Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1793: Someone laughs and others cry

The war that spread to the western continent finally went to destruction.

The explosion range of Greek flame bombs is very wide and powerful.

Explosively boosted by 500 electromagnetic blasters, the center of the imperial city was turned into ashes.

No matter who and who prepared what tricks, in this explosion, it is difficult to have a chance to debut.

Ryan may have a backhand, but he has no chance of playing backhand.

He was sent back to alive by Xu Zhi with an axe. He wanted to rush back to owe the defect time. His body was so fragile. He also lacked the immortal resurrection capital that was targeted after his courage to appear.

Elita may have completed some of the work for him.

Involving various races and countries, a total of more than 20,000 resurrectors are willing to follow Elita to the country of Thousand Islands.

Need to be responsible for such a large group, I do not know whether Alita is a blessing or a curse.

In addition to the strong opposition of Madoris, Orioli Siou, the remaining countries have no opinions.

There are a large number of Black Dragon escorts, and Madikes can hardly even prevent this group of people from returning to the Thousand Islands.

The Kingdom of Apollo has publicly expressed its support and is willing to give way unconditionally to allow these people to return to the island nation in that sea area.

Ryan didn't find it, but whether Ryan was alive or dead, Elita created a life church that was beneficial and harmless.

This is from the light of the Holy See.

If there were two human religious leaders, it would be harder for the bright Holy See to be as strong as before.

The northerners no longer need to think about plundering food, and have a headache. There are too many barbarians. Now they are likely to consider living more and raising more, and strive to cultivate some elite warriors.

It is difficult to know the state of Mistreo, but Mister Barma began to preside over domestic affairs in Casa.

The regiments were weak, and began to shrink back to protect the original land, and many of the land that had embezzled the Shannon Kingdom was reclaimed.

This caused countless chaotic areas in the former Xia Nong Kingdom.

The war is over, but all this is the beginning of a chaotic war.

The princes are struggling, and the underground forces are constantly intertwined.

There is no peace.

The war that spread to the western continent only brought more chaos.

"This is the super treasure mage crown?"

In the elemental world, everyone is admiring the tatter that Xu Zhi brought back.

The mage crown that Xu Zhi picked up originated from His Majesty Ruiou. The entire crown could no longer be seen in its original form. The dull gemstones and the crown were crumpled together.

Xu Zhi felt that His Majesty Rui Ou might have suffered a big explosion, and his body pretended to explode, or disappeared, or was seriously damaged like the mage crown.

Her Majesty did not escape, and the other immortals could only give away.

In this big explosion, I don't know how many important treasures were damaged.

The strength of the top immortals in the Western Continent is likely to have dropped by one level.

Xu Zhi picked two pieces of defective products as commemorations, but Hexis was very interested in these treasures and thought about studying them.

Xu Zhi was not too embarrassed. He went to the lower realm to find Agrienaire several times and asked for a pile of treasures and garbage to return to the elemental realm.

There are also different things at the moment.


Touching the gold coins in his hand, Xu Zhi was calculating his own business at this time.

He has been busy back and forth for nearly a month, and many gold coins have been carried into reality by him.

Today is a good day to ship.

After a lively month, Xu Zhi also stayed in the mansion of the inspector for a month.

The voices on the periphery became more noisy, and Xu Zhi decided to satisfy these people's wish for goods.

Identification, stamping, packaging according to customer demand,

There is also transportation starting today.

Special commodities, large quantities in excess, special treatment.

After a ticket was drawn from Royal Carriage Logistics, freight cars and freight aircraft began to appear.

If there is no accident, the delivery in the morning, the local tyrants in Xiangbei can receive the goods in the afternoon.

Xu Zhi hopes that they will be happy when they store such gold coins.

If you want to sell at a higher price, that's impossible. At least he has to wait for another 10 million gold coins to be shipped out before normal buyers can choose gold coins that are more expensive than him.

"Please, please, please remove the blockade of my authority."

"Everyone raises your hand, I have to sell the goods."

"I didn't make any mistakes, you can't target me like this."

Among the wealthy group, Xu Zhi started nagging.

"You really shipped it? Isn't it acting?"

