Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1836: On God

The latest website: "You seem to enjoy watching this kind of scene?"

On the dark sea, in addition to Xu Zhifei's figure, there was also a small light bead.

Obviously belongs to the flaws of the magic scene, but Deken maintains the integrity of the scene very well, always relying on Xu Zhi's memory operation.

Guangzhu belongs to Deken. He constantly shuttles through the storm and carefully observes what happened.

He was also curiously careful at this time.

Xu Zhi's attitude during observation was more serious and focused than he did, and he seemed to have gained something from this ruined scene.

The souls of different people are different from them.

The other party's soul seems to have an extra shell, which firmly protects Xu Zhi's independence.

In this created magical scene, the other party can watch like a bystander, and will not fall into it completely.

This makes Xu Zhi's emotions extremely calm, no different from them, and can support the existence of magic scenes.

It's even hard to pry.

Like some strangers he looked at before, if he wants to spy and force communication, he can only break through violence and enter the realm of spiritual confrontation.

The stranger master cultivator and guru cultivator seem to have a class separation that makes the soul different.

Deken thinks again and again, giving up the thoughts in his mind.

"You are also very interested and watched it three times repeatedly. I was a little bit lost in this transaction."

"Good things come in pairs. You changed the safety of two companions. I repeated the scene for you four times. This is in line with your customs."


The problems caused by one's mouth must follow the rules no matter what.

Deken seemed to be satisfied with a slight upper hand, and his emotions seemed quite happy.

Xu Zhi is also satisfied with the scene recurring four times in a row.

Attached to the magical scenes made by Pie Latin, he has watched the ruins fall into the world five times in a row.

Without thinking of getting into the elemental world, Deken's ability is also far stronger than that of Palatin, which made him watch four times.

Xu Zhi was able to realize that his stickiness had initially taken shape in his mind.

From simulation to reality, only occasional induction is possible.

Just like the training given to people by Qianji, the stimulation of magical scenes eventually activates a certain potential ability of human beings. As long as they maintain continuous cultivation, they may be close to the effects of training.

"This is the western region of the Kingdom of Tetalia. I wonder if you have heard of this kingdom."

Deken's discourse referred to the world of remnants.

"Slightly heard."

"Look at the little four-legged snake with eight necks, that is Hydra Emperor Mandela, and it has a fellow brother Xudela, all the gods and beasts of the Kingdom of Tetalia."

"Your knowledge is really broad."

"I saw them several times in the past, and their soft skins were very good. I wanted to catch them to peel them. Unfortunately, they were stopped by a warrior named Taze."

"Can stop you, this Taze Warrior must have extraordinary ability."

"That guy is a sandbag. It has no other characteristics besides resistance to fight, which is very disgusting."


Walking reluctantly out of the magical scene, Deken still seems to have some meaning.

He had some dignity in his face, and some eager to try.

"You said, what conditions caused the collision between the two worlds?" Deken asked with interest.

"I think it's when gravity is greater than repulsion, what do you think?"

Xu Zhi replied that there was no nutrition. According to the scientific explanation, it would be fine to say so.

"What **** do you believe in the world, I mean the true god? Do you know what the true **** is?" Deken turned to another topic.

"We follow the philosophy of Tiandijun's teachers, not believing in God or worshiping God."

Xu Zhi patiently explained to Deken the idea of ​​Tiandijun's parents, and he heard the other party nodding his head repeatedly, making a whimper from time to time.

Not believing in God and not worshiping God is the same as the mage who seeks the truth and seeks the true self.

Without being deceived by the glory of God, one can embark on his own path.

As large as a cultivator, as small as an ordinary civilian, Deken can hardly imagine the spirits of a world are almost all the same.

"I can't understand the true God. What kind of existence is it? Are we really living under the gaze of each other like a caged bird?"

Xu Zhi inevitably exchanged ideas with Deken on a peer-to-peer basis, throwing out some topics that are usually difficult for Shan Drew and Somra to discuss and explain.

"It is necessary to talk about the ultimate end of our world cultivation system, and achieve immortality and false gods."

"The former needs the help of the immortal void to form the imprint of the immortal void, so that we have a long life and immortality."

"And the latter belongs to the ultimate belief and spiritual evolution, breaking away from the flesh, creating the kingdom of God, and becoming a part of the true god. The false **** has no worries about life and death, and the life span is terrible, at least starting in ten thousand years."

"The immortal lives in the world of thousands and does not deviate from reality, while the false **** lives in the kingdom of God. It is almost another world, and it is difficult to have direct contact with us."

"What is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is just like ours. The king is high and controls the whole land, and the false gods become officials of various departments."

"You can hear the reputation of the king, and you can also see the functions of various officials, like the goddess of wisdom who governs wisdom, the goddess of spring who governs springs, the **** of war, the **** of light, etc."

"But they are governing beliefs, not involving actual territory."

"Do you understand? They are the existence of spirit, faith and soul."

Deken's interpretation of immortals and false gods is no different from what Xu Zhi had previously known, but it is more detailed.

When explaining to Xu Zhi, he was more concerned with explaining false gods.

Although there are still doubts in his mind, Xu Zhi also nodded.

"If there is false, there is truth, like this crystal ball in my hand."

When Deken waved his hand, a crystal ball fell and spread in his hands.

In the crystal ball, Arjunon of the Westward Kingdom is calmly killing the crystal dragon.

No matter where he is, Crystal Dragon can always find him accurately.

Having fought for nearly seven days in a row, as the master master of Xiliu Kingdom, he also began to run out of energy and fell into an embarrassing situation.

"You can think of this crystal ball as a little **** of false gods. The aliens inside are regarded as immortal. You can't reach him when sending Latin to control the crystal ball, but you can influence him with my power. ."

"And the world of relics I live in is regarded as a great kingdom."

"The true God is probably like this. It exists in illusion and belongs to the real existence."

Deken finally pointed around, and then pointed to himself, ending the topic of explaining the true God.

Even he, when describing this issue, has a powerless mind and can only use himself as an analogy.

This made Xu Zhi look at Deken for a long time.

Without the identification ability of the property panel, he can only rely on his own judgment.

"Unreal and real are contradictory," Xu Zhi suspiciously said.

"At some point, the two are intermingled with each other again, and the ultimate evolution of the elements of fire, water, earth, and earth is illusion and reality," Deken laughed. "If your level is in our The world has more experience, maybe you can try to understand our cultivation system."

"Contradiction and integration" Xu Zhi thought for a few seconds before asking Deken: "You understand so thoroughly, do you belong to the ranks of the true God?"

"How could that be possible" Deken shook his head again and again: "In this place where the rules are very restrictive, I think it is difficult to be a demigod."

"Demi god?"

"Half **** is a **** of half a barrel of water. Surviving in the big world. It combines illusion and reality. It has some abilities of immortality, and also has the ability of false gods to create a kingdom of God. Of course, it has a long life span, starting in five thousand years."

Xu Zhi did not expect to do everything possible to inquire about Tanan's demigod's information, and listened to the popularization of knowledge at Deken in advance.

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