Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2002: Spike

In the world of cultivators, victory is victory, and defeat is defeat.

Above the sword, there is always a side to lose.

The first big upset of this four-nation exchange competition began to take place.

The last runner-up Wen Renxi was eliminated in the top 64.

This makes many people doubt life.

The inheritors of the Yan family are still strong, continuing their previous glory.

In the data that can be viewed in the background, the weight of Shang Qianqiu is rising wildly, and he is directly promoted to the strong player.

"What a great master Jin Jin."

It took a long time for Wenren Weiyang to speak.

Two years ago, the guru was promoted after the four-country exchange game. Two players who could dominate the four-country exchange game were promoted to the guru.

The exit of Gu Yuxi and Yan Jinbai renewed the idea of ​​gambling between Nan'ao and Dongyue.

To start at Dongyue, you need to finish at Dongyue.

But this tail was not closed.

Just like the break of the river embankment, the mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

The player with the most high hopes is out, who should I count on?

Marguerite who stopped in the last eight?

"You guys set us up early in the morning," Nancy Pi shouted at Dongyue's seat.

"What did Nancy Grand Master say this? When I saw you last time, you said you took two pieces of land to Dongyue for backup," Xu Zhi replied.

"Winning is winning, losing is losing, don't play if you can't lose," Huang Putu also sneered.

There was no lack of satisfaction in his cold face.

There is still no time when the overall situation will be fixed, but Wen Renxi will be eliminated early, which is definitely a big victory.

"It's just a win, there are 32 into 16, 16 into 8 and 8 into 4, the schedule is quite a lot" Yelv Hongfei rounded the road.

"Hahaha, the game, it's normal to win or lose. You see that we, the Western countries, don't care about the rankings, and we haven't won the first place in many years," Amelia laughed at herself.

"Actually, I still care," McLon said with a slap on his face. "If you don't get the first place, what can you do?"

"What sort of garbage machine is not scientific at all?"

Xu Zhi grabbed the braid, and Nancy Pi lost a little face, and he finally scolded the simulated machine, grabbing his hair with resentment, and hesitated one by one in his hand.

"Xu Zhi, we Dongyue people are awesome!"


After finishing the round, Yelv Hongfei looked at the other side, feeling that his grandmaster might be abducted.

This is rare in the case of Grand Marriage.

Yelv Hongfei felt that Uya Turanto must also have a headache.

The marriage of Wuya Ye Fulin and Dongyue top layer almost means that the sweet period of the two countries will last for a hundred years.

Marrying a grandmaster is extremely unfavorable to the Uya royal family.

But successful marriage means a hundred years of peace.

Pros and cons, the royal family and the country as a whole, Uya Turanto is difficult to choose in the middle.

"If it's a son-in-law, it won't be so much."

Yelv Hongfei murmured, but looking at Uya Ye Flin's active appearance, he felt that his son-in-law might be very low.

"Her Majesty Turanto hinted at me back then, but Ye Fulin was cold like an ice cube, and lived like a menopause, no one could stand it..."

Yelv Hongfei looked at Wuya Ye Fulin around Xu Zhi, and felt that it was also good.

The new grandmaster greeted Xu Zhi with a smile, and when he looked at other people, it was still cold, and no one could bear it.

If Xu Zhi likes it, it would be nice to pick it up early.

When little thoughts turned in his head.

He also heard people screaming.

This time, Wang Zhongwang, whose weight did not improve in the game, ran into MacArthur.

Thirty-two to sixteen.

If Wang Zhongwang has the strength not inferior to Shang Qianqiu, this last fourth may stop at the 32nd place.

McLaugh, who had previously talked about laughter, couldn't laugh.

He still has a little thought.

Although you can't get the first place, if you can keep the fourth place or go to the third place, it will be a good thing.

But if it is from the fourth to the thirty-two, it is a bit uncomfortable.

On the rapidly qualifying ring, Wang Zhongwang looked calm.

He looked unhurried and looked very calm.

Compared to Wang Zhongwang, MacArthur on the opposite side is somewhat wary.

Wen Renxi's departure shocked too many people, and he was no exception.

If Wang Zhongwang also has the strength of Shang Qianqiu, he may be slammed.

