Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1828: Fortress on the mountain

| | |  -> ->   "Sister, how can you come in?"

   When Xu Zhixing patted his heart and found Li Duohuang's location, he saw Gu Yuxi, who was blushing, and was rushing away in the snow.

   The target of the harassment and counterattack seems to be wrong.

  Xu Zhi was a little naughty.

   It's no problem to be presumptuous in front of Li Duohuang, and it's not a big problem to directly hit the mother-in-law.

   But in front of Gu Yuxi, he felt that he should pay more attention to the image, not too presumptuous and casual.

   "Your Highness Ye Fulin killed the northern Xinjiang man and gave me the quota."

  Gu Yuxi raised his head and looked weakly at Xu Zhi falling in the air.

   The mind rushed in, and afterwards she began to regret it.

  In this ruin, large cultivators gather, and dragons survive. It is a very dangerous place.

  It is not easy to get in with the qualification of the remains, and it is difficult to get out.

  If you want to find an opportunity in this gap, it is even more difficult.

   And she has only master-level strength. After practicing the White Tiger Qisha, it is still difficult to fly, she can't cooperate with the action at all, and will only drag her legs.

  Gu Yuxi wanted to regret it more and more, feeling that he was dazed after being said a few words by Uya Ye Fulin.

  The heart twitched for more than ten minutes, which was more like Xu Zhi expressing worry and dissatisfaction, which made her tone of speech weakened.

   "There is still such a big bargain" Xu Zhi rubbed his hands stunnedly: "Your luck is really good."


  Gu Yuxi gave Xu Zhi a low glance. The other party did not seem to be angry as expected, but instead brought some more small emotions.

   "Don't you blame me?" Gu Yuxi asked cautiously.

   "blame you?" Xu Zhiqi said: "blame what do you do?"

   "It was when my head was faint, I rushed directly, and ran into the ruins," Gu Yuxi said: "I can't fly, I will definitely drag my legs."

   "What kind of front and back legs, how to improve the higher the more cowardly, which ruins we go in and out is to wait until you have a crushing combat power, I will take you to fly."

   Xu Zhi glanced at Gu Yuxi, and suddenly understood the reason why Gu Yuxi was awkward.

  The ruins of the dragon are notorious, and three masters fell.

   But what about the ruins of Hushan at the time?

  Gu Yuxi only survived the first time he entered the Hushan Ruins.

  At the end of the Tiger Mountain ruins, many more teenagers died.

   has never been a safe ruin. Even if he is confident and feels that his strength has reached the top level of the Xing Huang ruins, he is almost killed by Tanu's spiritual imprint.

   And Li Duohuang's overturning accidents are more.

   Cultivation is an auxiliary force to enter the ruins, but it is not a determining force.

   didn't encounter an accident, and could quickly complete the merger at the beginning of entering the ruins, Xu Zhi felt very good, this is already the best situation.

   "Sister, quickly fortune-telling, come to Jixing to locate, let's look around."

   "I'm not going to perform deductions before. I used to be blind."

   "It's okay to be blind."

   Xu Zhi looked at the vast alpine jungle. In the ruins without direction and lack of positioning, everything was indeed blind.

   It's just that his ability to be blind is too poor.

  Non-chiefs cannot rely on themselves.

   And there is still a peep in the sky.

  Whether it is chance, safety, or confluence, Xu Zhi feels that he needs the luck of the heart, which may make them feel more comfortable in the ruins.

   "What treasure is this?"

  Gu Yuxi finally began to locate, watching Gu Yuxi pulled out a large antique disk of pocket watch, there are small probes of various colors on it.

When Gu Yuxi turned the probe on the disc, Xu Zhi couldn't help but also had some curiosity.

   "Fixed astrolabe, covered with metaphysical skin, but actually very scientific product, from the research of the 433 Research Institute, which I issued when I was in the fourth military area."

   "This root is for ore detection, this root can find water, this root is similar to infrared detection, it can detect organisms, but cold-blooded creatures can't."

   "Look, there is another needle called metaphysics here, which is blindly instructed when there is nowhere to go."


   "It's just that there are some differences between the inside and outside of the ruins. This detection may not be so accurate."

  Gu Yuxi looked at the snowflakes curled up by the cold wind, and at the straight probes on the astrolabe. The metaphysical needle was no exception. Her face flashed doubt and confusion from time to time.

   "What instruction is this?" Xu Zhi asked.

   was introduced, and Xu Zhi also understood the function of the object, but he has not studied how to determine the final target direction after various instructions are given.

   "I think this instruction means that our star plate is broken."

   repeatedly shook the astrolabe, after a few times, looking at the still vertical probe, Gu Yuxi finally determined that this rather sophisticated instrument could not withstand the decay ability of the ruins, and collapsed very quickly.

   "Science is not reliable in the ruins."

   "Then we can only rely on blindness."

  The two murmured, and finally Gu Yuxi conservatively chose the downhill direction.

  How to say, walking in the downward direction will not be wrong.

   "Unless you are going to open a map and want to really find some benefits, then you have to walk on the ground, and there will be no baby in the air."

   "Brother Xu, you will comfort people."

  Xu Zhi was also able to reluctantly carry people at this time, flying Gu Yuxi from Hua'an City to Wangjing City with the huge internal energy of the thick soil Xuan Jing.

  This is the distance that Lao Gu wants to fly to panting.

   is also the approximate distance when he was flying.

   On the white snow, with a little toes on the ground from time to time, or with the help of coniferous trees, Xu Zhi has been flying.

   "Am I a bit heavy? Would you like to rest first"

  Gu Yuxi looked at Xu Zhi, who was a little panting, and flew for more than an hour. Xu Zhi also began to show sweat beads.

  Flying with people is not as easy as Xu Zhigang began to boast.

   In particular, she does not have any flying power, and the inner qi can not blend with each other, which brings a big burden to flying, and all depends on Xu Zhi's effort.

   "I don't have a weight of three hundred kilograms, what's not heavy, I usually fly with my arms for several hours."

   weapons are of course different from human beings. Master-level weapons blend with the user's internal energy, and can even store the user's internal energy to a certain extent.

  I don't even need an extra package of inner air when flying with this Just grab it, wherever I want to hang it.

   If the master cultivator cannot afford to fly with his weapon, it is a joke.

   "It's not that I'm blowing with you. With your small body, I can easily carry it for three days and three nights."

  When the body and mind are devoted to cultivation and official business, time is almost squeezed out, and age does not bring certain mentality to maturity.

   Everything seems to be the same as when they met, nothing has changed.

   At that time, Xu Zhi kept cultivating and entering the ruins, so it was hard to have a relaxing moment.

  Every time Xu Zhi cooks himself, the atmosphere is like it is now.

   Listening to Xu Zhi's bragging for a while, Gu Yuxi inexplicably feels a warm sense of security.

  If time can last forever...

   Some thoughts of his head were turned, Gu Yuxi suddenly heard Xu Zhi's surprise voice.

   "Sister, your positioning is really good, I see a building ahead."

  Following the direction pointed out by Xu Zhi's finger, Gu Yuxi saw a snowflake in front, which was difficult to penetrate.

   ran for nearly two minutes before she dimly looked at a small stone fortress under a distant mountain.

   Layers of boulders are laid, and the fort is completely built on the high mountain.

   Amidst the wind and snow, there was a faint light in the fortress.

   There must have been relics here.

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