Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1794: Where to sell

There are too few opportunities for Zheng Zhengda to return to practice capital.

The Four Nations Exchange Competition is definitely one of them.

Top-notch events have also become opportunities for cash withdrawals among masters of the same class.

This time, the host country of the four-nation exchange competition is Northern Xinjiang.

Xu Zhi intends to get a master first.

This is probably the last time he showed up in the four-nation exchange.

He is not Tuo Guhong, and his eyes are waiting for the start of the four-nation exchange competition to supplement the cultivation needs.

He is not like Situ Xin, thinking of constantly proving himself.

For Xu Zhi, this is just an event to participate in.

Take advantage of it naturally.

By the time the next four-nation exchange competition is held, he should have stepped into the guru.

Rather than obtaining prizes for some major events, Xu Zhi is more willing to continue to improve to withstand possible risks.

Whether the risk originates from Tanu, or other unknown.

There is no harm in becoming stronger.

He thought carefully back and forth, feeling that he had nothing more to do in the master stage.

He even had time to take the siblings of the teachers around the three emperors in northern Xinjiang.

"Xu Zhi, how long do you have to become a master?"

Once again under the influence of the star axis, Yan Jinbai's eyes were radiant.

This extra influence has pushed them away from many cultivators, even beyond their opponents.

They are also preparing to participate in the four-nation exchange competition this time.

Regardless of the ranking, it is always qualified to participate.

This makes them the youngest group in the Masters.

Selected from the domestic, which proves their strength.

Glory accompanied, but the Yan family did not have a proud heart.

Whether it has become a master, Qian Tong, a self-supporting portal, or Xu Zhi, the master's first hand, makes them ineligible for pride.

Except for the few people like Xu Zhi, for most people, the master cultivator and the master cultivator are one place, one day, and the difference is too far apart.

The White Tiger Qisha brings powerful strength and unbearable influence.

All of them are good players in short-range combat, but everyone is difficult to fight chasing battles, which is extremely flawed.

The only way to get rid of this situation is to become a sect.

For everyone, it is quite far apart, and it takes years to polish, but Xu Zhi is familiar with the road, and the master is near.

For the Hou Tu Xuan Jing, which focuses more on medicine, Qi and Qi practice, there are obviously two concepts of resources and no resources.

When Xu Zhi's obstacles were cleared, Yan Jinbai also wanted to know how long Xu Zhi needed to enter the sect.

"Water comes naturally," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "Maybe I will get up one day, I am the master."

"I hate" Yan Jinbai thought of Xu Zhi's experience of breaking through the cultivation stage, and smiled bitterly: "I shouldn't ask you this kind of question."

"Brother Xu's heritage is much deeper than ours, and there is no need to resort to stimulus like some people, or to use force such as combat to force the impact."

Gu Yuxi read a few times, and thought of Xu Zhi's cultivation, he couldn't help but envy.

"Joy, anger, sorrow, joy, horror, fear, love."

She murmured the seven emotions of Baihu Qisha.

If they want strength and stability, they will eventually need to choose an emotion that best suits their mood.

What kind of emotions are the most in your life?

Only in this way can their combat power be exerted to a state close to stability, instead of bursting and falling at once, and the combat power fluctuates greatly up and down.

Even if it is joy, it is not easy to maximize this emotion.

After a long time of drought and sweet rain, when someone knows his hometown, when the Dongfang Huadengye night, and the gold list is titled, he or she can earn 4 billion as Xu Zhi did.

It is not difficult to achieve the ultimate joy. It is even harder to want to relive this taste and keep yourself in this state at any time.

Yan Xingxia's mourning, Yan Xuankong turned from mourning to ruthless, Qian Tong's anger.

The final choices of the three people are different.

Gu Yuxi felt that he had experienced the most helpless fear, but he finally got rid of the influence of that fear and returned to the state of sunlight.

From time to time, she secretly glanced at Xu Zhi, who was walking in the forefront, and her heart jumped up and down.

Most of the reasons for the significant changes in mentality are related to Xu Zhi. Xu Zhi has left a very strong stroke in his life.

She feels that she has chosen one more emotion.

"We are so lucky, isn't this something that is worth the joy of a lifetime," Wang Zhongwang muttered.

"Yeah yeah, I want to choose Le, Da Le, Zhi Le" Shang Qianqiu nodded.

"You have no heart and no lungs, don't look at my choice, you also choose choice" Wang Zhongwang said.

"Look at your bitter gourd's face and enjoy yourself, and you'll break your merits in one sentence."

"I just don't want to have fun with you, that would look like a fool."

"I am practicing music anyway."

While the brothers and sisters discussed with each other, Shang Qianqiu vomited his thoughts, which made Wang Zhongwang unable to enjoy any more.

In order not to be the same as Shang Qianqiu, who looked like two silly people, he felt he could choose to be happy.

"When the four-nation exchange is over, I can practice the White Tiger Qiqi."

The ancient bags that couldn't be plugged in on one side looked at the people with great envy.

"Don't be too anxious. Except Brother Xu Er, you have the strongest foundation in the expert stage. We didn't have your confidence at that time," Wang Zhongwang comforted.

Everyone is the protagonist of his own life, and all the siblings and sisters of the Yan family have different circumstances and different developments.

This makes it rare for everyone to be homogeneous in terms of combat power and personality, and even now, they can start to support the ship independently.

Only when there is something important, the talents will gather together.

Dongtian, ruins, or large-scale exchanges such as the Four Nations Exchange Competition.

At present, Xu Zhi is the strongest capable of supporting the ship. I saw him walking at the forefront of the competition venue.

"If you have a need for relic gold coins, please feel free to contact me, our relic gold coins in Dongyue are of high quality and low price."

"Of course, I can't do without the assistance of the psychedelic tower. Without the psychedelic tower, how can there be my Xu Zhi today?

"Take your money, don't worry that I'm out of stock, as long as there is no run, I still have some inventory."

"It's not as much as you think, it can only barely maintain the home."

"The gold coins I carry are limited. You want to get the spot early."


Maintaining the gentle smile of the businessman, Xu Zhi continued to promote his gold coins.

After a wave of sales in Xiangbei province, when the second wave of sales, many local tyrants no longer have the performance of the old iron.

No one wants to test how many gold coins Xu has until the end.

The cost of making the other party violate the rules is too great.

I wanted to get some wool, but I thought Xu Zhi could take the goods and take away their principal.

When the purchase returned to rationality, the speed of Xu Zhi's sales suddenly slowed down, and 9999999 fractions were not sold.

Xu Zhi had to set his sights on the international four-country exchange competition is obviously a good place to sell.

His performance is very confusing, the main purpose of this product is to run a business, or think of taking the master first.

Many master-level masters have been sharpening their swords, and it is not surprising to see how strong Zhi Zhi is on the court. It is not surprising to show a little hostility, but Xu Zhi's economic cannon hit him with a smile.

Anyway, cheap gold coins can be bought.

Cheap goods are loved by everyone, and great cultivators are no exception.

Even if you can’t use it, there are always siblings, relatives and friends.

As long as the quantity is right, you can earn it if you buy it.

All of a sudden, many practitioners unpacked their bags and began to reserve gold coins for the remains.

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