Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2003: Finalize in advance

Long swords are yang, and short swords are yin.

When a sword comes out, it is the separation of yin and yang.

Xu Zhi once wanted to incorporate Gu Changying's sword skills into what he had learned, not to mention being a sword flying fairy, and being a stick flying fairy, but eventually embarked on a very different path.

However, Gu Yuxi, who has some small rebellions and independents in his heart, did not follow Gu Changying's teachings.

In the end, it was Gu Changying who patiently taught, and Wang Zhongwang integrated the skill of this sword into what he learned.

Normally, this is a skill that the masters can use skillfully.

But after tempering, Wang Zhongwang and others are no longer master master practitioners.

Gu Changying's sword relied on imposing pressure, but also penetrated the spirit, but the investigation of many fantasy words, this is actually just a special spirit as an introduction to the ultimate blow.

And a sword flew out, supplemented by the ability talent of simultaneous speed reduction within the range, Wang Zhongwang's attack was even better than Gu Changying.

When Wang Zhong was young, he had the idea of ​​incorporating hidden weapons into his cultivation.

Now it is considered a minor success.

Compared to the silence in the meeting room, there was an uproar in the master theater area.

The upset of the top sixty-four into the top thirty-two has just burst.

In an instant, the thirty-two strongman entered the sixteenth strongman and a big upset came out.

The previous champions and runners-up Qi Qi were promoted to the grandmaster, while the third and fourth were eliminated, this time the four-nation exchange competition has no idea where to go.

"How could the Yan family be like this?"

One person's star shines, and it can be crowned for a while, making people respectable.

But the collective is so dazzling that no one can stop it. This kind of splendor can no longer be created.

While staring at Wang Zhongwang and Shang Qianqiu, some people turned their attention to the ancient bags that were eliminated from the top 128.

Some people even found out the record. The two **** horses of this year's ranking also stopped in the top 128.

In the end, this is the ability, or it is intentional.

This makes one wonder.

"Qi practice is still that practice, martial arts skills are also normal, there can be similar imitation, but why they can practice this level."

"This ability should not appear in the master stage."

In the master stage, some people will call the master of the master master a half-step guru.

Obviously, in addition to Wenrenxi, Yan's half-step guru went out one by one.

"It's true that Yan's family can stand against each other, and later present a grand scene of seven ancestors.

Someone has even thought of the future.

The peerless disciples seem to have a master who is not reliable.

In this four-country exchange match, the master seemed to be very relieved, and he didn't even come to Xiliu.

When some top experts are envious, they hate Yan Xuankong again.

This cannot be learned.

No one can learn from Yan Xuankong.

After all, when they accumulate experience, they only accumulate their only son.

"Xu Zongfu, do you have to be promoted in public after the four-country exchange game?

The old resentment and the new resentment, Wen Renweiyang looked at the Yan family who was so strong that he could not be stopped, his fingers could not help but tremble.

In terms of combat power, he can slap these master masters.

But the rules are there.

He hasn't been strong enough to cover the sky with one hand.

"The Master of the People's Congress is too worthy of them. They are still a little away from the Master. It takes about half a year to get promoted."

Xu Zhi was not humble when he answered.

If Wang Zhongwang and Shang Qianqiu really have the strength to be promoted on the spot, it will be more or less obvious.

Unless you gamble on your head to swell and lose your eyes, you should know Dongyue's confidence.

Wen Renweiyang stared at Xu Zhi for a few seconds, then turned to Huang Putu's face, and then slowly took it back.

With this kind of strength, it is still a double player formation, and the next game has little to miss.

This is an almost desperate combination.

South Australia will lose completely this time.

Whether it is the training object of the grand master family such as Margros, or the rising masters of South Australia such as the Jingmen Twelve Eyes, it is difficult to turn over.

Dongyue is not good, but South Australia loses completely, it will be more uncomfortable.

South Australians can tolerate one loss, but they will not.

The three alliance countries are not three cultivators. This involves nearly 200 million people and countless families.

Bet on fate, but fate is too bumpy.

If Tumen's loss is justifiable, what is the loss of the Union of Skad and the Union of Galt?

