Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2004: Chaotic year

As long as the champion and runner-up are not available, the gambling may not take effect.

When carefully thinking about turning, some South Australian practitioners also started to initiate a curse war.

Wenren Weiyang, Nancy Pi, and Margaret could not bear the loss, let alone others.

In the battlefield of the master, the saliva flew all around, spitting and spraying.

Situ Xuankong is right, they are also human beings, even if they have outstanding combat power, they also have the joys and sorrows of ordinary people.

When the practitioners scolded, they seemed like a vegetable market.

Some people also took the opportunity to steal the black hand, which caused even more confusion.

"Fuck! You dared to make troubles in my place again and again, the old lady didn't have the bad temper of you."

"Don't give you two ears to scrape, it's really like our Xiuliu country is a neutral area, call someone to come."

Amelia yelled loudly, when she yelled and shouted, she concealed her previous bad idea.

"Li Huaien, the first grandmaster of Dongyue, and the cassia ram of the first grandmaster of South Australia have also been caught, and we have to do it ourselves," Macron reminded.

"Ah, ah, this little thing actually requires us to take action, they have the first, our first," Amelia exclaimed.

"Dead," Ahiborn sullenly said, "I died while running the Dragon Ruins with you."

"His cultivation level is so bad that he blames me when he dies," Amelia mumbled. "I didn't see anyone die. Ye Fulin still became a grandmaster in the ruins."

"Don't say it, hurry up to maintain order, so as to avoid a melee, maybe we will have to fight here for a while."

Macron yelled, too lazy to control Amelia's muttering.

If it triggers a Grand Master War, it might be affected by Grand Master.

After that, Macron didn't want to know at all.

There are so many internal struggles in the West Liuliu, and ultimately they can only draw the contradiction outward.

If this happens normally, Amelia will definitely dance with joy.

But this is on the territory of Xiliu, or their supervisor is in control of this four-nation exchange.

If something goes wrong, the Xiuliu countries don't have to think well.

"Everyone calm down, you must calm down!"

Remind by McLong, Amelia only found some breath in the parliament room.

"Don't think about making trouble under my nose, the old lady doesn't recognize anyone when she hits."

When she warned, she especially stared at Wen Renweiyang.

Under Situ Xuankong, she, Wen Renweiyang, and Uyaturanto acted as the second echelon, and they did not obey each other.

Wen Renweiyang left them alone to challenge Situ Xuankong. Although he was used as a joke, it did not contain the meaning of not looking at them both.

At the time, Amelia focused her eyes on Wen Renwei.

"It's not a problem to make trouble below."

Wen Renweiyang looked at the center of the master theater.

Dongyue came to a few top master masters, and there were not many people in South Australia, and there were even followers.

If the masters lose, perhaps the masters will be even.

Anyway, when Yan Xuankong was promoted to Grand Master, Wang Dongwang’s life and death were unknown, and the two top masters of Dongyue would be difficult to make a big use.

And Li Huaien is an interesting person.

Wen Renweiyang looked at Li Huaien with an iron face, and he was a little bit happy in his heart.

The opponent is not only a defeated ram cassia, but also has a slight gap with the second division of the Grand Master Tantai Licheng, but it is slightly better than the third Australian Grand Master Kilidorung.

If it is a general master, there are few public records with the masters of other countries.

But Li Huaien is different.

Li Huaien had a relationship with Ram's younger sister Ram Yangyu.

And Gong Yangyu later inexplicably married Dantai Licheng.

In this circle of grudges, there have been many gossips that have made the older generation still talk about it.

There was no lack of fighting, just a few times, Li Huaien never won.

"Brother Huan, I heard from the senior officials of your country, you can pick the hard beats you can beat, the second master of Nan'ao in Xiaodi District is second, you first master of Dongyue should quickly get out of hand, don't waste my miles. Hurry up outside."

Ram cassia stands in front of many South Australian cultivators, Dantai Licheng is on his side, followed by Qili Duolong and other South Australian cultivators.

"Dantai Licheng, you hypocrite."

"Brother Huan, I am just a normal person, neither a gentleman nor a villain." Dantai Licheng sneered and said: "In the love scene, I saw that my favorite woman did not take the initiative to pursue, but also waited Do people send it upside down?"


Dantai Licheng said something, and heard Li Huaien's hands shaking a little.

Youdao is an old grudge and a new grudge. If you want to provoke a little contradiction and dig up those old things, you can always stir up the anger in your heart.

Li Huaien is no exception.

Things in those days were thick strokes in each other's lives

"You are too pedantic, you don't know the initiative at all, the concept is old, and Yu Yu finally looks down on you," Dantai Licheng sneered.

"If it weren't for you hypocrite to lay your hands horizontally and make a terrier from it, would Li Huaien lose Yu Yu," Li Huaien cursed.

"Don't talk about these petty things again."

The Ram cassia standing in the forefront was obviously displeased. He stared at Dantai Licheng fiercely, and the other side closed his mouth, and then looked at Li Huaien.

"Those years were chaotic years, and it was inevitable that some of the children's love and heroism were short of breath, and now it has been calm for decades, and it seems difficult to suppress it anymore."

"Since there is war masters compete, why do not we compared high and low in the master war."

Rams Cassia eyes looked toward Dongyue one male congregation.

South Australia to the master top expert, Dongyue also big show.

In addition to the incumbent of Seabuckthorn Dongyue master first, Jiao Huang, Wang Dongyang, Lin Ruien, Locke, Chen Wan and other top ten master impressively.

Seats Dongyue, only a few of the top ten large military experts did not master the four countries to exchange arena.

"Still a majority as the year the border, five on five, who pumped who count, do not count casualties, the fate of losers" Rams Cassia cold channel.

"You have transcendent status, why should they come back this trip muddy water, then the number of people killed or injured border majority, is heavily tragedy, hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded in recent military, countless families were broken."

Of Seabuckthorn looked almost became his own brother-top players, a look of bitterness.

"For my generation to practice defending the homeland, now home to break out of the country, I Cassia swallow."

Rams Cassia hands clutching a long stick, his face hair flying, can not hide the anger between the eyebrow color.

Dongyue's win, South Australia is mourning.

Figure what the Union State militaristic, as the front line against Dongyue, is not developed, the need to continue assistance between the Union State, belonging to a great burden of a drag, if threw Dongyue, how much will the other be dragged into the water.

But Sijia De Galt Union State and the Union State on the part of the kingdom of ~ ~ large population of these countries, military workers and peasants, many industries are more developed, and even some of the industry is still very distinctive in South Australia, is a very important country.

But after the event, these two important countries to split out.

Always with the gas branch of South Australia Union countries, starting from the drawing what the Union State, the split began, and now Yuyan Yu Sheng.

Rams Cassia do not know how to end this matter eventually.

He is clear that he is difficult to prevent the uppermost opinion, this also lacked the international competitions, he will end up vent hatred.

Dongyue who want to take these countries, can not help but have to pay a price.

For example, the master blood.

"Random pick, South Australia a wrinkled brow count of people we lost."

With the Rams Cassia pointing to some large South Australia practitioners slowly he stood up, shouted routed to the forefront.

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