Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1792: Holy See

When life and death coexist, divine art begins to cross life and death.

After observing for a long time, Xu Zhicai saw the shadow of the ‘Death Call’ magic from Elita’s magic.

This is the magic that can temporarily pull the creature back from death. When time comes, everything is dust and dust.

When fighting with the Dark Lord Cardonis in the past, it is convenient to recover the dead demons and use the battle again.

It can be completely resurrected into black and gray. It is not surprising that many people with broken limbs can also be resurrected when the Elita magic is released.

Elita's magic is based on death magic, supplemented by the resurrection of life magic.

Death and life are in conflict, but the two are linked by divine art.

The resurrectionists have been around longer.

"If the heart is toward the light, everyone can die..."

"If the heart falls into darkness, the dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, everything becomes nothing..."

Elita murmured in his mouth, and his voice resounded like a soul, constantly echoing in the ears of each resurrection.

If you want to return to normal life, you need to be as bright as Elita's dictation. If you are like Medusa, even the caster must go to kill, and you will die again. Update the fastest mobile terminal::

Contains part of the ability to control death calls, and also has the ability to regenerate life.

This is a bound resurrection.

When the dead are resurrected on a large scale, Elita also protects herself, and can even force these resurgents to protect themselves.

If she dies, it is likely to cause unpredictable consequences.

This made Xu Zhi and others suddenly relieved.

When the dead bodies and limbs on the ground were constantly resurrected, the crowds of various ethnic groups in various countries were constantly watching, which made them feel pressured, and they were quite worried about someone maliciously attacking and letting Elita’s magical arts terminate.

After understanding Elita's magic, now finally at ease.

Added by the electromagnetic blaster, he continued to travel to the Imperial City area, and the resurrection of the dead became rarer.

Many people are so blown up that there are no leftovers, and some people's limbs are buried in the ground, and some people have been flying for a long time, even the divine art is difficult to pull back.

But these resurrected people are all elite soldiers, even including the high level of the light of the Holy See.

Some savvy people kneeled and confessed, others began to worship, while others joined the camp guarding Elita.

For the people of the Holy See, Elita the Virgin is not a legend.

Ten years ago, he defected out of the Holy See, causing the Pope to be furious and lowered the secret killing order.

The Holy See has still wanted portraits of Elita.

No one thought that Elita returned in this way.

Even Xu Zhi feels a miracle. In the eyes of ordinary people or people in the Holy See, this is tantamount to the gods of light tomorrow.

"Holy Lady"

"Holy Lady"




The voice began to grow slowly, and when Elita walked around the city of Reros to the foot of the imperial city, the tide had merged into the ocean.

Located in the center of the explosion, there is also the addition of an electromagnetic blaster. This imperial city has been razed to the ground.

All that remains in this place is a huge pit.

The black and white double flowers in Elita's magic circled around in this place for a long time, and no one recovered.

The flesh is worn away, the soul is broken, and for a long time, even the divine art is difficult to work.

"The destruction of war is too great."

Even the greatest chaos mage can hardly cause such destruction.

Elita whispered in a low voice, with contradictory expression and relief.

I have seen the wars of hundreds of thousands of people in the small kingdom, and the civil strife of the elven kingdom, which has affected the entire kingdom.

In front of her, it was a war in which a whole country of the Western Continent participated.

When striking the capital of Xeron, Reros, there were tens of millions of creatures inside and outside the city.

The living, the undead.

Nearly half of his life can be destroyed here, and there is no possibility of surviving. New Bayi debut

"This is not a just war. Some people are greedy, some are occupied, some are selfish, some are hypocritical, and some are drifting..."

"Aggression, anti-aggression, fight for freedom, maintain order, revenge... everything is just a sounding reason."

"We don't know the real cause of the war, nor do we know the purpose of our participation in the war. We can't help ourselves in the war and follow the crowd."

"But we all share the same idea, hoping for the end of this war, and hoping that we can survive safely."

"Now, the war is over."

Elita's voice echoed in this place, and her eyes turned to the flying creatures circling in the sky.

At high altitude, Irutan still rode the Phoenix monarch in flight to review everywhere.

While directing the retreats of the surviving elves, he felt palpitations in his heart, and he didn't want to drive the Phoenix to the scene of the explosion center.

In many countries, he is the only surviving leader.

The strong men such as Ruiou, Feng Tajin, Mongo, Madikes, Lien (counterfeit), just disappeared in the booming sound.

At the same time, the most elite fighting regiments of the various countries were also buried.

This includes Apollo's Elves Shooter Regiment.

More than half of the elves of the combat legion fell into the explosion.

This made Yirutan's heart bleed. As Elita said, he belongs to the crowd.

This was not the war he wanted, but it was also the war he had to come.

There are reasons why the Kingdom of Xia Nong attacked Apollo, and there were also reasons why the Five Nations League had to participate.

In the end, he buried more than half of the warriors in the kingdom.

Due to the low fertility rate of the elves, Irutan went black for a while, not knowing how many years he would need to recuperate before returning to the war.

Careful calculations, careful play, bumped into the good luck, and even made various preparatory measures, near the end did not wait to escape this knife.

Elita was right, the war was over, and it was time to end the Kingdom of Apollo was no longer able to support it.

In a war that spread across the western continent, the Five Nations Alliance slashed Xia Nong, and they had no winner.

It is difficult for each other to have the capital to dominate the western continent.

Even if the undeads are no exception, the master controller is missing. Just like the summoning contract, the temporarily resurrected undeads have fallen down, and some souls with souls like the headless flies, fleeing around.

Becoming an undead means giving up reincarnation and rebirth.

Elita cannot save these people.

Even if Baron Feng Tajin was present, it would be difficult to use these dead bodies.

If these scattered undead can't be recovered, Baron Feng Tajin will most likely have no capital to build the country.

At high altitude, his eyes were swept toward the direction of the Northland, the direction of the Casa, the direction of the Aurelius, and the destroyed Imperial City.

In the end he focused his attention on Elita.

"The war is over," Irutan nodded. "Hopefully, Elita will be able to restrain and secure the object of your resurrection."

Stroking the bow of the elven king several times, Irutan finally put the longbow down.

Looking at Elita, he seemed to see another pope rising objects resurrected by the magical art are at least 30,000 or 40,000 people, including elites and ordinary people.

Resurrected by Elita, these people seem to be imprinted with Elita in their lives and rely heavily on Elita.

If it can be guided, it will be a group of fanatics.

But Elita may not be like Lien.

Countries will not give Elita such opportunities.

Looking at Agrinael, who was guarding not far from Elita, and the familiar green skin, recalling the strategic alliance signed in private, Irutan hesitated again and again, and then the Phoenix landed.

"I will set up the Holy See in O'Reilly's, that is just a place to give people comfort, and it will only be such a place," Elita finally raised his head.

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