Fall into Dongyue's trap?

Go ahead to dangers?

Or the head is hard, one hit is not enough and another hit.

Why should I choose Dongyue such a hard bone.

In the case of Xiliu, Northern Xinjiang, or Motuo and Ying, South Australians won early.

At this time, Wen Renweiyang couldn't help but be at a loss.

Choosing Dongyue from the strategic position is the most appropriate, but losing becomes the most inappropriate.

"We will bet on the four alliance countries next time, I don’t believe in Dongyue people..."

Nancy Pi made a ruthless speech, but was then suppressed by Marguerite.

As Dongyue predicted, if you raise again, it will accumulate to one-third of South Australia's territory and territory. No one dares to bet easily.

The three alliance countries are enough for Dongyue to form a battle circle against South Australia.

If a total of seven coalition countries are lost, once the Dongyue people force these areas to mobilize, this is almost a major civil unrest in South Australia.

Dongyue hardly needs much effort to paralyze the entire South Australian Union.

Can't afford to gamble.

Margaret's face sank.

Even if the next four-nation exchange competition is held in Dongyue, Grand Masters of Dongyue will be present in large numbers, they can not have this determination.

To lose again is to kill the net and tore the international rules and choose to go to war directly.


Huang Putu on the side gave a low voice.

Bored for a long time, he has not been so happy for many years.

If this place is an empty place, he has roared up and swayed up against the sky.

"Xu Zhi, we Dongyue people are really great!"

"That's right."

Some of Uya Ye Fulin's captivating emotions alert some people.

If Dongyue has a problem, North Xinjiang will never stand idly by.

And South Australia is difficult to support being attacked by the two countries. If South Australia gives up against Dongyue, who is the next target?

Suddenly, many thoughts were different in the parliament hall.

"Aska people have less land and more people. I think it's quite suitable for some people."

Amelia said casually.

The joke that Nancy Pi suggested earlier may now become the truth.

She didn't want to add another South Australia in addition to troublesome countries like Northern Xinjiang.

When she speaks, it is inevitable that she is also a disaster.

The country of Aska has no qualifications for parliament. If there is a real upheaval, this country is a cannon fodder.

Seeing that Amelia's fate easily involved the destiny of a country, Rao Shi Xu Zhi also had to sigh with the decision that this top-level parliament can make.

Dongyue, South Australia Union State, Northern Frontier Empire, Xiliu State, Ying State, and Motuo State.

These six countries can almost determine the fate of many countries.

"Grandma Grand Master cautioned that once this example is opened, there may be only six countries left in the world."

Grand Master Salman of the Motuo Kingdom spoke.

The kingdom of Moguotu is the weakest among the six countries, and he rarely expresses his views.

It was also rare to hear him speak directly against it at this time.

When he surprised everyone, Amelia also recovered.

Today, the territory is not enough to use the Asgar country, tomorrow is not enough to use the Sri Lankan country, the day after tomorrow is not enough...

If it keeps on going, the population of more than one billion in the 23 alliance countries of South Australia can occupy almost all regions except the other five for rapid and brutal development.

"It's just to discuss, huh, huh, our parliament often bluffs, if it doesn't work, then just change one."

Amelia waved her hand and easily exposed the faulty words on her You should understand our parliament, all kinds of suggestions for the barren night talk can be mentioned, this year to the next year, next year It will be very common in the following year, and some controversial words can be used for decades," McLong said.

He refrained from the feeling of lying in his trough, and forced Amelia to go back.

The leader of the parliament is the most powerful, but it does not mean that the leader of the parliament is perfect.

In the parliament of Seiliu, Amelia's nickname is "big mouth", saying everything and doing anything blindly often causes headaches and requires all parties to round the field.

When everyone was whispering for a while, they only listened to a burst of excitement in the master field, and then all kinds of screams were exported from the field, and some people even started to smash the machine with the help of shoving.

This wave is an eight-for-four competition.

As Song Hanwen eliminated Margross and Uyabagula eliminated Wenren's twelve eyes, Master Zhu Qiangzhong had disappeared from the South Australians.

This time, the South Australians were all out of the quarterfinals.

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