Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1843: Li Duohuang's careful thinking

Two holy dragons circled in the sky, and there were three more purple dragons beside the holy dragon.

The purple dragon is a kind of purple dragon that is only about five or six meters long and flies on butterfly-like film wings.

They have big flashing eyes, and look harmless to humans and animals, like a big-eyed cute dragon.

However, this dragon class is proficient in many magics, and has the lethal dragon magic, which can release chain lightning and summon meteor fire rain.

Although the size is not big, Zilong's strength should not be underestimated.

This type of dragon is very similar to the fairy dragon in the four-element main **** world, focusing on magic power.

This leads to their physical effects not being strong.

If you swallow a few pieces of dragon meat, or even drink the blood of the dragon, it is just to infuse some magic elements into the body to form the effect of the state of the ruins when the ruins are released.

Xu Zhi's eyes were placed on the two holy dragons. After a few glances, his body quickly integrated into the snow.

If Deken was not staring, Xu Zhi suspected that he couldn't help it.

Having cultivated mental power tactics, he is not afraid of the fear brought by the Holy Dragon.

When flying, there is a certain probability of killing the opponent.

"This **** is going to eat a single meal, not waiting for me."

Li Duohuang looked at Xu Zhi's disappearing figure and the dragons chasing behind him, and felt that the Dragon Soul Grass near the Dragon's Cave must have been stripped by Xu Zhi.

The thought of Xu Zhi swallowing Dragon Soul Grass alone, and relying on saving people to make a large sum of money, she felt her heart hurt.

Especially when she lost the knife again, it was even more uncomfortable.

"I was also a lucky player, but since I met this broom star, I haven't made a fortune. After all, the misfortune will end, and he will definitely kill me."

"He has benefited more from the ruins than I do, and I don't know if I can beat it now."

Li Duohuang pondered the matter of black hand for a while, and finally gave up the plan of action.

It is impossible to overcome Xu Zhi.

"Either I'm stammering him, like treating Chi Zi?"

"But Chi Zi's body is abnormal and will not be taken seriously."

"In case he takes it seriously."

"Huh, seriously."

Li Duohuang thought about it, and suddenly found that there was no harm if it were true.

Although far away in South Australia, she can hear Xu Zhi's message from time to time.

The speed of promotion of this product is almost a clear stream of Dongyue, few people can match.

But it also corresponds to his cultivation behavior and his achievements.

Even his wealth.

Think Xu Zhi sold 9999,999 gold coins at 50% off, and continued to sell at the Four Nations Exchange Arena.

This is the proper local tyrant. If you sell a few millions of gold coins, you can directly raise her comfortably.

"The two countries are so far apart, how can I hold his thighs?"

"No, in case he can't look down on the old lady, wouldn't I just stick my face to the cold butt?"

Li Duohuang's expression was difficult to determine for a moment, and she knew why she could hold Qingchuan Akiko's thigh.

Harukawa Akako is not serious, but Harukawa Shihide and Harukawa are really serious.

As a large number of female cultivators, she has not yet entered the situation. She is of great value. If she can make a connection, it is tantamount to a big help. The Qingchuan family naturally takes it seriously.

Dancing on the tip of this knife, she has settled on the heart of Qingchuan Akiko, knowing that the other party will definitely let her go.

It's just that the longer the time, the more difficult it is for Akiko Harukawa to rebel against the pressure brought by the family.

Entering the remains of the dragon unconditionally cooperates with Akiko Harukawa, which is a kind of taste for her to escape.

"You must also be qualified to hold your thighs. He now has money, power, and people, and I don't lack my master-level combat power."

"The benefit of Tulong's bundle is too small, at least he needs to have more conditions for me."

"According to the trend of South Australia and Dongyue, there is a high probability that the sword soldiers will meet each other in the future."

"I can't avoid such a big event, but I was moved by the Yan family, and the dare to die will definitely be miserable."

"If you don't hug Yan Xuankong's thighs, you can only hug Xu Xiaothi's thighs in order to escape this robbery."

"At least a gift should be given to Xu Xiaothi, so that he can protect me decently, and he can also provide me with food and drink."

"Is it possible to go to Chengcheng in the future to give gifts, and personal Chengcheng will definitely poke the backbone, but if you tie up a group of people, use justice..."

For a time, Li Duohuang had quite a lot of thoughts in her head. She walked a lot on the wire and was not afraid of difficulties.

"Maiya Kyoko, the master of the Tumo Alliance, was caught by the survivors. If he was successfully dissected, he would never die."

"The Tumen alliance country and Xing Huang are borderline. The border stalemate consumes a lot. They are in a state of war preparation all year round.

"This may be my chance to grab the chief leader."

With a small abacus in his mind, Li Duohuang felt that he was blessed with misfortune and was turning the misfortune into a blessing.

Throwing the knife is less painful.

She also took the Qingchuan family's tremendous education and made a big return.

Thinking about it this way, Li Duohuang felt that he was still earning, and his mood suddenly went smoothly, and healing was almost two points faster.

Nearly when it was dark, she woke up consciously, only to feel that her body was seven or eight points better, able to fight, fly and jump.

"Huh, what about the ice cube girl?"

There are four injured, Akira Akira and Eliya are still recovering, but Uya Ye Fulin is missing.

The object of her questioning was Gu Yuxi.

The other party seems to be practicing with the fear of the dragon.

Gu Yuxi's eyes opened, he pointed towards the door, and handed in another contract agreement.

"My injuries have been healed. I would like to thank Xu Zhi and Gu Yuxi for their life-saving graces. Today I want to explore the ruins again. If I die, the contract debts are still valid. The inheritance is ____ indebted or repaid by ____. "

Li Duohuang read a few sentences casually, but before he finished, he hurriedly dropped the agreement.

She has little legacy and no heirs to help pay the debt.

"If you do not meet the conditions, please wait for Brother Xu to come back."

"Well, I will wait."

He is also a creditor right now, and he can't offend at all.

After a while, Li Duohuang was yelled at by Gu Yuxi and began to suppress the level and the opponent's demolition.

"I don't know when Xu Xiaothi will come back."

When Li Duohuang was distracted in his heart, he saw the long sword waving in front of him like the impact of the sea, and the rolling waves overlapped again.

"It's kind of interesting, it actually made me look like that, broken."

She quickly tightened her mind, a little flame spontaneously ignited in the majestic pressure, and suddenly filled her body.

The sea waves in front of me suddenly flickered out of phase.

Li Duohuang's eyes had just flashed, and Gu Yuxi, who appeared in shape, suddenly turned into a white giant tiger, and immediately threw herself at her. .

"Hehe, there are actually changes."

"Please take it seriously, I really asked for advice."

A trembling breath came to the face, Li Duohuang stiffened, and felt a burning pain, this sword point in the throat.

Listening to Gu Yuxi's reminder, Li Duohuang laughed extremely embarrassedly.

If it is the same practice, Gu Yuxi's sword can break through the body and penetrate the body.

You may be seriously injured.

At that time, I could only squat beside Gu Changying and listen to them. Now it has grown up.

Looking at the young woman in front of Li Duohuang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Holding Xu's thighs and enjoying the beauty of the ruins, talents must also become geniuses."

"I don't know if there is any other means for Xu Xiaothi. The guy always likes to hide, and he is not sincere to me at all."

This is very obvious on the following grammar, there is already preliminary capital for the leapfrog challenge.

If you are an advanced guru, there is a high probability that you will become a leader of the same level.

Thinking about the star axis that Xu Zhi can pull, Li Duohuang suddenly understood part of the reason why Gu Yuxi performed so well, and he became more and more eager to start.

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