapsed.

Stepping down from the sky, Xu Zhi looked at the city in the dark.

The residents and legions guarding the city were obviously in despair. The remaining bone debris could be seen everywhere in the city, and there were also remains in the stone house.

According to the tribes of the big-eared monsters, as long as they escape early, there is still hope to find a place to live.

It is hard to know whether these people regret having escaped this city early.

Walking on the street, Xu Zhi looked at the special buildings that might exist from time to time.

His gaze also turned to the extremely obscure stele on the distant mountain.

This is one of his purposes to enter the remains of Xing Huang.

Heroes' Shrine.

Everything seemed familiar.


When looking for the branch power of God-given Divine Soldier, Xu Zhi heard a strange gasp again.

This is a little weaker than the hum that he encountered Qingchuan Akiko.

After eight consecutive days of travel, it seems that someone has entered the area within the ruins.

Xu Zhi listened a little.

Male voice.

It was not Yan Jinbai, Wang Zhongwang, which relieved him.

After being told by him, the brothers and sisters should remember it.

Golden statues are extremely dangerous, and silver statues should not be touched.

Traveling for only a mile, Xu Zhi had already seen the unlucky bastard.

The other party curled up on the side of the statue, and the body holding the statue twitched from time to time.

The look on his face was extremely contradictory.

This is a paradoxical look that feels short and comfortable, but feels like this is not going well.

But the other party obviously cannot get rid of this influence.

Had to hover over and over again in the process of struggling.

Xu Zhi remembered that this great cultivator was called He Duoqi and belonged to the four-star lieutenant general in the southern Yunnan military region.

Although the other person looks young, he is said to be quite old.

The two sides had a face-to-face photo before entering the ruins, and there was no deep contact.

He Duoqi is not Qingchuan Chizi, no complaint, no hatred, and is also a big practitioner of Dongyue. This time he entered the same batch, and Xu Zhi couldn't dry the other night.

He Duoqi's physique and practice strength are not far behind those of Qingchuan Akiko, and he is likely to die after a night.

Compared with the God-given Divine Weapon that shimmers in golden light, this branch of life statue appears silver-white.

Only the color is different in shape, and the shape is almost the same.

The function seems to be weaker.

Xu Zhi remembers that the golden God-given Divine Soldier exudes brilliance almost all the time, and the effect of the silver statue is intermittent.

When Xu Zhi pulled the rope out to catch the unlucky ghost, the statue flashed a silver brilliance.

After observing it several times in a row, Xu Zhicai basically determined the time interval between the statue's effect and the scope of his influence.

This made him calm in his mind, and it was obviously a lot easier to break the branch power of God-given Divine Soldiers.

As long as there is a time difference that is not greatly affected, it will not be too difficult to overthrow the statue.

He did not enter the state of Xing Huang's ruins a few years ago.

And he also has a spiritual shield.

To deal with this kind of statue, you don't have to bother with artifacts. Xu Zhi takes out the spiritual shield created by Eladonn, puts a set on his head, and then smells the shield.

"You can get up."

With a light sip, Xu Zhi's layers of air filled the whole body, exhaling force, shaking with a life statue more than two meters high.

As heavy as it came, Xu Zhi only felt his hands sink, and his life was shaking for a while.

There seemed to be countless arms pulling the statue on the ground, making it difficult for him to pull.

As a branch of belief-like artifacts, this statue of life also protects itself.

Hard to destroy, hard to move.

In a normal barbarian society, there must still be guards.

Therefore, this kind of artifact can be placed under the large public.


With a loud bang, Xu Zhi's eyes were round, his inner air burst, and ten percent of his strength surged out.

In the early days of cultivation, his power can be comparable to the strength talent cultivator. Until now, his power has been able to fight against the grandmaster across the ranks.

The huge suction pulled the bottom of the life statue, at this time, the statue was slowly pulled up from the stone brick.

As he pulled, Xu Zhi could see the red and yellow magical elements under the statue, as well as the pentacle array flashing under the statue.

Just like the poles of a magnet, the attraction is extremely strong.

While embracing the statue of life, Xu Zhi saw that the silver light on the statue shimmered slightly, and his hand lightened. At the same time, a faint voice came to his mind.

"go with"

Throwing the statue away, the faint sound in my mind subsided.

The restlessness of the body's inexplicable surge also dropped.

Xu Zhi only had time to study the branch statue of this artifact.

The appearance is the same as that of the golden godsend soldiers. The whole body seems to use some strange metal. As Xu Zhi pulled this statue out, the silver metal quickly began to turn gray and gradually transformed into the color of bluestone.

If you don't pay attention, you will only think it is a stone carving.

Xu Zhi struck a bit, and saw that the effect of this stone carving became thinner, the fascinating sound of fascination became more and more subtle, and the layers of silver light slowly turned into green mansions, and finally the head of the remaining sculpture had some luster, The impact on people is not strong.

"Heavenly Godhead."

Although not a real artifact, Xu Zhi also moved this statue to the elemental realm.

At the same time, the real name of the statue was also known to him.

God-given Godhead: With the magical power of reproduction, it can promote the growth and development of certain organisms.

"Some creatures, multiply, grow and develop."

Xu Zhi thought about the content on the panel, even if it was multiplied, the ability to grow and grow was pretty good.

Removed the power of the God-given Divine Soldier to confuse and multiply, perhaps this treasure will focus on growth and development.

It happens that the jungle goblins are slower in adulthood and can be improved a little bit.

It's the definition of certain creatures that makes Xu Zhi headache.

Halfway, he threw this godsend head aside.

The effect of this treasure can only be proved later, or if someone needs to sell it directly.

When he returned to the ruins, He Duoqi, who was injured, woke up and woke up.

He felt the emptiness, loneliness, and coldness in his spirit, sighed faintly, and looked at his trousers that had been bleeding, feeling that his old face was completely clean.

"Thanks to Xu Shaofu's life-saving grace."

It is not difficult to understand how the two of them survive in the city.

After He Duoqi swallowed two energy was able to thank him.

"You rest and recover from your injury first. It's a little dark this day. I didn't see anything."

Xu Zhi revealed a smirk that the men knew each other, and spit out the misaligned words.

That's right, his symptom is that the next ruin was injured.

As long as Xu Zhi does not spread blindly, nothing will be known.

He is still the same as He Duoqi.

At most, I just lost my face in front of Xu Zhi, but since Xu Zhi avoided this topic, it would be fine.

This is as if nothing has happened.

After He Duoqi wanted to understand, he only felt comfortable.

:. :

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