Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1837: Deken wants to take achievement again

|||--A little bit if the enlightenment is early.

Or maybe you haven’t come to the Dragon Continent, so well informed, and fled to the new world to re-develop.

Perhaps, he may have become a demigod.

"This world is terrible."

Deacon shook his head and determined repeatedly: "It's terrible."

The world of ruins is so bad that it is difficult to achieve immortality, let alone a demigod.

After the big explosion of ice and fire, Deken felt that the split world lacked the truth of some feng shui, fire and earth, and it was difficult to carry.

"A world like ours will probably only give people a combination of time and space capabilities," Deken regretted. "Unfortunately that's not what I'm good at."

"Can the ability to control time and space become a demigod?"

"Of course" Deken nodded and said: "Our true gods mainly control time and space, and there are four main gods in another world who control the four elements of feng shui, fire and earth. Only by relying on what they are good at is possible in them. Demigods in the world."

In the world of the four-element master god, Tanu may have achieved the demigod by relying on the ability of engraving Deken.

As for Mistreo, Sandro, Hexis and Somra, Xu Zhi felt that they could let go of their demise.

Deken, who was born out of nowhere, and Sandro who fled and missed opportunities.

The former did not encounter the correct world, while the latter gave up the relic world and it was difficult to go back.

"But I found something interesting in your memory. When the two worlds collided, the rules of time and space began to be chaotic, and they began to evolve into geomancer."

"This is burning in a world that belongs to us, and at the cost of your world's endurance, a little spark is stirred up."

"If this is the same for our continent, there may be a certain chance to use some power. I have to think about it and see if it is possible to form an independent small world."

Xu Zhi sees the artistic conception of the destruction of stick technique from the world where the ruins fell, and Deken obviously has another perception.

He was very interested in starting to study ‘how to let the world of ruins fall into the big world’.

This is a crazy idea.

Xu Zhi knew how to make the ruins a cave, but he didn't know how to make the two worlds collide.

This matter is beyond his ability.

Xu Zhi was not interested in doing this kind of thing.

At this time, Deken couldn't care about talking with Xu Zhi again, and fell into constant derivation.

Xu Zhi's eyes turned to the four crystal balls.

There are five days left in the ruins.

But some people can't support the rest of the time.

There was a crystal dragon chasing on land, and in the air, Xu Zhi also saw their previous target, a small purple magic dragon, and the other a huge blue dragon.

"Zilong, a mischievous prankster, is good at all kinds of magic."

"Holy Dragon, a giant dragon with blue scales and very strong protection and melee skills. Longwei is extremely capable, and he is the boss in the dragon."

"This is called Rust Dragon, and some people call it Duron, who likes to spit and is a nasty ghost."

"We used to have green dragons, golden dragons, and black dragons in our continent. They are colorful and colorful, but they are all pretty, but unfortunately they were scared away by the king."

Seeing that Xu Zhi was interested, Paladin, who is in charge of the operation of the crystal ball, gave a brief introduction.

As long as they are not malicious, they are still willing to communicate.

The contacts between the two worlds are good and bad, and they didn't do everything across the board, thinking that everything that came in was bad.

Xu Zhi's fortune made Palatin's impression very good.

At this time, the two also communicated in a low voice.

"Look at the woman in the red dress, she is also a troublemaker."

"This white dress doesn't like tricks, but it's more headache than tricks."

"This guy is a serious man, but he has some problems below. He heard that the dragon is very powerful. He wants to come in and ask the dragon to borrow some yang."

"They are just tricks and tricks, not malicious and thick, can you let the crystal dragon pass by a few."

If you can take care of it, Xu Zhi feels that she can still care about acquaintances.

If we continue this way, it is likely that there will be guru pills in the next few days.

If there is less chasing by the crystal dragon, or if you find an underground karst cave that is enough to resist the dragon, Li Duohuang and other talents may support it.

"I haven't heard of dragons that are so powerful. They are one of the most difficult races to bear. That aspect is probably the worst." Pie Latina shrugged and said: "I act according to the instructions of the Dharma King and I can't change it. "


Xu Zhi Tucao said in a sentence, his Tucao in no particular order, sympathy for the ruthless situation encountered by Akiko Qingchuan, but also for everyone who is still chased by the dragon.

At this time he was also lucky that he did not fall into the same situation.

When the two had a nonsense, they only saw Gu Yuxi, who was going out to check, gently pushed the door in.

"Someone was captured and brought in over there."

"That's Grand Master Stanley of the South Australia Okan Alliance."

Of the four crystal balls, only Stanney is missing today.

Xu Zhi does not need to guess, but also knows who is carried in.

The guru's strength is not high, and low is not low.

Without counting the magical aids, Stanney's frontal fighting strength is slightly less than Xu Zhi before entering the ruins, but it is not much worse.

The skills of South Australia are hot, lethal, and lacking in durability. It is no surprise that South Australians took the lead in not supporting them.

Stanley is the first, but not the last, and there will be more people next.

Through the door cracks, Xu Zhi could see several iron puppets walking outside.

Stanley was beaten into a dead dog and transported in large letters.

Several crumpled faces, the old man with a pointed magic hat, rejoiced, shouted from time to time next to the working iron-skin dolls, these people are obviously preparing to start research on outsiders.

"Can we do something?"

"When Deken comes back, let's see if we have the conditions to change two or three people out."

Tuo Guhong and Zhao Mu escaped and let the idle power come out, and the pressure was transferred to other people.

The capture of Stanley accelerated this progress by one point.

This rhythm will get faster and faster.

Soon after, Xu Zhi is also likely to see the figures of Li Duohuang and others.

"Ice and snow cover too many areas, it would be nice if a cave that was long enough could be found."

The defects of the dragons are their huge bodies. If they encounter some extreme terrain, it is difficult to pursue them.

But Deken seemed to choose certain areas when he led outside practitioners into the ruins.

For example, Xu Zhi appeared on the ice and snow mountains, not to mention holes in these places, even without footprints.

After more than an hour of continuous raids, he is still in the high mountains.

The mountain range is high enough and stretches long enough to be the best place for dragons to fight.

" It turned out to be the case, I probably knew it already."

When Xu Zhi and Gu Yuxi discussed how to save two more people, he suddenly heard Deken shouting with joy.

"The collision between the two worlds was so easy to study?"

Xu Zhi was stunned. The remains of the dragon are located in the territory of the Motuo Kingdom. If such a large piece of land falls down, it is difficult to imagine the final consequences.

Not only will the real-world kingdom be destroyed, this ruined continent is also incomplete.

Ordinary people will not take the initiative to do such things.

But Deken is hard to say.

This man will do anything when he is a secondary illness.

"This time I will definitely be able to do a big event with no predecessors and no followers."

Hearing Deken's voice, Xu Zhi jumped.

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