Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1827: Snoop

| | |  -> ->  The ruins of the dragon enter the venue.

  Wuya Ye Fulin looked back at Gu Yuxi slightly, before holding the parting gun and slowly pacing the Shenshi millstone.

   Vladimir hovered beside Amelia, staring at her with great dismay, and was very cautiously guarding against Uya Ye Fulin's sudden trouble.

   "Go in? If you can escape my pursuit in the ruins, I can spare your life" Uya Ye Fulin smiled lightly.

   "You are serious," Vladimir said cautiously.

  Vladimir regretted coming to this place.

  Northern Xinjiang experienced civil strife. All major practitioners entered the rectification. Many master masters were stationed in the country, but this long princess was not included.

   This is where he miscalculated before he came to the Dragon Ruins.

   Amelia and others did not help him in vain, everything needed his reward.

When    received protection, he was also shackled.

   The eldest princess has a bad temper. She likes to carry out her work, and the pursuit will definitely continue.

   And the journey of Mo Jie Tuo to Xiuliu is too long, and there are too many opportunities for the other party to start.

  As long as Turanto is still alive, no one in Xiliu would dare to kill the long princess, even Parliament leader Amelia is no exception.

   No one will kill a princess for him.

   This matter needs to be resolved. If it is only to get rid of the hunt in the ruins, Vladimir feels a great chance.

  Just hide for twelve days to solve this trouble.

   "Really" Uya Ye Fulin nodded and replied.

"it is good."

  Vladimir responded, carrying a heavy heavy rod, and also walking towards the Shenshi grinding wheel.

  Wuya Ye Fulin did not appear inside, the other party seems to be true.

   Even if there is a fight, he can...

  Vladimir was doing all kinds of calculations. Suddenly, he only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, the inner air protection was directly pierced, and a sore throat, and he was immediately appalled.

   "Ice Crystal Divine are not trustworthy..."

   looked down, he saw a snow-white spear stuck in his throat.

  Not far away, Uya Ye Fulin did not move, but her gun fired.

   "Escape within the ruins can spare your life, but unfortunately you can't escape even after the kill before entering the ruins."

  Wuya Ye Fulin's words made Vladimir dead, he stared blankly at the rapid freezing of his throat.

   Like being burned by the flame, the ice pierced by the spearhead continuously turned into powder, quickly turned into a big hole, and spread to the whole body.


   behind Amelia said, this is the last sound he heard.

   "So violent methamphetamine, Turanto has created a good gun for you."

   "You can't guarantee the person I want to kill."

  Wuya Ye Fulin responded lightly, picked up the gun head, and reattached it to the gun body.

   Her eyes blinked towards Gu Yuxi in the back, and then she got into the Shenshi millstone.

   If you want to have a common language, then you need to work together, then you will have a common language.

   Life is not intertwined, how can there be a common language.

  Wuya Ye Fulin was eagerly seeking a common language.

   "The courage is commendable, the strength is too low."

   behind her, Gu Yuxi's figure rushed in, which made Amelia whisper.

  Wuya Ye Fulin killed Vladimir in front, no one dared to rush into the place of Shenshi Mopan.

   The last entry was taken by a master cultivator.

   This is a bit unexpected.

  After all, many guru battles were unsuccessful. As a result, the weakest cultivator on the field took the quota away.

   "Who knows whether it is a blessing or a curse?"

   Someone whispered the last sentence, but his mind was also balanced.

   can enter but not exit, it is also a terrible loss.

   From the great cultivators of the Moguota Kingdom discovered the dragon and was unable to develop the remains, the masters of the various countries began to enter and entered the stage of casualties.

   Until now, this remains of the dragon is only the third exploration.

   There are too many unanswered questions.

  Some people are also waiting here. How many of these people who are going to slay the dragon can come out safely.

   stepped very calmly in the ruins, Xu Zhi's eyes began to scan the surrounding environment.

   greeted the coniferous forest that was pressed down by the falling snow, the roaring cold wind roared continuously, and the snow fell in the sky.

  The snow is deep in the waist, and there are no people around. It is even difficult to find the traces of animals walking.

   "Call you a little **** to harass me."

  Using yin and yang outside the ruins and tying up the twin lotus will additionally affect Gu Yuxi.

   Xu Zhi slapped his heart fiercely for a while, and then went back against it.

   It was only a long time before he got a response from Li Duohuang.

   The distance between the two may be more than a thousand miles.

  Yinyang jade has no induction.

   He seems to be quite far away from Tuo Guhong.

   "This relic is no wonder."

   shook his head straightly, and understood in his heart why Mokta gave up developing this relic.

  In addition to dragons, even the deep hidden powerful relics can not deal with, this huge range is also a headache, this may not be solved by the masters flying several times.

  I really want the Kingdom of Moluto to fully open this ruin, and may consume the power of their masters in the country.

   The tip of the toe is lighter, and the air in the thick soil mystery gushes out, and Xu Zhi's body has begun to swim away.

  Dragon lairs, settlements of old people, abandoned old ruins, and companions entering the alliance are the targets he is looking for.

   And the guru of many other countries entered is that he needs to avoid the existence of collision as much as possible.

   As an entrant with low combat power, he does not want to use his life to test whether the other party is malicious in the ruins.

   While running a little bit, Xu Zhi felt a faint peep in his heart.

   He glanced around, and after no gain, he stared at the sky.

   "It seems that there is a magic wave, is it a perspective of atmospheric magic? Or is it using a star axis?"

   If it is not peeping from all around, the way can only come from high altitude.

  High-level snooping brought bad news and good news.

   The bad news was naturally noticed.

   was peeped from the moment of entering, and the other party might have discovered the rules for the opening of the ruins and waited for them during this time period.

  In such a ruin, such a person is likely to have extremely strong organization and ability. If malicious, it may be beyond the scope of his response and the good news is also obvious.

  If a star axis appears, he can quietly borrow power, which is equivalent to giving away the opportunity for free.

   And after receiving the shining of the astral axis, they can cover up the atmosphere of their outsiders, which can make their targets less obvious and avoid being measured by the ‘perspective atmosphere’ magic and the astrological axis.

  Xu Zhi gazed at the sky and felt a trace of the magic element flowing.

  After a few unsuccessful snoops, he recovered his mind.

   "Knock, Knock, Knock"

   There were three rhythmic beating sounds.

   It is clear that it may be targeted by the creatures in the ruins. At this time, one companion can be merged, and Xu Zhideng does not care about meeting Li Duohuang first.

   It's just that Li Duohuang is more elegant today. He doesn't have random presses, and the ability to use yin and yang indiscriminately and twin lotus, which makes Xu Zhi slightly weird.

   "When did this mother-in-law become so civilized, could it be that I just taught her to be effective, but she didn't feel her at the time."

  Xu Zhi finally attributed this induction fault to the relic factor.

   The two are not far apart, only a hundred miles away.

  Xu Zhi slapped hard in his heart, and then ran in the direction while slapping.

  Rarely in the ruins, it is necessary to report the small complaints outside the ruins.

  Anyway, his strength has risen, in case Li Duohuang is in trouble, he will probably beat it with high probability.

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