Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1795: Bing Linglong

"He can no longer be regarded as a master cultivator, and the machines are broken by him."

"If it is not a master cultivator, then what is it, Grand Master Macron no longer divides a realm of cultivation."

"There is no suspense in such a game, just walk through."

"Newcomers come out every year, but this year is particularly fierce."

"It's true that the cultivating class within the spirit is indeed unstable."

"This is already the safest way. It is even harder to say fairness if the cultivation class is determined according to the strike power."

"He is too young, this will occupy the master's number of years."

"He doesn't look like a bad guy either, or he will be banned next time."

"Just go, don't play this bird game next time, and don't come to participate in this kind of conditional game next time."


Behind the scenes, the battlefields are different.

Some topics are constantly being provoked, and they are constantly being whirled in the past.

Xu Zhi appeared a little embarrassed, but did not expect to damage the machine during the test.

Li Duohuang had never done such a thing before.

Xu Zhi tried hard to explain that this was a machine problem, not his personal problem.

"Probably because the weather is too cold, causing the machine to freeze."

Just made a small fortune, he didn't even think about using it to compensate the machine.

"Technology is always so unreliable."

"Don't jump too high when you use it. The effective link range of our machine is two hundred meters."

"That's too bad."

"You jump too high, then nobody can hit you."

The boxy big ring, which previously limited the length and width limits, was defeated out of bounds, but no one went to limit the air.

When it affects the virtual battle space, many troubles will follow.

The limit of the master cultivator of technology simulation is far from the true level of his personal strength.

Whether it is the effective range of influence, or the assistance of imposing pressure.

As the strength increased, the machine began to show limitations.

The machine can only roughly divide the strength of the cultivator, and decompose the strength into destructive power, speed, protection, and endurance.

Involving special coercion effects, targeted talents, and some secret techniques, the more upward, the more difficult it is for the machine to accurately simulate in place.

The masters are difficult to simulate with machines, and Xu Zhi, a pseudo-master, is no exception.

"So everyone is measuring machine data, it has nothing to do with me."

After adapting well, Xu Zhi accepted his new level.

He adapted, but the opponents were a little uncomfortable.

Especially some big cultivators who want to really feel a little straightforward.

There are the hundreds of flowers blooming when Tuo Guhong is leading, and some talents are withering away during the Li Duohuang competition.

After Xu Zhi's term, various new masters began to emerge.

Not to mention the Yan family, the senior children of the various countries began to flock to the game. This is a highlight of the game, and it is also a fresh blood pouring into the game.

There were Margaros and Nancy from South Australia who worked together once.

The former is the descendant of Margaret, Grand Master of South Australia, while the latter is the son of Grand Master Nancy Pi, who is quite old and has the last chance to participate in the competition.

Uyabagula also came to join in the excitement. He didn't care what rank he took, but he wanted to see some opponents in this class.

In addition to him, North Xinjiang also had two heirs from the Grandmaster.

In the West Liuliu country, there is a young man named MacArthur who seems to be related to Grand Master Macron.

Song Hanwen of the Song family, who was a proton in northern Xinjiang, also ran over.

This is the first time Xu Zhi has actually seen this prince. The other party does indeed have a dragon and phoenix posture.

"I heard that Uyabagula is your friend."

Outside the game, the two sides also casually chatted about some topics.

Song Hanwen will inevitably find some words to make the two sides more talkative.

A master cultivator is not worth his active association, but a top-level master cultivator is still such a young great cultivator, and it originates from the grand master portal. It is necessary to be familiar with and harmonize the relationship with each other.

The Song dynasty has not been a great master for generations.

It can maintain the stability of the dynasty, and they are all related to their communication, wrists, and emotional intelligence.

"We are friends of words and we have to exchange some information every few months."

"He practiced too hard, and his practice far surpassed the ascetics of the Motuo Kingdom. Is it due to the pressure given by your friend?"

"Hahaha, how is it possible, Bagula's self-control is very strong, has always been actively practicing."

Xu Zhi looked at Bagula, and it was time for Bagula to play.

The other party's long stick made the call calm as if it was Taishan.

This is the fourth round of the screening competition for Bagula, which has entered the top 64 and is moving towards the top 32.

The royal family of Northern Xinjiang is not lacking in material for spiritual practice. Qi Qi, martial arts, secret art, and natural medicine can be almost perfectly supplied. The difficulty of Bakula's spiritual practice is spiritual strength.

The loose attitude is hard to make the spirit tough, and Bagula is taking the hard work of self-improvement.

In the past, he still needed strong training from the princess. After he formed a habit, he became accustomed to this kind of life, which brought huge gains.

But Bagula's ability exceeded Xu Zhi's prediction.

The top 128 is the ranking of Wang Zhongwang and Shang Qianqiu, the top 64 is Gu Yuxi's stop position, and Yan Jinbai played very reluctantly in this round, most of the cards have been shown, although they have won , But he is difficult to stand out from the top 32.

But Kagora moved forward and backward, as if he hadn't finished yet.

The opponent is likely to enter the top 16 from the top 32.

It can't be said that the Yan family is lacking in chances and practice is not hard enough. Compared with many great practitioners of the same level, their aspects are already in a state of detachment.

The ability to fight against many top master cultivators in their 30s and 40s is proof of their strength.

But Bagula of the same age was even better, which had to surprise Xu Zhi a little bit, but Song Hanwen had to talk too hard.

As for Xu Zhi, Song Hanwen couldn't vomit. In addition to feeling that the other party's life was big, he could be tempered by the world, and he was so lucky that he couldn't clean up. He couldn't tell the rest.

Bagula surprised Xu Zhi, who had surprised a group of people with his chin.

Only with the fight against Gongsun Kang ahead, Xu Zhi's status is now very high. He is in charge of a provincial supervision and inspection, and everyone can barely accept his excellent performance.

There is no suspense in the first round of the Masters in this four-nation exchange competition.

Whether it's a request for a few tips, or one who wants to see Xu Zhi play to his limits in the ring, Xu Zhi has met the requirements very well.

Even Song Hanwen himself was no exception, and Xu Zhi was directly eliminated in the quarterfinals.

When the tournament was over, Xu Zhixi received the prize and saw Bagula not far away greeted him with a frowning expression.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with this ice exquisite," Bagula said.

"As long as it is a good baby, I am satisfied" Xu Zhixi smiled back.

Bacula said that Bing Linglong is the first prize of this four-nation exchange competition master. This kind of natural material and treasure only survives in the ice and snow of northern Xinjiang.

The main function of Bing Linglong is to reduce heart fire ~ ~ to reduce noise and maintain brain consciousness.

If you use it to develop the exercises, you can effectively reduce the chance of getting caught.

Xu Zhi wants to use it to mix and swallow longan gemstones.

The Longan gem is the first prize of Li Duohuang who won the master class. It can be used as a mysterious medicine to shock the master, but there may be some side effects. Now the two are matched and can be matched. It came just right.

"Your Qing Jing Wan is also a good treasure, I wonder if there is any inventory?" Bagula's lips squirmed and said: "My father has certain needs, he wants to see you."

After Xu Zhi returned the same secret message, Bagula said with joy: "You and I haven't seen you for many years. Come and sit with me. Brothers Yan also come together."

"What? Go to your house to play?" Yan Jinbo said strangely.

Xu Zhi and Bagula whispered a few words, he felt he was attached to cover his eyes and ears.

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