Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1844: Everyone get up and relax

"When is it possible to integrate the stealth ability of the jungle goblin radiation into the inner air flight."

Relying on stealth to get rid of the pursuit of the Holy Dragon and the Purple Dragon, and throwing away the peep of a rusty dragon halfway, Xu Zhi's figure began to leap high, constantly circling upward, and tried again to search for high-altitude flight.

According to Yu Xi, he sneaked a peek at the map portrayed by the crystal ball. He was not far from a dragon's nest.

That was the cave where Gu Yuxi saw the dragon entering.

There was Deken staring at him, he couldn't do a good job of killing dragons, but it must be no problem to pick up some herbs.

"Amelia is actually asking for Dragon Soul Grass?"

Ellia is definitely a big-mouthed little girl with little effort, and she spit out the purpose of her great aunt.

The great sword sent by the aunt changed his life, and even the meteor pill on Amelia was sold.

"Can their family tap the potential of Dragon Soul Grass?"

"The characteristic of Dragon Soul Grass is that it locks part of the soul of the dragon, which can effectively impact and promote the growth of the soul."

"But this medicine is extremely rare, and it is impossible for them to dig out other partial abilities."

The thought flashed in Xu Zhi's head, and it had been speculated that Amelia wanted to use the Dragon Soul Grass to strengthen the soul and strengthen the ability of imposing pressure.

"Dragon Souls have different dragons and souls. The good and bad are different. If you do not activate the talent to guide the impact, you want to absorb the characteristics of the dragon that must be refined to become the growth."

"A dragon soul grass is enough to let ordinary people's talents hit the master stage before they are exhausted."

"It's because I specialize in mental tactics, and now it is difficult to do too much consumption."

The effect of Dragon Soul Grass is to support the growth of spirit and soul.

But the fruits of the world tree are absorbed into part of the souls of the great cultivators of Ying Guo.

The Dragon Soul Grass absorbs the soul of the dead dragon.

The two sources of absorption are essentially different.

Human souls are not the same as dragon souls.

What's more, in this place of the Dragon Continent, dragons were killed by Deken a lot, and the gathered Dragon Soul Grass is likely to be extremely resentful, which will bring a very violent soul impact.

Compared with the fruits of the world tree, the effects of Dragon Soul Grass will be more powerful, but the negative effects will also be stronger.

"According to the loss of medicinal materials in the ruins by the outside world, Amelia may have found a critical point in time, which can lead to faster and trouble-free absorption, which will increase its strength, but the loss of that method will obviously be great. "

Xu Zhi roughly guessed the cause and effect, and no longer guessed about Amelia's behavior.

With continuous search and exploration, under a snowy cliff, Xu Zhi also saw the goal of his search.

Dragon nest.

Compared to the dragon nest of the bone dragon Gremalasa in the remains of the Tiger Mountain, this dragon nest is even larger.

The huge cave is like a natural cave, with a length, width and height of nearly ten meters. The underground is dark and dull, and I don't know where it leads.

Although the dragon's nest is huge, layers of ice and snow cover the dragon's nest, and it does not seem to attract attention.

If you pass by in the air, it is extremely easy to ignore this place.

This is the holy dragon's lair.

Holy caves once flew out of this cave and went to intercept the cultivators who entered the ruins.

If you want to find Dragon Soul Grass, this is a place to explore.

There was no sound in the cave at this time, and it was difficult to feel the existence of life.

Xu Zhi walked in with great confidence.

Perhaps it is frequent entry and exit, the hole is polished extremely smooth and flat.

Xu Zhi looked around, looking for plants similar to the'small mushroom' shape in the ruins of Hushan.

Suddenly, he moved his ears, his eyes suddenly swept back.

At the mouth of the cave, a white figure was standing on tiptoe, looking down with his head down.

It seemed that he was blind, and an energy lamp was suddenly pulled out.

Facing the searchlight of the energy lamp, Xu Zhi suddenly saw Wu Ya Ye Fulin's pale and pale face.

"You... come here to relax?"

Xu Zhi swallowed and swallowed back the sentence he wanted to vomit, ‘like a ghost’.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, you are here to relax."

Hearing the straight voice, Uya Ye Fulin was overjoyed and raised the skirt, and the man had fallen down lightly.

In the past, she didn't add these tone particles at all.

Now it is trying to improve a lot.

It's just that Xu Zhi felt that the scene was a bit wrong.

"Have you recovered?"

"No problem, it's all recovered. I'm so strong now that I can kill a dragon with one punch." Wuya Ye Fulin replied rather hard.

She walked over with the energy lamp. The closer she got, the more Xu Zhi could find that her pale face was not due to the energy lamp's light.

"Look at you like this, don't hold on."

"Is it ugly now?"

"Don't release your inner energy, relax a little, I will add a secret technique to you."

As Xu Zhiyi said, Wu Ya Ye Fulin appeared a little bit at a loss, feeling her face from time to time.

She felt a little too hurried to chase her, and she didn't sort her up.

But she also feels that there are many dragons in the ruins, the risk is too strong, she must rush to see Xu Zhi's situation.

When there was some confusion in her heart, she only felt a warm upper body, and the injuries that the ice secretion technique could not heal quickly began to recover quickly, and her body suddenly felt more comfortable.

"Xu Zhi, you are so good, I feel much better," Uya Ye Fulin said: "I have always been treating other people, and no one has treated me with mystery."

Her smile has some weirdness, and with a cold face, Xu Zhi is like seeing Li Duohuang's **** head selling his body.

Although Wu Ya Ye Fulin and Li Duo Huang are usually pretty people, their looks at this scene are indistinguishable.

Xu Zhi forcibly turned his head, not picking up the words of Uya Ye Fulin.

"Xu Zhi, are you looking for something? I'll find it for you. My eyesight is better."

Uya Ye Fulin held up the energy lamp in a mess, and the light turned on extremely far.

Her ability to distinguish on the snow is extremely strong, and in this dark environment it is far worse than Xu Zhi.

After being illuminated by the lights, Xu Zhi really found the innermost dragon soul grass.

Three small blue mushroom-shaped herbs grow on the cliff walls deep in the cave.

This small mushroom is slightly different from the color of the dragon soul grass they found in the ruins of Hushan, but it is not wrong to belong to the dragon soul grass.

The familiar feel came to my mind.

It is as hard as iron and has many root systems. It is fixed in the hardest stone wall of Longxue.

As long as watering the dragon spirit grass, or sprinkling wine, the root system of this plant will resemble the mimosa quickly shrink back and become very easy to pull out.

"Unfortunately, the wine has run out, can I find the village head to get some bread and fruit wine to make up the The kind of wine is a bit low, and when you bring it, you have to invite someone to contract it and convert it to the ruins, the effect is only afraid It’s still discounted, it’s not much use at all."

After taking the water and splashing, the three dragon soul grasses were immediately available, and Xu Zhi was more sure that he was right.

The azure dragon soul grass shimmers slightly under the light, and when you touch it, you can still feel the ice on the dragon soul grass.

This is a dragon soul grass different from the black dragon soul.

"Do you want to drink? I have. Look, this is the dowry wine given to me by the father. But it tastes good. We can drink together."

If there is no special need, the northern royal family will not care about his three dragon soul grasses.

Wu Ya Ye Fulin's eyes just glanced at the Dragon Soul Grass, and let go, without causing any slight waves in her eyes.

Looking at the Baiyu net bottle of the wine she took out, she tried hard to recommend it.

In order to create a common topic and cultivate common interests and hobbies, she really spared no effort.

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