If it were other Dongyue people, he would not be so cautious.

But with these two divisions going out together, the brothers and sisters have occupied the four-nation exchange competition, and no matter how cautious they are, they can't be wrong.

"Just a fight, no need to be nervous."

At this time, Wang Zhongwang also offered consolation. Shang Qianqiu defeated Wen Renxi, and the heart hung in his heart was also put down.

The strength of the two is enough to cope with this fight.

When the victory and defeat was unloaded heavily, Wang Zhongwang also settled down and became relaxed and calm.

"How did you practice?"

Seeing that his opponent was kind, MacArthur also put down a bit of caution and communicated with each other.

"I mean your sister, of course, your sister and brother?"

Thinking of Xu Zhi, Gu Yuxi, Yan Jinbai, MacArthur emphasized again.

"Get up at five o'clock in the morning, practice equipment for two hours to eat breakfast, and learn knowledge at half an hour..."

Wang Zhongwang Lang Lang came up and made MacArthur surprised.

He didn't expect Wang Zhongwang to really introduce his daily practice.

"You still have to conduct patrols and arrests every day. Is the time schedule so tight?"

From time to time, MacArthur also raised his own questions.

"Our family is poor, and we always need some way of income, and work makes me happy. I love cultivation and work. This is a healthy lifestyle."

Wang Zhongwang said very seriously that MacArthur nodded again and again.

"Little deflated calf, serious, full of nonsense."

Luo Jiahui, who was watching the battle, could not help voicing.

If the monthly income of 8,000 yuan is inspected by the Second Institute of the Inspection Department of the South Yunnan Province, the top masters can be cultivated, which is too high to see the welfare of the inspection department.

Even Xu Zhi, who is known as a demon by others, is not good.

Just like Xu Zhi, it was not a trip to take a look at the opportunity to hurry up to do business, and now even the ten-year-old Yoshiko has been sent out.

Even if he is no exception, he has begged Xu Zhi to change his sword early.

There is no special mind, and it is unscientific to rely on loving work to support cultivation.

Wang Zhongwang himself is working normally, but he has a good father.

When his son's level of cultivation was elevated, and many of his relationships were secure, no one dared to lay hands. The commercial territory of Wang Xing, which was just an ordinary person, expanded rapidly.

When new things and new environments damage many people, countless new business opportunities emerge.

Relying on the small shares occupied by the royal carriage, Wang Xing also took advantage of the shareholder style after the opening of the three generations of communications and took the Fortune Express.

Even in southern Yunnan, Luo Jiahui had heard of this ordinary businessman.

Luo Jiahui also allowed Wang Zhongwang to flee MacArthur.


It wasn't until the countdown ended that Wang Zhongwang stopped his mouth with unwillingness and saluted at MacArthur.

"Although I am very willing to be your friend, I still have to try my best to fight, come on!"

MacArthur withdrew his swords, and saw that the opposite king Wang also took out two swords, one long and one short.

Double swords versus double swords.

"The best thing we Xiuliu is good at is swords, and no one can be better than us at double swordsmanship."

When MacArthur's sword was running back and forth, he saw a sword stab across from him.

His long sword was slightly blocked, and when he fought back with his sword, he saw a white light flash in front of him, and his eyes dimmed.

"The righteous father's "yin and yang", combined with the speed reduction talents of both sides within the scope of the two kings, is really a must-have for master cultivators."

In the Xu Zhi nodded slightly.

Following the silence of Wenren Weiyang, Macron fell into silence.

Although there is a bad hunch in his heart, Macron did not expect MacArthur to be lost by the king.

A Shang Qianqiu is crazy, but the swords are layered on top of each other, and there is still a chance to fight back and kill. Anyway, Wenren loses his judgment and lacks intelligence.

But Wang Zhongwang seems to be better.

The young man had a gentle spring breeze on the outside, but when he started, it seemed like a thunder, and he would be killed in one blow.

"Only the level of masters, how can you complete the difficult skills and ability talents at the same time released without intervals.

With just one move, MacArthur felt the distance beyond reach.

Even if he came again, he was also the result of a spike.

The opponent is not a regular master top cultivator.

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