Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1838: Deception and detachment

"When you know the result, and then push it backwards, things are not difficult."

"As you said, when gravity is greater than repulsion, the two worlds will collide."

"Then we have to solve how to make gravity greater than repulsion?"

About too happy, Deken talked.

In addition to Xu Zhi, he also summoned several old men who were engaged in research.

There are not many living people left here at Deken, either a long-lived race or an immortal.

When he was sent to the mainland by the lord of the seal, he brought a vote of like-minded people, but no woman.

As wizards, they specialize in exploring the mysteries of magic. They don’t need women.

But when the big bang came, and after the world split, Deken found that it was a big trouble.

There is no new generation of offspring. Over time, the old man, the **** dead, the rest are a pile of old bones, and even some people have to be transformed into undead.

No matter how strong their mages are, they can't create a woman out of thin air to reproduce, and they can't reproduce with the little female dragon.

The life in the ruins is so dull, boring, empty, lonely, cold, that they feel very excited to find something new.

Piladin's lucky money, the remaining few had to do anatomical research on outside practitioners.

At this time, everyone was excited about Deken's research and kept participating in the lectures and discussions.

"Paladin Jia, you have seen this strange memory, talk about your experience."

"Thinking about the collision of two continents, we might get rid of this world, and I would be inexplicably happy. I always feel that life has momentum again."

"If Lord Deken takes this to become a god, everyone including me will be at your fingertips."

"I heard that true gods can make artificial objects and evolve reality from virtual reality. I want Lord Deken to make me a beautiful woman."

"I want two."

"What kind of woman do we need to rely on Master Deken to make offspring."

"If we live forever, why do we need offspring?"

"It's the same thing. It's useless for women to say that."

When Deken continued to paint on paper to take the next step, the mage also took the opportunity to discuss some private matters.

The mage's thinking is different from normal people's, and strange topics are normal to them.

They waited until Deken clapped their hands before they stopped their voices.

"At this time our world is temporarily captured by the world of aliens, but separated by a void protection, the distance between each other is not really close."

"That world seems to be exploring through the entry of strangers, dispersing the fog of war, and after checking that our world has no future troubles, it will contain the captured world. If it is dangerous, it will be destroyed directly.

"Although this approach can trigger a collision between the two worlds, it is extremely risky to us and can only be used as a backup plan."

"When our world is operating normally, when our world is operating normally... how can we help the true God, swap the continents of the other world, embed us safely, or even go out independently."

"Hey, speak freely and express your opinions quickly."

"I'm doing big scenes. Everyone must actively participate so as not to shake my heart when doing big things."

Deken opened his mouth, constantly urging many old mages to use their brains, and his eyes glanced at Xu Zhi, who listened aside from time to time.

"You also issued a suggestion?" Deken smiled: "Don't worry about how much harm this thing has. The ultimate battle is just the death of some gods, which has no effect on our normal life."

Deken's words were not persuasive, and it was clear what they looked like.

Alone has lived in this world for thousands of years, and there is not much harm.

The old world is split into countless pieces, and the large and small continental plates are scattered everywhere. It is difficult to communicate everywhere, and life has become completely different.

Deken's speculation gave Xu Zhi a lot of information.

Those areas of Nanyang are probably one of the places where the relics and the real world are replaced and exchanged.

He does not know how to swap the real world with the ruins, and who has stepped into the life of the ruins from reality.

But obviously, this is a matter of little benefit.

"You know what I know, that is, through our world exploration, disperse the fog of war you said."

"In our world, think of this situation as a relic promotion to heaven."

Xu Zhi cautiously introduced a bunch of nonsense to go out and participated in the discussion, but it was equivalent to not saying.

He didn't know how to play between the world.

What the real world depends on is fighting the relic world.

As Deken said, his level of cultivation is inadequate, and he did not understand this level.

He is just a small shrimp mixed in the world, but Deken is clearly qualified to be a chess player.

Is it to help their true god, or to pull them into the water.

This is all in Deken's mind.

"Dongtian, is there a world in a hole? The name is a bit interesting" Deken nodded.

"Shall we take a trip to their world and open the fog of war to the true god, maybe our world can be transferred?"

An old mage began to suggest.

The situation of the game between the two sides is almost equal. In the real world, when people explore the ruins, the people in the ruins can also explore the outside world.

The advice of the old mage made Xu Zhi jump.

There are quite a lot of big names in all the worlds, maybe some people have already made speculations and made such things.

Xu Zhi recalled some things that happened in the West Liuliu Kingdom, and there were quite a few people who appeared in the ruins there.

Perhaps these people are constantly exploring the real world.

"Our world is broken, and the area of ​​exploration is not large, but let us act as nodes, explore a new and complete world within a limited time, and find a suitable place of arrival. It is too difficult to hit the slim. "Luck" Deken shook his head and denied the opinion.

"I feel that there is no magical element in their world. We used to be almost a waste person."

"I don't know if the world can borrow the immortal power of the void. If it goes out and is killed by someone, wouldn't it really be dead."

"The environment is too unfriendly. Anyway, I don't want to go to that kind of world exploration."

Deken's denial, coupled with the three old mage's echoes, the old mage's suggestions were directly discarded, which made him a little depressed, and he was going to go back to do the experiment of dissecting aliens.

"Several strangers have some effect, don't play bad when dissecting," Deken urged.

After the old mage had no suggestions to mention, he whispered: "If we can't help the true God, deception may also be a good idea."


"At most cheating on ghosts? Can we still cheat on gods?"

"As long as the true God makes a mistake to move the Dragon Continent to that world, the world will certainly be caught off guard and passively fight back, perhaps this is our best opportunity," Deken said.


"Yes, if you can take this opportunity to be detached, you must be among the true gods. If the dragon continent is too small, it will become a substantive kingdom of the gods, and it will slowly develop, and we will all live forever."

"How to cheat?"

"You asked the pain point, how to cheat."

Deken's dark face sneered a little, his eyes turned to Xu Zhi.

"How to deceive, it needs to be inside and outside to be possible" Deken said: "With the help of ready-made communication, why should I ask the few stupid people to seek answers to explore the outside world."

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