Until now, Song Zhongkai, the old empire of the empire, did not believe this.

There are quite a lot of rules in the mansion of Xiangbei Inspection Department. Recently, communication tools have been banned, and staff members are also prohibited from going out to contact.

As long as it is not forcible intrusion, it is difficult for outsiders to obtain information on identification, packaging and delivery in the inspection department mansion.

There are not many insiders, and Song Zhongkai is not included, and he does not bother to forcefully inquire about such news.

But the news from the outside door was reported quickly.

"How dare I act in front of you," Xu Zhi replied.

"Then you are not rich?"

"You lift the authority, let me sell another batch, and then sell the last batch before I am rich."

Yan Xuankong recently talked about several large orders, and the funds may not be much left.

Xu Zhi felt that he was poor when he ate. He didn't save much money and could not make a fortune.

In order to have a lot of money, he had to sell ten million gold coins.

"Sell another batch, don't you mean to play with it."

Huang Putu joined the chat afterwards.

He has a cold temper, and he doesn't like mother-in-law's chat.

If there is nothing important, he rarely chats in the fortune-making group.

But Xu Zhi's selling gold coins made him uncomfortable.

Thinking of the settlement list he signed, he was even more uncomfortable.

Holding an icy statue can't ease his uncomfortable mood. The statue on hand is worthless than the pile of gold coins.

One is related to himself, the other is related to the military area.

It is now known that Xu Zhi went to Xing Huang's ruins to get rich, but before his eyes, Huang Putu felt that he had thrown away his wealth again.

Xu Zhi asked him several times at the time.

If he can fish out tens of millions of gold coins, he can't be more emotional than Xu Zhi.

Hairy nerves are normal.

"I don't talk about play, I just sell play, can sell a little and count."

"I'm uncomfortable."

Thinking of Xu Zhi's pile of gold coins had nothing to do with him, Huang Putu felt sad from his heart.

"Sorrow, there are many people who are uncomfortable with you today," Situ Xuankong interjected.

Xu Zhi was laughing, and there were a lot of people crying.

There are too many relic gold coins bought by some people.

It is enough if we can monopolize the supply at a low price, and sooner or later we will be able to exit profitably.

As Xu Zhi’s second source of 9999999 was released, looking at the relic gold coins with identification certificates, many people fell into anxiety, and some people who overwhelmed with wool began to cry bitterly, not knowing what they did to buy so many relic gold coins .

Xu Zhi did not give them a chance to return the goods.

As a relic item, it is impossible to give it back for a period of time.

The composition and color match, the size and weight match, this is the normal standard of goods.

There is no ‘unreasonable return’ requirement for the Royal Carriage.

Just as Xu Zhi needs to be responsible for his selling behavior, the buyer is also responsible for his own buying behavior.

A 9999999 piece of goods has been sold, and a new source of goods has been re-released. No one knows how much Xu Xiandi made in Xing Huang's remains.

Among the practitioners, Xu Zhihua was famous for selling the relic gold coins, and incidentally Xing Huang remains.

This ruin is barren and barren, but there is so much money that it can drive adventurers crazy.

The iron and steel case is in front of everyone, and everyone wants to be the second Xu Zhi.

This is an unexpected harvest. Huangputu at least don’t have to worry about no one in the country exploring Xing Huang’s ruins, and the South Australians have heard that they have been The remains of Xing Huang opened.

If it is not that he cannot enter, Huang Putu is willing to run into the ruins and take a look.

He wanted to bump into this luck.

"My mentality is a bit unbalanced, so you laughed."

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, if my supervisor ruins, the mentality will not be stronger than you" Situ Xuankong comforted: "This money is indeed quite a lot, next time you focus on checking the remains of gold coins."

Watching the birth of a rich man, Huang Putu couldn't help but sigh, but he was dumbfounded when Xu Zhi spread the Tuo family's thick earth mystery.

No matter how much money comes, that is only enough to fill the bottomless hole.

In Huang Putu's eyes, the practice of Qiqi, such as the Hou Tu Xuan Jing, is too old, and its value is no longer high.

Few people can recover the capital spent on cultivation in the corresponding cultivation stage.

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