Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1763: Dangerous words

Inside the Elemental Jungle Fairy Cabin.

Xu Zhi confronted Tanu, who was incarnate Hexis.

Without Hexis, without Somra, Sandro squatted in the Southern Village to raise Sandro II.

The two lords of the Phoenix plunged into endless nagging in the Western Village.

For Tanu, as long as he wants, there are many opportunities to act.

He didn't want to think about it so early with Xu Zhi. He had been excluding the influence of reading memory in the Western Village and had to digest some of Sandro's knowledge, but Xu Zhi couldn't bear to kill him to protect his mark.

Just as Xu Zhi's void projection was killed, Tanu also knew who had killed his mark.

If it is an ordinary alien, it is roughly similar to the praying mantis, suggesting that ‘you have been killed by mouth. ’

But he was too familiar with Xu Zhi, Tanu still had some memories of Sandro, and learned some information about Xu Zhi in another world.

With traceability, it is not difficult for him to obtain information.

Before he killed Xu Zhi, Xu Zhi secretly teased him. Tanu didn't get used to Xu Zhi's behavior, so he found him directly.

Although I don't know how Xu Zhi found the mark he placed in the fighter stele, and how to defeat the mediocre guardian mark of IQ, at this time Xu Zhi needs to pay the price.

The best situation is naturally the same as before, kill Xu Zhi, kill Somra, kill Hexis, kill Sandro...

If all goes well, Tanu feels that he can hack a bunch of people.

He sneered at Xu Zhihe hey hey.

"Do you think the spells of anti-magic magic can prevent me, naive, eh..."

Xu Zhi’s house is the largest jungle fairy lodge in Dongfang Village, and the bedroom has more than 30 square meters.

The items he placed were very organized, and although some large objects were placed, they were still spacious.

But at this time, Tanu felt the place was a bit narrow.

Looking at Xu Zhi, who quickly took the one-handed axe and single shield, Tanu just made a sneer, and then his face changed. His face suddenly became ugly, and his eyes stared at the purple helmet on Xu Zhi's head.

"The engraving that beats Hexius in the elemental world, the only spell I need is the demon."

Without being caught in a spiritual confrontation for the first time, occupied by Tanu, Xu Zhi's heart was settled.

The artifact given by His Majesty Leo is really effective and can prevent Tanu from hitting him mentally.

He stared at Tanu, his bull tomahawk waved out without hesitation.

Except for a few special existences, Xu Zhi is not afraid to fight alone.

What's more, his opponent is only Hexis, whose strength is severely restricted, and he has no weapons or armor.

"and many more."

Tanu's engraved Hexis yelled, and Xu Zhi's axe had come.

Xu Zhi didn't know how long the mental shield could protect Tanu, but it was obviously a good idea to hack Tanu early.

Hexis's immortal body damage is 78-105, melee attack is 80, Xu Zhi's damage is 53-54, and melee attack is 102 points.

He hurts far less than Hexis, but the attack is higher than Hexis.

The bonus attack is calculated to be within the range of minus four to plus forty compared to Hexis's interval.

When the Bull Battle Axe, Power Scale Armor, and Bright Ring (Pseudo) are reloaded, Xu Zhi's ability to strike has far exceeded that of Hexis without armor.

The combat effects of empty-handed and hand-held weapons are obviously different.

At this time, his ‘anti-magic’ magic was in his hands. As long as he had no room for Hex’s magic, he did not need other magical aids to stabilize Tanu.

As long as Tanu could be solved, Xu Zhi didn't care about his room at this time.

Many books are damaged, and some can be tolerated.

For him, Tanu is the biggest threat.

"I have the shackles of war, don't think you can escape, you should also know the speed of my pursuit."

With an axe, Tanu had flashed to the corner of the room.

A black flash of light flashed through his body, hiding behind the God-given Divine Soldier. He didn't seem to bear the influence of the God-given Divine Soldier. He tried to wrestle with Somra's body and artifact.

When Tanu's eyes squinted, Xu Zhi whispered a reminder, which caused Tanu's teeth to bite several times.

He certainly knew the importance of Xu Zhi's current work.

Xu Zhi didn't care about severing to Somra, chopping up the artifact to affect promotion, everything would be removed first.

Tanu did indeed escape from his mind, as long as he waited for the duration of the engraved divine art to return to the state of the body, he could still easily walk away.

But once the shackles of war came out, he could not help being silent. Even if his strength turned against the sky, he would inevitably have to bear the influence of some special treasures.

"Okay, you found a way to defend me so quickly."

The protection of the spiritual shield was too obvious, Tanu just saw it with just a few eyes.

This is the treasure logistics that he hates the most. In terms of holding treasures, he is far inferior to some outstanding immortals. This makes it difficult for anyone who is the true first strong in the old world to be conclusive.

And the Big Bang in the old world is inextricably linked to treasures.

"After meeting for 18 years, you will find that you can't help me anymore, but still live in my fear."

Xu Zhi bit his lip, between his lips and teeth without concealing his murderous intention.

He stared closely at Tanu, who walked around the God-given Divine Soldier, attempting to hit the opponent with one blow.

"Hey, hey, eighteen years, you think there are still eighteen years in the elemental world," Tanu sneered, sneering: "This continent will sink after more than ten years. Who can you fear?"

"Criticism, you think I will believe you, die."

With an axe, Tanu pushed the God-given Divine Soldier and kicked hard.

The crisp crit sounded through Dongfang Village.

Slashed by the Xu Zhi Bull's battle axe, the golden brilliance of this artifact suddenly raged, layer by layer.

"Maggie, have you seen a female jungle goblin?"

"I think King Squeak is the best."

"Woman, I saw a woman. Come and see a woman."

"Have you heard of the word sexy?"

"Don't touch me, it feels weird."


Under the influence of the God-given Divine Soldier, the single jungle goblins in the East Village suddenly fell into strange topics, and did not even pay attention to the sound waves that he produced when fighting Tanu.

The spirits of the jungle fairies are somewhere between Hexis and normal people.

He has very little knowledge of the opposite sex, and basically has not encountered female jungle goblins, but all belong to normal men.

This makes their condition quite strange.

Xu Zhi just listened to a few and felt relieved.

Tanu will not let him go just because he let go, as long as he can hack Tanu, even if the East Village has a chaotic meeting, he will recognize it.

"Without me tinkering with the magical rainbow, this continent will sink forever. No matter how strong you are, you can't resist the endless praying mantis, even hundreds of thousands of praying mantis monarchs."


"You can escape to the lower realm, the jungle goblin in your village, your mother tree, not every elemental creature has the ability to force a passage through space."

"The lower realm cannot make you an elemental country, and you will have no more freedom in the future."


Taking advantage of Tanu's speech, Xu Zhi finally looked at the opportunity. In one blow, Tanu could only use expert combat skills. He flew forward, struck Tanu's hands with two axes, and then stepped on the other side. On the ground.

"You can speak now."

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