Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1762: Of course it's fun

It was two days after returning to Baghdad.

Although the distance between these cities is quite far, it is more troublesome to find the correct position.

When flying in the direction, you only need to deviate by one angle, and the final search scene is completely different.

Xu Zhi lost several times, and finally calculated back and forth based on the distance before returning to the city.

Qingchuan Akiko’s footprints are gone, but Xu Zhi found some artificial traces in the city.

A bag containing compressed food.

This was left over from the exploration of South Australians two years ago.

Seeing that God-given God Soldiers still exist in the center of the city, Xu Zhicai was relieved.

"Is it possible that you can trace here based on the food residues we left before."

This artifact is isolated at the very center, as stubborn as a nail household.

Xu Zhi looked at the messy footsteps, the overturned boulder tiles around the God-given Divine Soldier.

The South Australians apparently failed when taking this treasure.

Even the gathering of many people did not take away the God-given Divine Soldiers.

He would like to thank the silver life statues of the two abandoned cities of Ravana and Cubana.

These two branches may provide a certain amount of guarding power, so that the God-given Divine Soldier can be firmly rooted and difficult to be taken away.

The spiritual shield made by Eladonn can resist the power of the branch, and it is difficult to resist the artifact of the God-given Divine Soldier.

But the time was quite coincident, and Xu Zhi got the artifact from Mysterio.

Taking out the purple spiritual shield, Xu Zhi began to pull the statue from the familiar road.

From time to time, the golden statue radiated a faint golden light, and there seemed to be a strange fragrance and a slight murmur echoing in the air.

This artifact of Mistreo is very reliable. God-given Divine Soldier has almost no effect on Xu Zhi. Everything in the senses is normal.

This made Xu Zhi feel sorry for the gladiator's stele. If he wore this helmet at that time, wouldn't he fight the mentally-impaired mental seal of Tanan?

But whoever is more powerful is an artifact or a holy weapon, he has no idea.

There are fewer artifacts and fewer holy artifacts.

The two have different functions and different effects. It really needs to compare with each other.

"When will the **** of fire in Shenshan cave be taken away?"

God-given Divine Soldier started and successfully placed in the Elemental Realm. Xu Zhi also began to consider the Fire God.

A God-given Divine Soldier is enough for him to advance, but Xu Zhi obviously wants to do better.

If it is more perfect, continuous evolution may slowly block Tanu's left back door.

The Vulcan Statue in South Australia is fixed in one place, and it is extremely stable compared to all kinds of holy items that happened to happen by chance.

If receiving holy items, at least the helper can be properly placed.

His magic power does not meet the elements of the world of relics, and the probability of receiving a holy weapon leads to the appearance of a card machine.

This can only be done by members of the royal family of Yingguo.

Just how can the Ying people help him to work in Nanao?

Xu Zhi felt that his brain hurt, the operation of this kind of thing is a bit difficult.

Judging from the holy tools he had seen, there were not many opportunities, and he had little choice.

When Xu Zhi thought about it, he only listened to the loud noise outside the door, and then the wooden door of his room was pushed open.

"The king of the earth covers the ground tiger."

After glancing around and looking at the two statues a few meters away, Somra made a sound.

"Pagoda Town River Demon" Xu Zhi smiled back.

Everyone is still as cautious as ever, but he is fine now, even after wearing an artifact-level spiritual shield, he can move freely.

If Tanu strikes, he may also resist seven or eight points.

With confidence in his heart, Xu Zhi was very happy, and his face was green with a smile on his face.

"Is this the totem pole with the strongest power?" Lexus who followed asked: "A treasure that can improve racial fertility?"

"Yes," Somra's face was bluish, and he looked strangely at Tianci Shenbing and murmured: "Don't you feel you want to have a baby now?"

"I didn't feel it" Hexis shook his head: "The miscellaneous thoughts are too troublesome. In order to focus more on the thoughts and practice Sandro's spiritual skills, I cut off the lower body directly. This treasure cannot affect my mind."

"It's too cruel to cut it out," Xu Zhidan said with pain. "Are you not going to use it in the future?"

"Take it back when you want to use it," Hexis replied, looking at Somra weirdly: "I think your thinking is very messy, and your head seems to be abnormal. Should you think purely?"


Watching Hexis make a knife-cut gesture, Somra's head was agitated, and there was a pause in his mind that made him sober.

After spending a long time with Hexis, Somra knew that Hexis was a serious person.

Whenever he is willing, he will inevitably think about execution.

This can't be done.

"You like to transform, you should really appreciate the power of God-given Divine Soldiers, and this baby will allow us to see the most perfect woman in the world. That is simply amazing."

"You wait for me, I'll pick it up."

Regardless of the former or the latter, Hexis was very interested. After being told by Somra, he was moved and got up excitedly and went back to his room.

"He's too real."

Solam commented on Hexis.

"This is a good quality," Xu Zhi nodded.

"Sometimes it's a headache."

The two chatted with each other for a while. Many topics were about God-given Divine Soldiers.

It is no different from the white and silver life statue. When it breaks away from the original earth and enters the elemental realm, the power that the God-given Divine Soldier automatically emits begins to decay.

The closer you are, the heavier the impact, and the farther you are, the weaker the impact.

With Somra's concentration, more than three meters away will clear your mind.

As for Xu Zhi, he needs to wear a spiritual shield in reality, but in the elemental world, perhaps he has no fertility like Hexis's operation, and it is difficult to feel the power of God-given Divine Soldier.

The same soul, because of the differences in the body, has a completely different effect in the end.

"I'm coming."

Hexis outside the door hurriedly came back, and it seemed that he had fought for a while and took his lower body back.

To be honest, Xu Zhi is envious of this ability.

Use it if you want to use it, and put it away if you don't want to use it. It's very convenient to maintain your own sage practice mode at any time.

"Ahai, your biological transformation technology is so really want to see the most perfect image in my eyes, and I can modify one at that time."

"Hahaha, no problem" Hexis smiled: "Heavenly Divine Soldier, this is really God's help. With this artifact, I see how you can help this stranger when you are full of desires."

He grabbed Somra and pushed forward, knocking Somra into the vicinity of the God-given Divine Soldier, and fell into a state of insanity. Then he looked at Xu Zhi, his face sneered.


Looking at the abnormal Hexis, Xu Zhi was startled.

Hexis only went back to change the chirp, only a few minutes apart from Somra, which was successfully reproduced by Tanu.

How long has this guy been lurking in Dongfang Village, how is the guard in the West Village, and no one notices?

"Is it fun to kill my guardian mark?"

Hexis, who was Tanu’s incarnation, slowly pulled the door. He said, Xu Zhi suddenly knew why Tanu had come over.

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